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Results 3601-3650 of 184,431 sorted by author
I nominate Jeremiah Smith of New Hampshire to be Attorney of the United States for that district, in the room of Edward St. Loe Livermore resigned William Willis a Native Citizen of the United States, to be their Consul for the Republic of Venice Frederick H. Wallaston of a mercantile House established at Genoa to be Consul of the United States for that Republic James Leander Cathcart a...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The Moments we live in, are critical and may be improved, perhaps to advantage, for which purpose I beg Leave to propose to your Consideration, whether it is not proper for Us to write to Mr Dana at Petersbourg, acquaint him with the Signature of the Preliminaries, inclose to him an authentic Copy of them and advise him to...
Permit me to introduce to you Mr. Richard Cranch Norton, a young Gentleman of liberal Education at our old Alma Mater. His name will inform you of his genuine puritanical blood. He is a nephew of your neighbor Chief Justice Cranch. He has a brother whose name is Edward Norton and both of them Sons of a Learned Divine of Weymouth, whose Orthodoxy can be surely no impeachment of his Patriotism....
3604May 15 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Grands, with all the Americans, in Paris. William Greene gives in his travel journal a detailed account of this “very jovial” dinner, a list of the “brilliant company” present, and even an explanation of the name of the Grands’ residence in Passy, La Chaise: “One time when [Louis XV] was a hunting, he had occasion to ease himself, a person brought him a necessary chair, he said...
To the Sheriff of our county of Cumberland his under-Sheriff or Deputy, Greeting. We command You that You summon Richard King of Scarborough in our County of Cumberland Esqr. (if he may be found in your precinct) to appear before our Justices of our Superior Court of Judicature Court of Assize and general Goal delivery to be holden at Falmouth within said county of Cumberland and for the...
Mr. Tracy and Mr Swift and the other testimonies in your letter of the 22d are sufficient to justify the list of appointments in the 13th regiment which you have sent me, which list with all the papers I return. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
The Processions were less brillant than ordinary on Account of the Storm. Went with Mr. Hartley in his Carriage to Passy where he made his Propositions for the Definitive Treaty. We had a long Conversation about De Fonte’s Voyage from Peru to Hudsons Bay. He says he found an Inlet and a River which he entered, and navigated untill he came to a Lake in which he left his Ship and followed the...
Yours of 12 Oct. We have received, by which We learn that foreign affairs were under Consideration. Mr. D. had wrote on 14 Sept. that they were then under Consideration. From the Time taken We have reason to Expect they will be well digested. There are great Expectations here among the interested. Mr. D and others have written in a manner which makes it expected that one will be left alone...
Two days ago, I was very agreably surprized by a Letter from you, which was acceptable both for the important public Intelligence it contained and as it informed me of your Escape from Boston. I had suffered much Anxiety, on Account of yourself and your Family, supposing you were confined in Town and subject to I knew not what Inconveniences or Indignities. I cant yet learn that Mr. Boylstone,...
I received yesterday your favor of the 15th, and thank you for your Extracts from Mr: Pitcairns Letter of the 17th of September— He seemed to hope and to expect that the Directory would agree to a peace, as a means of quieting the people, for the exertion of the 4th of Septr:— but the directory appear to be of a different opinion—They seem to think that a Continuance of War, abroad, is the...
Thanks for your favour of the 12th of last month. The momentous Information is Since confirmed. As to the Bonds, I have little to Say. It is best to pardon them, upon the whole. The pressure is really hard, very hard upon our Cities and the Countries about them, and the agitation of Mind very great. The foundation of an American Navy, which I presume is now established by Law, is a grand Æra...
3612[November 1774] (Adams Papers)
Left Brother Paine at New York to go by the Packett to New Port. Rode to Cocks at Kings bridge to break fast, to Havilands at Rye to Dinner, and to Knaps at Horse Neck in Greenwich to lodge. Rode to Bulkleys at Fairfield to dinner, and to Captn. Benjamins of Stratford to lodge. We design to Great Swamp to day. 42 miles. At Newhaven, Coll. Dyer, Deane and Sherman, Mr. Parsons, the new Speaker...
There are many things which deserve to be maturely considered before the meeting of congress. I shall mention two or three at present, concerning which I pray you to take as early measures as possible to obtain the advice of the heads of departments. One of them is, whether it will be expedient for the president to recommend to the consideration of congress a declaration of war against France....
