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Results 36451-36500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your Reputation as a Scientific Character is great, but my visit to Monticello not long since;...
Your letters of Sep. 15. & Oct. 1. have been duly recieved & I sincerely congratulate you on the...
I have the honor to transmit to you, a Resolution of both Houses of the Legislature of this...
When we lament the loss of so worthy a Citizen as Mr. Kilgore, and many Anxious Characters to...
Major Newtons letters of the 4th. & 5th. are enclosed. I have the honor to be with the highest...
On my arrival here I found your favor of Sep. 30. on the subject of the wines & liqueurs arrived...
To Capt. William Dandridge and the Henrico junior Volunteer infantry attached to the 33d....
The demise of the Register of the Land Office for the District of Cincinnati, having very...
The offer of your service in support of the rights of your country merits & meets the highest...
Permit me, without an unnecessary Preface, to present myself to you as a Candidate for the office...
To Thomas Jefferson Esqr., President of the United States of America.— The petition of the...
An indisposition which has followed me into this country, and attacked me with slight fevers and...
The letters of your excellency this day received, has induced me to transmit, my little work, I...
In my respects of the 25th. ultimo, I mention’d that certain goods brought by american vessels...
Les derniers evenements suivis dans l’affaire des Héritiers de M. de Beaumarchais engagent...
I have the honour of inclosing to you two letters from Mr. P: Provenchere of Louisiana which I...
I beg your pardon for not having enclosed Major Newtons letter of the 30th. of Sept: as mentioned...
You will receive inclosed Major Newtons letter of the 3rd. instant. I am with the highest respect...
With deference and at the request of several friends engaged in supporting the principles which...
At a meeting of the Vestry of Washington Parish on Thursday Augt. 20 1807 it was—Resolved that...
The office of Register of the Land Office for this district having recently become vacant by the...
I have just received the inclosed from Bordeaux & presuming it may be interesting for you to see...
I wrote you the 26. Aug. lst. Pr America, 2nd Pr Resistance; both via New York. To judge by the...
It is my duty to advise you that slaves escaping from the Territory of the United States to the...
We deem it our duty to suggest for consideration the expediency of making provision for appeals...
I now forward Major Newton’s letters of the 30th of September, and of the 1st. and 2nd of this...
The death of Charles Kilgore Register of the Land Office here, having caused a vacancy, I take...
I was informed by the inhabi tants of Christian County in the State of Ken tucky that those two...
I recieved last night yours of the 2d. on my arrival here on the 3d. I found the Stylograph with...
I now inclose you an order of the bank US. of this place on that at Norfolk for five hundred...
The office of register of the land office at Cincinnati having become vacant by the death of Mr....
I have the pleasure to introduce to your acquaintance Doctor Tiffin my friend & successer in the...
I have to request that you cause a warrant to be issued, payable out of the appropriations for...
I inclose you an Invoice and bill of lading of part of the articles you sent for: the Cream of...
As Any informations however small may be of service in the present critical position of our...
Go to Hell you damn’d Buggur —Go to hell— DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The last evening in which I saw you, you asked whether it would not answer my purpose if you let...
We have finished two large windows of this house with Venetian blinds in the place of window...
Although extremely unwilling to intrude upon your precious time, or to call off your attention...
I arrived here yesterday morning according to expectation. when at Songster’s the overnight, I...
I had the honor to address you on the 25th. Ulto., with the transcript of a note, furnished me by...
You will recollect that about eighteen months past, I had the honor of addressing you on the...
B. Henry Latrobe presents his most respectful compliments to the President of the UStates, & begs...
I have the honor to tender to You the services of myself and the Company of Grenadiers which I...
I wish to know whether it would be consistant with the dignity of your Excellency for me to have...
The confusion exhibited in this place increa ses every day & which is by no means lessened by the...
I had the honour to write you a short letter on the 25th of July last, since which I have recd....
I have postponed writing to Your Excellency, in the fond hope that the Yellow fever would have...
I have the honor to enclose you herewith a letter from Mr Aw. Hadfig whom I found acting here as...
Having formerly had the Honor of being in correspondence with the Government of the American...