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Results 36451-36460 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Things reserved for the Use of the Estate & not sold No. 1. An Anchor £ 1. 2.   5. An Applemill 1. 8.   4. 4 Pots & Pothooks 2.  .   6. Augers Coopers & other Axes Millpecks &c. 5.  .   7. 1 Do & a Collar & hames . 1. 6 8. 76 Awlblades . 1. 8
The last week I had the pleasure of seeing Genl Lincoln, from whom I learnt, that You had been so obliging as to send me trees by his vessel, put into a tub or tubs with earth, to preserve them, till the season admits of their being planted. Your Excellency will be pleased to receive my most hearty thanks for this fresh proof of friendship. Believe I shall make an offer of them to Genl...
Words cannot express my present sensations, a heart overflowing with joy at the success of conscience over disposition is all I have to give—Dearest Sir did you but know the effect your letter has produced it would give you as consummate pleasure, as my former one did pain —My very soul tortured with the sting of conscience at length called reason to its aid and happy for me triumphed, the...
3645412 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Rambled about all Day, gaping and gazing.
Your favor of the 19th of December last did not get to my hands till yesterday: the inclosed letter will explain the occasion of the delay. I am very much concerned that this should have happened, as it has hitherto deprived me of the power of complying with your request. I will immediately see the land you mention, which is at no great distance from hence; and, after having viewed it, will...
My return home was delayed ’till a few days past. Upon going to the Custom House, I found that your box had been entered by Mr. Patrick Hart of Richmond. The collector informed me that it was the design of Mr. Hart to forward it by the first safe opportunity—consequently I had been deprived of the pleasure of executing your commission—nor should you now be troubled with this scrawl, but to...
Will you be so good as to consult with the other members of the administration on the allowance to be made to Govr. Claiborne? There are several elements of consideration to be attended to, towit, as to his character 1. as Governor of Missisipi. 2. Commissioner for the receipt of Louisiana. 3. as Governor of Louisiana: as to the funds from which his compensation is to be taken, to wit 1. the...
I have recd. your letter of the 19th. inclosing a specification of the contents of a work you are about to publish. The topics you have selected will afford ample scope for information and observations on the State of this Country. An eye which is aquainted with Europe will be best able to mark such features of America, as will present a comparative view doing justice to one without injustice...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme super Cargue du navire Le Camberwell cape. Silas Ewers armé de dix Canons & pret a partir pour le dit lieu au premier tems favorable, j’ai crû devoir retarder mon depart de quelques jours dans l’espoir d’une heureuse paix prochaine & ne pas exposer les interets de ceux qui m’ont accordé leur Confiance avant d’en avoir la Certitude; Nous trouvant...
Summary ( LC : Madison Miscellany). The summary is copied from a calendar, probably prepared about 1850 by Peter Force’s clerk. He noted that the letter was addressed “to James Madison” and the manuscript consisted of “1 page folio.” Mr. Pendleton’s reply to Madisons objection to his plan of paying public creditors. Consuls and Superintendents of Trade preferable to Foreign Ministers. JM’s...