36141771. Tuesday June 11. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Kibbys at Somers but got caught in the Rain—very heavy plentifull Showers—I was much wet. Thus I have hitherto had not very good Luck upon my homeward bound Voyage. Dined at Kibbys and then rode over the Mountain to Stafford, went to the Spring and drank of the Waters with a Gentleman from New Jersey, who was there, with a Servant. Dr. McKinstry was gone to Brookfield, to accompany Mr....
I mentioned in a former letter that Congress had separated from me my friend, Mr. Dana, and sent him as a public minister to the court of Russia, from whence he communicated to me the following correspondence. A Letter from the French Minister at St. Petersburgh, to Mr. Dana, St. Petersburgh, August 22, O. S. 1781. Sept. 2, N. S. Sir , I have received the letter which you did me the honor to...
I nominate The Honourable John Sloss Hobart Esqr to be Judge of the District of New York in the Place of Robert Troup Esqr resigned. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have received yours of the first of this Instant and am glad to find you have me still in Remembrance. I wrote you some time ago, and ventured to acquaint you with the appointment of fifty dollars a Month to the Judge Advocate for himself and his Clerk, to commence from his first appointment. This I hope you received. I feel more anxious about Letters than formerly as you may well imagine....
I think it will be expedient to lay before congress, on the second day of the session, all the papers which relate to the embassy to France, that they may be printed together, & the public enabled to judge from correct and authentic documents. To this end I request you to order copies to be made of your letter to Mr. Murray & his answer, of his letter to Talleyrand & his answer which should be...
The inclosed Extracts, are of So much Importance, that I send them to you, for your opinion whether it is prudent to communicate them to the Russian Minister, or not. The Intelligence is such that I can make no official Communication. If you think it will do any good, and no harm or at least more good than harm, you may communicate it in Confidence to Friends. Mr. Dana’s Commission, which...
An edict of the Executive directory of the French republic of the twenty ninth of October 1798, inclosed in a letter from our minister plenipotentiary in London, of the sixteenth of November, is of so much importance, that it cannot be too soon communicated to you & to the public DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Your advice “to reconcile myself to the Thought that Justice may not be done me, till I am dead” is friendly. I am not however apprehensive of Injustice living or dead. I am not ambitious of a Reputation for great Talents or Splendid Actions, with the present Age or with Posterity. The great Anxiety of my Life, has been to do my Duty and avoid just Reproach. and I know very well, that my Life...
Passy, 12 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:96–97 . Replying to Vernon’s letter of 10 April (above), Adams commended Vernon for his decision to reside at Bordeaux, a rich commercial center. JA referred him to John Bondfield for advice about which commercial house he should choose...
I had prepared a memorial to the states general according to my instructions, but as the French ambassador procrastinated and the prospect of a negociation for peace with England opened, I grew daily more and more indifferent about the triple or quadruple alliance, and said no more upon the subject. The project which was written but never presented, was in these words: High and mighty lords,...
I am happy to find by your favor of the 23 d. that You are safely arrived after a good Journey. It is best I believe that nothing should be said between You two about the Affair in which both have been perfectly innocent. If You go I wish You a good Journey, but cannot warrant You against fresh troubles—for neither the Innocence nor Virtue of Angels would be a Security against them in a World,...
3625July 18 1796. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Billings is at hoe. The Kitchen Folk say he is steady. A terrible drunken distracted Week he has made of the last. A Beast associating with the worst Beasts in the Neighborhood. Drunk with John Cope­ land, Seth Bass &c. Hurried as if possessed, like Robert the Coachman, or Turner the Stocking Weaver. Running to all the Shops and private Houses swilling Brandy, Wine and Cyder in quantities...
I have received a Letter from my Friend General Warren of Milton Hill near Boston, acquainting me, that Congress have it in Contemplation to appoint their Ministers Consuls General, or rather to give them Authority to appoint Consuls, and that you are to have the nomination of that officer for Lisbon, that his son Winslow Warren, went sometime ago and settled at Lisbon, partly upon Some...
Permit me to introduce to you Mr Ticknor and his Lady. This Gentleman is a Professor at our University in Cambridge, and one of the most conspicuous Literary Characters in this State, he has been for several years intimately acquainted with Mr Jefferson, and is highly esteemed by him. I believe he has been acquainted with Mr Madison he proposes to visit Montpelier as well as Montecello in the...
