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Results 361-390 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have recd. the Copy of your Speech on "the removal of the Deposits," kindly forwarded in...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. with a Copy of the "System of Education, proposed for the...
Col Wm. F Gray having been unfortunate in his business has been compelled to make an assignment...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 6th. instant, enclosing a letter...
I take the liberty of handing to you a plan for adjusting the "vexed question" which is now...
Your letter to Major Lee was immediately sent to him. The few lines which accompanied it gave me...
At a special meeting of the members of the US. Naval Lyceum holden at this place, you were...
J. Madison, with his respects & regards to Mr. Southard, thanks him for the copy of his speech...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. McLane, and asks the favor of him to let the inclosed...
The interest you have always manifested in the interesting Subject of education induces me to...
Your letter of ——— was duly received, and the enclosed paper complies with the request which it...
I have received your letter of Decr. 31st. and enclose a sketch on the Subject of it, made out by...
It being intimated that an autographic specimen from me, as from some others of my Countrymen,...
At a stated meeting of the United States Naval Lyceum, held on the Twenty eighth day of January...
The aspect of our Publick affairs, is of so critical a nature, as to induce me again to address...
(promissory note) $1000. days after date, for value received I promise to pay to the order of...
I have recd. your letter of the 23d., requesting in behalf of Mr. Jennings such information as I...
Office of the Colonization Society This certifies that the Hon. Daniel Waldo is a Member for...
Aleck will deliver you a box addressed to Mr. Governeur, New York. It contains books for the...
I have recd. my dear Cousin and amiable friend, your letter of the 18th. with the renewed...
In compliance with your request I have procured a copy of Gen: Armstrongs letter to Gen: Jackson,...
J Madison with his respects & regards to Mr. Gouverneur informs him, that he has, as authorized...
Mr Robert C Jennings in whose behalf I am engaged about the Settlement of his accounts with the...
J. Madison presents his respects to Dr. Thomas L. Smith, Librarian, to the "Naval Lyceum" at N....
  private I have recd. your letter of the 7th. inst. It is one added to a number which had led me...
I have recd. the Copy of your Introductory Lecture before the "Mechanics’ Institute" of the City...
I have received your letter of the 14th inst. and am very sorry that I am unable to throw any...
Presuming that the rules of the Bank require a new Note for the continuance of its discounts, I...
I have this moment had the honour to receive your letter covering copies of a variety of my...
I will offer no other apology for troubling you with a letter exclusively concerning my own...