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Results 361-370 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
361Octr. 17th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
I began Lancelotts Institute last Jany., and have read no farther than Lib er 3. Ti tulus 8. De Exceptionibus et Replicationibus. This entry, the second so dated, is from D/JA/4, JA ’s journal of studies.
362Octr. 18th. 1761. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Arose at 6. Read in Popes Satyrs. Nil Admirari &c. I last night read thro, both of Dr. Donnes Satyrs versifyed by Pope. Was most struck with these Lines Bear me some God! Oh! quickly bear me hence To wholsome solitude the Nurse of sense Where Contemplation prunes her ruffled Wings And the free soul looks down to pitty Kings. Prayer! A post ulant —Hands uplifted, and Eyes. A very proper Prayer...
363[November 1761] (Adams Papers)
Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The Increase of my Business, within 12ve months, has been nothing. I drew fewer Writs last October Court than I drew the October Court before, tho I drew an uncommon Number at both.—Yet I have advanced a few Steps. Have procured my Brother, his office, abated Nathan Spears Writ, Battled it with Capt....
364Novr. 10th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The Increase of my Business, within 12ve months, has been nothing. I drew fewer Writs last October Court than I drew the October Court before, tho I drew an uncommon Number at both.—Yet I have advanced a few Steps. Have procured my Brother, his office, abated Nathan Spears Writ, Battled it with Capt....
365Novr. 14th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Brother Quincy and I were Sworn, before the Superiour Court. It is now more than five Years since I began the study of the Law. And it is about three Years, since I was sworn at the Inferiour Court. “Upon a motion made by Jeremy Gridley Esqr. the Oath of an Attorney by the province Law prescribed was administred to Messrs. Samuel Quincy and John Adams in Order to their practising in this...
366Novr. 20th. 1761. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This day removed to my Chamber, and made a Fire. The Forenoon was Spent in Conversation with Zab, in walking to Dr. Turners, and up Pens Hill, and this afternoon in Conversation with Grindal Rawson and Zab at Mrs. Marshes. Yet I have caught several snatches of Reading and Thinking, in Blackstone, Gilbert &c. But I, as usual, expect great Things from this Chamber, and this Winter. This entry...
367[June 1762] (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bass’s to Secretary Olivers, in Company with Judge Oliver. The Judge soon opened upon Politicks. Says he, Major Stock-bridge informs me, that Coll. Ruggles makes a very good Speaker. He has behaved to universal approbation. Soon afterwards, the Judge said, I never knew so easy an Election in my Life. Some of the Bar interest themselves, very much in the Matter. One Gentleman has...
368June 5th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bass’s to Secretary Olivers, in Company with Judge Oliver. The Judge soon opened upon Politicks. Says he, Major Stock-bridge informs me, that Coll. Ruggles makes a very good Speaker. He has behaved to universal approbation. Soon afterwards, the Judge said, I never knew so easy an Election in my Life. Some of the Bar interest themselves, very much in the Matter. One Gentleman has...
369June 8th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Went to Taunton Court. To the Land of Leonards. Three Judges of the Common Pleas of that Name, each of whom has a Son, who was bred at a Colledge. The Honl. George Leonard, the first Justice, seems to me arbitrary. He committed two old Gentlemen who were near 80 Years old, to the Custody of an officer, only for speaking loud, when they were both deaf and not conscious that they did speak loud....
370[August 1762] (Adams Papers)
Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis. Yesterday I found in some of Crafts Books of Heraldry, a Coat of Arms given by Garter, King at Arms, about 130 Years ago, to one William Adams of the Middle Temple, Counsellor at Law. It consists of Three Martlets sable, on a Bend between two O’s—bezants. Jus et Libertas. Jus suum cuique...