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Results 36331-36360 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The humble petition of Stephen Delano Mariner respectfully Sheweth: That in the month of May last...
At the time you first addressed me upon the subject of a tract of land now possessed by me, to...
I duly recieved your present of Sickel’s pears, most of them in their highest point of...
I have nothing better to send you than an old song, but indeed I could send you nothing better....
When I settled here with mr Shoemaker, I told him you had informed me you had an order on me from...
Perceiving in the manifest of the Brig Louisiana from Leghorn; that three small casks of wine...
As peace is our favorite object, as it is not intended to excite Congress to a declaration of...
Th Jefferson returns to mrs Smith the two little volumes of poems with the thanks of the family...
I now acknowledge your several letters of Feby 8. March 17 April 8. June 20. July 13 & 26th. If...
It is with grief unutterable I communicate to you the painful intelligence that ere you receive...
I have received since my last of July 15 your letters of May 12th. June 4. 7. 26. July 12. 24....
All the Cruizers except the Galatea Capt. Sears on this station who disapproved of the Conduct of...
As Mr. Bowdoin has chosen to relinquish his public appointment, and to return to the...
I have the Honor to request the serious Attention of the Government of the United States to a...
I am entirely uninformed of the nature of mr John Peyton’s account, as also of that of Cooper. I...
I recieved last night a Diploma from the Linnaean society of Philadelphia, doing me the honor of...
Since I had the honor of speaking to you on the subject of the satisfaction demanded from Great...
I wrote to mr Jefferson, on my arrival here, to forward 1000 ℔ of lead to Monticello, and...
Two men have been taken up in Kentucky and are confined, on suspicion, merely because they cannot...
I am informed that Charles Killgore Esqr. who kept the land office in Cincinnatti Departed this...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 8th. instant, covering, at the request of the General...
We arrived safe at Providence on the Evening of the day when we took leave of you in Boston; and...
The case of the Batture has given rise to a warm Newspaper discussion, which for the present...
I forwarded to mr Smith, Secretary of the Navy, an extract of so much of my letter to you of Aug....
Sir, in the sheet received & returned yesterday, I took the liberty of noting with a pencel one...
The statement which Major Bruff made to the Government of my knowing something of the views of...
If you could call on me conveniently this forenoon, mr Smith will meet you here, with an entire...
As an enemy to misrepresentation, I feel myself called upon to contradict, in a respectful...
A report that, Col. Patton is, or, will be appointed to the Office of Postmaster General, lately...
I was honored with your’s of last year, Dated Octr 25th. and have used my best endeavours to...