Paris, 27 March 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 361–364). In this letter, received by Congress on 31 July and read on 1 Aug., John Adams wrote that war “is now generally considered as a Contest of Finances; so that the Nation which can the longest find Money to carry on the War, can generally hold out the longest.” Adams believed that Great Britain, because of its heavy taxation since 1774, had...
Education, which you brought into View in one of your Letters; is a subject so vast, and the systems of Writers are, So various and so contradictory: that human Life is too short to examine it: and a Man must die before he can learn to bring up his Children. The Phylosophers, Divines, Politicians and Pædagogues, who have published their Theories and Practices, in this apartment are without...
Your Letter of the 19 of October from London gave me great Joy and all your other Friends of whom you have many much Pleasure— And I was again highly delighted to hear from M r Jay that he had Letters from your Brother at Amsterdam the 20 th of Nov r. M r Wilcocks who is kind enough to take Charge of this Letter is probably an Acquaintance of your s : You must take him with you in your Daily...
To his Excellency Elias Boudinot, Esq. President of Congress. Passy, 10th Sept. 1783. Sir—On the third instant, definitive treaties of peace were concluded between all the late belligerent powers except the Dutch, who, the day before settled and signed preliminary articles of peace with Great Britain. We most sincerely and cordially congratulate congress and our country in general, on this...
By the Ninth Article of the Confederation, the United States in Congress assembled have the sole and exclusive right and Power of entering into Treaties and Alliances, Provided, that no Treaty of Commerce Shall be made, whereby the Legislative Power of the respective States Shall be restrained from imposing such Imposts and Duties on Foreigners, as their own People are Subjected to or from...
3633Tuesday July 2nd. 1771. (Adams Papers)
At Falmouth, at Mr. Jonathan Webbs, who has removed to an House very near the Court House. Last Fryday Morning, I mounted with Brother Bradbury and his Brother Bradbury, at York for Falmouth, went over the Sands but could not ford Cape Nettick, and so was obliged to go round over the Bridge, by the Mill. Dined at Littlefields in Wells, drank Tea and lodged at Aliens at Biddeford. Coll. Ting...
I rejoice to find by your Letter of the 26. and by my Sons Conversation, that his commencement of a residence at Cambridge has been agreable to you and to him. He could not in his present Circumstances have been So hapily situated as he is. Two such Men as Dr Waterhouse and J. Q. Adams will find in the society of each other, and in the sciences and Litterature an inexhaustible fund of...
I receive from the Citizens of Alexandria, this kind salutation on my first Visit to Virginia with much pleasure. In the earlier Part of my Life I felt at sometimes an inexpressible Grief and at others an unutterable Indignation at the Injustice and Indignities which I thought wantonly heaped on my innocent virtuous, peaceable and unoffending Country. And perceiving that the American People...
I cannot Say when I shall be able to sett out. But I shall loose no time here. When the Public Business is in such a state that I can leave it, I shall go, be the Roads as they may.— I expect bad travelling all the Way. Truxton has indeed taken the Insurgent. But We have a silly Insurgence in Northampton County in this state, which will detain me, I suppose, some days This state is not a moral...
I believe I must endorse you over, or rather bequeath you as a Legacy to The Philosopher of Montecello! What! Why! Wherefore? Is not the Life of Jesus, in the four Evangelists? Where else can you find it? In the Gospell of St. Thomas? Of the Evangellian Jesus, The Philosopher of Monticello, knows as much as you know, and has Studied it with as critical Attention. And could write it as well in...
I thank you for your favour of Nov 19. & for the address inclosed. The Ceremonial for at laying the corner Stone of St Mathews church & the address pronounced on that occasion, were solemn affecting & impressive. You have not in my humble opinion given too much credit to Luther I love & revere the memories of Huss Wickliff Luther Calvin Zwinglius Melancton and all the other reformers;—how...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I embrace the opportunity, by Mr: Bingham, to enclose to your Excellency, Copy of a Letter from Mr: Jefferson, by which it appears that we are joined in some affairs which will give me the Occasion to visit Paris once more, and reside there for some little time at least. As Mr: Jefferson will not probably arrive before the latter End of August, and...
