Alfred H. Dashiell to Thomas Jefferson, September 1818
From Alfred H. Dashiell
Septr 1818
Permit me for one moment to obtrude myself on yr notice.—Being about to establish an Academy near Balto I am anxious to secure all means of success. As you were pleased to express a favourable opinion of the School near N London, & did me the honour of placing yr grandson under my care, could you send me a line wh I might give to the publick as a recommendation?.—
Excuse, Sir, the liberty I have taken. But the experience of yr politeness, & yr known benevolence, induced me to make a request of extreme delicacy.—
I remain, Sir, with great respect,
A H Dashiell
P.S. A line addressed to Ellicotts Mills, Md will be recd—
RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 213:38091); partially dated; adjacent to closing: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 19 Oct. 1818 and so recorded in SJL.
Alfred Henry Dashiell (1793–1881), clergyman and educator, was a native of Kent County, Maryland, who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1811. He read law with William Pinkney but turned to the ministry and was ordained in the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland in 1814. Dashiell moved to Virginia in 1817 and taught at the New London Academy but returned to Maryland late the following year and soon became a Presbyterian clergyman, serving churches in Philadelphia, Illinois, Tennessee, and New York. He was president of the Nashville Female Academy and later of Caldwell College in Rogersville, Tennessee. When the Presbyterian Church split after Southern secession, Dashiell remained loyal to the Union. He died in Brooklyn, New York (History of the Presbyterian Church, in the State of Illinois [1879], 1:217–8; Ethan Allen, Clergy in Maryland of the Protestant Episcopal Church since the independence of 1783 [1860], 30; American Education Society, Quarterly Register and Journal 1 [1829]: 53; American Educational Year-Book [1858]; 203; Philadelphia Inquirer, 21 Mar. 1881; gravestone inscription in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn).
, 27; Augustus Theodore Norton,Index Entries
- Dashiell, Alfred Henry; and New London Academy search
- Dashiell, Alfred Henry; identified search
- Dashiell, Alfred Henry; letters from search
- Dashiell, Alfred Henry; seeks recommendation search
- Eppes, Francis Wayles (TJ’s grandson); education of, at New London Academy search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation to search
- New London, Va.; academy at search
- patronage; letters of application and recommendation to TJ search
- schools and colleges; New London Academy search