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Results 3641-3650 of 184,431 sorted by author
3641Decr. 28th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Cranch last fryday night discovered some Instances of his skill at a Bargain. He agreed to give Greenleaf £120 old Ten or for his Chaise. The Chaise is old, the Leather damnifyed thro careless Usage, the Wheels almost ruined, the spokes being loose &c., but G. asked that Price and he could not beat him down, he could not ask him to take less, because G. was poor, and it would look like...
The Apostle Paul in the 11th. Chapter and 5th. Verse, of his Epistle to the Hebrews, Says “ Πίστεί ἐνωχ μετετέθη τοῦ μὴ ἰδεῖν θάνατον· καὶ οὐχ εὑρίσκετο, διότι μετέθηκεν αὐτον ὁ θεός. πρὸ γὰρ τῆς μεταθέσεως αὐτου μεμαρτύρηται εὐηρεστηκέναι τω θεῶ .” The Apostle Jude, in the 6th. Verse of his Epistle, Says, Αγγέλους τε τοὺς μὴ τηρήσαντας τὴν εαυτῶν αρχὴν, ἀλλὰ ἀπολιπόντας τὸν ἴδιον οἰκητήριον,...
3643Oct. 17. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Began my Journey to Paris from the Hague, dined at Harlem and drank Tea at five O Clock at Amsterdam. Paid Mr. Bromfield 200 Ducats 1050 Guilders and took his Receipt upon Account.... Met Mr. Willink upon the Road, going to the Hague, with a Lady. He has left for me a Letter of Credit upon Paris, unlimited. He wished my Journey to Paris might have a Tendency towards Peace. Suspension points in...
Wednesday, September 25. 1776. Two Letters from General Lee; one of the 24th. of August to the President, the other of the 27 of the same Month to the board of War, both dated at Savannah, being received, were read. Congress took into Consideration the Report of the Board of War, whereupon Resolved &c. These Resolutions fill two Pages of the Journal. JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds.,...
I thank you for your kind Letter of Decr. 30 and above all for the gift of a precious vol—It is a chain of diamonds set in links of Gold—I have never heard or read a volume of sermons better calculated or adapted to the age and country in which it was written—How different from the sermons I heard and read in the town of Worcester from the year 1755 to 1758 As my destiny in life has been some...
I have received two pretty Letters from you, and know not how to account for my own delay in answering either of them till this Time. That of the 21st of January is now before me, and is dated. Give my Love to your Brother, and tell him, he forgot to give any date to his. For your Comfort and Georges too, I can tell you, that you write as well as your Father did at your Age. But what a Writer...
I see by your favour of May 10th that we must all grow Old—but you have not yet experienced one tenth part of the Infirmitys of Old Age—I am very glad your Physician promises you, that all will be well In your Researches do you find any Evidence of Persecutions of Quakers Anabaptists Witches or any–other Sectary’s amongst your Primitive Dutch Settle’rs in New–york—or amongst the cortier...
Cheesman has at length arrived and I have rec d my Trunk in much better order than I expected. The People here are much cooler than they were last Week. The Embargo begins to be felt by many who have been the most noisy and turbulent. Speculation mingles itself in every political Operation and many Merchants have already made a noble Spec. of the Embargo by raising their Prices: but the...
Mr. Bedford put into my Hand this Moment a Card from you, containing a Reprehension for the past, and a Requisition for the Time to come. For the past I kiss the Rod: but from complying with the Requision at least one Part of it, I must be excused. I have no Objection to writing you Facts, but I would not meddle with Characters, for the World. A burn’d Child dreads the Fire. I have Smarted to...
36501774. Fryday. Sept. 23. (Adams Papers)
Walked along Second Street Southward, untill I got out of the City into the Country. The Uniformity of this City is dissagreable to some.— I like it. Dined with the late C hief Justice Allen—with all the Gentlemen from North Carolina, and Mr. Hambleton Hamilton , late Governor— and Mr. Andrew Allen Attorney General. We had much Conversation, about Mr. Franklin. The C hief J ustice and Attorney...