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Results 36431-36440 of 184,431 sorted by author
Monsieur Jeffersonne peut il procurer a M.M. Dangirard et De Vernon une lettre de recommandation pour Mr. Barnister a qui çes M.M. écriroient alors sous les auspiçes de Monsieur L’ambassadeur. M. Barnister pourroit il se charger de la procuration de ces M.M. et Monsieur Jeffersonne veut il bien nous faire passer la note de ses noms de baptême qualité et demeure. La somme principale duë...
Paris , “ Rue macon St. André No. 1 [ 5 ?].” 4 May 1791 . He encloses an important mémoire on the manufacture of arms about which TJ knows, and the report of a commission named by the Academy of Sciences at the invitation of the Minister of War to examine locks and the new means of manufacture employed to achieve identity of form and precision in the parts of locks, “ ce qui fait le précieux...
The occasion of our addressing you the present is to inform you, that we have to our Consignment a Vessel from New York, named the New York, Thomas Smith Master, which Vessel arrived here in October last, when he discharged some of his hands, & being now, on departure, stands in need of others; which he can get, but as our States at the beginning of the late War published an Ordonance, that no...
Having been disappointed in my application to the Comissioners in this City it is therefore necessary that I shou’d have a Copy of the Judgement obtained in my favour against the Commonwealth of Virginia in Dunwoody County.— The Judgement was obtained in April 1798.—The Copy is to be directed to the Governor of Nova Scotia. I am Sir with due Respect Your Obdt. RC ( DLC ); in unidentified hand,...
I beaged leve of the presardent and the governor and counsil of the State of verginia to no what objaction they had against the judgment as I obtained against the Commonweth in philadelphia in thee year of 1798 april and to sarterfiy from under ther hands and upon this paper what objaction and to send and anser up on this paper to the british counsil in norfolk towen for mee and I beaged leve...
The Legislature of Virginia at its last Session, passed an act authorising the erection of a Toll Bridge across James River at this place, The Board of managers appointed by that act, desirous to obtain such information as will enable them to have the work executed on an approved and permanent Plan, nominated the undersigned a Committee to correspond with Gentlemen conversant with subjects of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall be oblidg’d to you for letting me know what the Paper I have had from you Comes to also to make up the Quantity 100 Reams. Pray let me know as Soon as possible about your Supplying me constantly as I am obligated to wait your answer persuant to your Desire. I am, Sir Your Most humble Servant Inclos’d I send you Some News Papers. Addressed: To /...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Receiv’d 10 Rm. of Paper for which I am Greatly Oblig’d to you for as it Came very Opportunitely. I Beg you will be Kind Enough to Send per first Oppertunity 50 Rm. More of the Like kind as Also (in persuance to my former Letters) a Sheet of Each Sort You Make, I beg Leave to Remind You once More of Sending Me the Rest of my Order as I am Realy much in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In my Last of the 12th Ultimo I made proposal for Dealing with you for paper which if Convenient should be glad you would be as Expeditious as possible in Sending me the 50 Rms. of Demy Paper I wrote for as also a Sheet of Each sort of writing or printing paper you make with the prices per Rm. wrote on Each sheet as I am taking some things in hand for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my Last to you I received your Favour advising of not receiving my paper which I assure Is not oweing to any Neglect as I Never Fail Sending them and am very Sorry they do not Come to your hands, for the Future shall Give more particular directions to the Captain that Carries them, I am Gentlemen Your most Humble Servant Addressed: To  Messrs....