In a former letter I hazarded an opinion that the true history of the American revolution could not be recovered, I had many reasons for that apprehension, one of which I will attempt to explain. Of the determination of the British Cabinet to assert and maintain the sovereign Authority of Parliament over the Colonies, in all cases of Taxation and internal policy. the first demonstration which...
3641Decr. 28th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Cranch last fryday night discovered some Instances of his skill at a Bargain. He agreed to give Greenleaf £120 old Ten or for his Chaise. The Chaise is old, the Leather damnifyed thro careless Usage, the Wheels almost ruined, the spokes being loose &c., but G. asked that Price and he could not beat him down, he could not ask him to take less, because G. was poor, and it would look like...
The Apostle Paul in the 11th. Chapter and 5th. Verse, of his Epistle to the Hebrews, Says “ Πίστεί ἐνωχ μετετέθη τοῦ μὴ ἰδεῖν θάνατον· καὶ οὐχ εὑρίσκετο, διότι μετέθηκεν αὐτον ὁ θεός. πρὸ γὰρ τῆς μεταθέσεως αὐτου μεμαρτύρηται εὐηρεστηκέναι τω θεῶ .” The Apostle Jude, in the 6th. Verse of his Epistle, Says, Αγγέλους τε τοὺς μὴ τηρήσαντας τὴν εαυτῶν αρχὴν, ἀλλὰ ἀπολιπόντας τὸν ἴδιον οἰκητήριον,...
3643Oct. 17. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Began my Journey to Paris from the Hague, dined at Harlem and drank Tea at five O Clock at Amsterdam. Paid Mr. Bromfield 200 Ducats 1050 Guilders and took his Receipt upon Account.... Met Mr. Willink upon the Road, going to the Hague, with a Lady. He has left for me a Letter of Credit upon Paris, unlimited. He wished my Journey to Paris might have a Tendency towards Peace. Suspension points in...
Wednesday, September 25. 1776. Two Letters from General Lee; one of the 24th. of August to the President, the other of the 27 of the same Month to the board of War, both dated at Savannah, being received, were read. Congress took into Consideration the Report of the Board of War, whereupon Resolved &c. These Resolutions fill two Pages of the Journal. JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds.,...
I thank you for your kind Letter of Decr. 30 and above all for the gift of a precious vol—It is a chain of diamonds set in links of Gold—I have never heard or read a volume of sermons better calculated or adapted to the age and country in which it was written—How different from the sermons I heard and read in the town of Worcester from the year 1755 to 1758 As my destiny in life has been some...
I have received two pretty Letters from you, and know not how to account for my own delay in answering either of them till this Time. That of the 21st of January is now before me, and is dated. Give my Love to your Brother, and tell him, he forgot to give any date to his. For your Comfort and Georges too, I can tell you, that you write as well as your Father did at your Age. But what a Writer...
I see by your favour of May 10th that we must all grow Old—but you have not yet experienced one tenth part of the Infirmitys of Old Age—I am very glad your Physician promises you, that all will be well In your Researches do you find any Evidence of Persecutions of Quakers Anabaptists Witches or any–other Sectary’s amongst your Primitive Dutch Settle’rs in New–york—or amongst the cortier...
Cheesman has at length arrived and I have rec d my Trunk in much better order than I expected. The People here are much cooler than they were last Week. The Embargo begins to be felt by many who have been the most noisy and turbulent. Speculation mingles itself in every political Operation and many Merchants have already made a noble Spec. of the Embargo by raising their Prices: but the...
Mr. Bedford put into my Hand this Moment a Card from you, containing a Reprehension for the past, and a Requisition for the Time to come. For the past I kiss the Rod: but from complying with the Requision at least one Part of it, I must be excused. I have no Objection to writing you Facts, but I would not meddle with Characters, for the World. A burn’d Child dreads the Fire. I have Smarted to...
36501774. Fryday. Sept. 23. (Adams Papers)
Walked along Second Street Southward, untill I got out of the City into the Country. The Uniformity of this City is dissagreable to some.— I like it. Dined with the late C hief Justice Allen—with all the Gentlemen from North Carolina, and Mr. Hambleton Hamilton , late Governor— and Mr. Andrew Allen Attorney General. We had much Conversation, about Mr. Franklin. The C hief J ustice and Attorney...