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Results 3601-3630 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
That I was right in my Position “that a considerable Time must elapse before the united States...
The office of Collector for this Port being vacant by the Death of David Austin Esqr. For myself...
I am still not only to answer, but to acknowledge the receipt of your kind Letters of 3. 10. 18....
By special request of my Brother at Alicante I have the Honour of communicating to your...
This will be delivered you by young Mr. Rutledge. Your knowledge of his father will introduce him...
I feel so uneasy about the manner in which you went from hence to London without your Servants—&...
I enclose to you, Frederic Bull’s Account & Receipt. It was with difficulty, & not till I had...
I ask pardon for giveing you this Trouble, Amidst your More Important Concerns, but being...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully transmits to the President a Warrant for Three...
In my letter of the 11 th. instant I had the honour of inclosing you copies of letters relative...
I begin to be very impatient at not hearing from you; and this not barely from the Number of days...
Having not received directly from you, or from any of my friends at Quincy, a line later than the...
I had the Pleasure of re[ceivin] g two Days ago your Letter of the 30 Nov r . by M r Mitchel—it...
Again I beg Pardon, for intruding on you while engaged in public Buisness, but I know your...
Your frolicsome letter of the 10th of October has come to hand this morning and amidst the...
At a time when our Country is convulsed by different and opposite political opinions and views,...
If I was certain I should welcome you to your native Land in the course of the summer, I should...
You will herewith recieve, the History of the Statistical Account of Scotland, in the appendix to...
The french Directory have refused to receive Mr: Pinckney as Minister from the United States, and...
With the Compliments of the Season permit me to add the justly acquired Congratulations on the...
In consequence of the conversation, which the writer of this had the honour to have with your...
You may have observed by the Boston Patriot of the 18th: Inst: that Henry V. Somerville Esqr. had...
I yesterday received your Letter and was very much concerned to observe the depression of spirits...
I beg your Excellency would Accept my Thanks for the publications, which I have lately had the...
I had not time yesterday, without losing the benefit of the mail, which you know closes at 12...
I had the honour on the evening of the 11th. instant to receive from the hands of the Secretary...
I very much approve your Plan with regard to our future Accounts—and wish it to be followed. The...
Why my good Man, thou hast the curiosity of a Girl. Who could have believed that only a slight...
From the encouragement which literature has received from you, I am encouraged to solicit the...
After so long a Silence please permit me to address Your Excell y: with my sincere And Most Harty...