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Results 3601-3630 of 184,431 sorted by author
I nominate Jeremiah Smith of New Hampshire to be Attorney of the United States for that district,...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The Moments we live in, are...
Permit me to introduce to you Mr. Richard Cranch Norton, a young Gentleman of liberal Education...
3604May 15 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Grands, with all the Americans, in Paris. William Greene gives in his travel journal...
To the Sheriff of our county of Cumberland his under-Sheriff or Deputy, Greeting. We command You...
Mr. Tracy and Mr Swift and the other testimonies in your letter of the 22d are sufficient to...
The Processions were less brillant than ordinary on Account of the Storm. Went with Mr. Hartley...
Yours of 12 Oct. We have received, by which We learn that foreign affairs were under...
Two days ago, I was very agreably surprized by a Letter from you, which was acceptable both for...
I received yesterday your favor of the 15th, and thank you for your Extracts from Mr: Pitcairns...
Thanks for your favour of the 12th of last month. The momentous Information is Since confirmed....
3612[November 1774] (Adams Papers)
Left Brother Paine at New York to go by the Packett to New Port. Rode to Cocks at Kings bridge to...
There are many things which deserve to be maturely considered before the meeting of congress. I...
36141771. Tuesday June 11. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Kibbys at Somers but got caught in the Rain—very heavy plentifull Showers—I was much wet....
I mentioned in a former letter that Congress had separated from me my friend, Mr. Dana, and sent...
I nominate The Honourable John Sloss Hobart Esqr to be Judge of the District of New York in the...
I have received yours of the first of this Instant and am glad to find you have me still in...
I think it will be expedient to lay before congress, on the second day of the session, all the...
The inclosed Extracts, are of So much Importance, that I send them to you, for your opinion...
An edict of the Executive directory of the French republic of the twenty ninth of October 1798,...
Your advice “to reconcile myself to the Thought that Justice may not be done me, till I am dead”...
Passy, 12 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
I had prepared a memorial to the states general according to my instructions, but as the French...
I am happy to find by your favor of the 23 d. that You are safely arrived after a good Journey....
3625July 18 1796. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Billings is at hoe. The Kitchen Folk say he is steady. A terrible drunken distracted Week he has...
I have received a Letter from my Friend General Warren of Milton Hill near Boston, acquainting...
Permit me to introduce to you Mr Ticknor and his Lady. This Gentleman is a Professor at our...
Paris, 27 March 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 361–364). In this letter, received by Congress on...
Education, which you brought into View in one of your Letters; is a subject so vast, and the...
Your Letter of the 19 of October from London gave me great Joy and all your other Friends of whom...