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Results 35851-35880 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since my last respects under 18th. & 24th. Ulto., several copies of which went by various...
Regarding, as I do, the total suspension of our trade as an almost inevitable consequence of the...
The Case to which the enclosed papers relate may perhaps be thought to require the Interposition...
I have made a purches for the amount one hundred pounds, for which you will please to write By...
Your servant delivered your letter respecting the horse last night. Some days ago my nephew...
The Cutters being intended to fulfill a legal object, if that of Charleston is not competent, we...
The last post brought me your favor of Nov. 28. from which I learn with regret your purpose of...
Mr. Robert Moss informs me he is an applicant for the Office of Marshal of the District of...
Please to accept of my Grateful Acknowledgments for your attention to my request, I received your...
I have seen in a Norfolk paper an advertisement for Labourers to complete Fort Nelson. I as a...
I have taken the liberty, with the approbation of General Armstrong, of inscribing to you my...
The bearer hereof mr Thomas T. Jones is the son of a particular friend & school fellow of mine,...
I have this day written you a letter of introduction for mr Thos. T. Jones, in which I have said...
Enclosed a Duplicate of mine of the 10th. November, since which time American Vessels have been...
The Othello not having yet sailed I hasten to send you enclosed a Newspaper of this Morning,...
I have made out my account of the rent due from me which I have Sent in to Mr. Rogers, this day...
The answer to M. de la Croix is obviously that it is premature to say any thing about...
Notes and Estimate for Torpedo Experiments Dollars 6 Clockwork Locks 300 6 Instantaneous Do. 144
Your proposition of yesterday has some good phases and merits consideration. I have only seen mr...
Memorandum respecting revenue cutter asked for in Charleston In 1803, the former revenue cutter...
Your favor of Oct. 23. covering the offer of service from the Chatham company of artillery was...
Comme vous m’avez permis L’honneur de vous parler J’espere que vous me pardonnerez la Liberté que...
Your favor of Nov. 26. is recieved together with the Corinne of Madame de Stael, & I have to...
I recieved last night your favor of Nov. 30. & the volume containing the geographical description...
The Bearer Mr Daniel Buzzard Jr late of Frederick County Deputy Sheriff and now Deputy Marshall...
Having no other friend in Philadelphia capable of executing my watch-commissions, I am obliged,...
As the foregoing, which you will perceive are copies of letters to Mr. Monroe at Portsmouth,...
Daniel Symmes of Ohio to be Register of the land office at Cincinati Samuel Gwathney of Indiana...
If the services of a soldier bred in the camp, and educated in a military school, and who was...
Mr. Erskine presents his most respectful Compts. to Mr. Jefferson begs Leave to offer his sincere...