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Results 3571-3600 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have this day receivd your Excellencys Letter of the 28th. Ultimo, which shall be made the...
Your very polite & friendly favour of the 26th. ult. I duly recd. It is before me, & demand my...
From a letter received from the President mr̃ Lear is satisfied he cannot be here to-day and...
I have the honor of your favor of the 6th. instant and perfectly agree with you that Congress...
Although I am not perfectlÿ free from head-ache a fixed oppression in the forehead which leaves a...
I do myself the Pleasure to congratulate you on the Success of your patriotic Labors in Holland....
your letter of Apr. 2. was recieved in due time, and I have used the permission it gave me of...
I last Evening received Yours of March the 15 and 17th together with the Money you remitted. it...
I am duly favored with thy Letter. I did not see that venerable old Man for whom thou enquirest,...
This is Election Day, but the news of the day I am not able to inform you of as I have Heard...
You were kind enough to let me anticipate your stopping at the Marquis de Voyer d’Argenson’s...
Please permit me the honor of enclosing you my prospectus for a most useful and necessary work. I...
I received last Evening yours of the 11 th: inst t: — You cannot employ your leisure more...
Ten days ago Mr. Searle gave me the letter that your Excellency had the honor to write me on the...
M r. Sherman returns his respectful compliments to the Vice-President, and would have done...
I am staying at home from School, because I have got a bad Cold and Cough: but I love to be...
I have receivd your Excellencys Letters of the 28th and 30th Ultimo, together with that, which I...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully transmits to the President of the United States, a...
Ἴδαν ἐς πολύδενδρον ἀνὴρ ὑλητόμος ἐλθὼν, Παπταίνει, παρέοντος ἄδην, ποθεν ἄρξεται ἔργου· Τί...
We Reachd this place last evening and put up at a mr Avery’s private Lodgings, where we are very...
I was happy to be informed, by your honored letter of yesterday, of your approval of my conduct....
I have been informed in a respectful tho’ not official manner that the President of the United...
You will receive herewith enclosed, a Duplicate of my Letter of the 30th of July, with a List of...
Yesterday a severe skirmish happened between a party of seven hundred of our Troops and two or...
Altho I have at present but little Leisure, I cannot omit writing you a few Lines by this...
I have the honour to enclose a Report on the proposals of Henry Dearborn for erecting two Light...
J’ai Recue, monsieur, avec bien de la Reconnoissance les detaïls que vous avis la Bonté de...
By the honour of your Excellencies favour we observe, that our letter, of wh ch. we annex the...
I have the honour to transmit a Letter from Otway Byrd Esquire, Collector of Norfolk, and...
I intended in my last Letter to have mentioned to you the Circumstances which procured me...