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Results 3571-3600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have delayed answering your letter of June last till I had obtained an estimate of the expences...
I must beg leave to refer to you for instruction, on the following minor subjects 1 st Smoke...
M r Key feels extremely obliged to M r Jefferson for his kind attentions to his friends and may...
I now return you the Invoice &c relative to Packages P. Ellac—Expences 17.12 } $22.12— Vol. 2 Tr...
The Proctor of the University of Virginia, when he made advances to procure articles for the...
Seth Hunt has the honor to recall himself to the friendly recollection of M r Jefferson,—passing...
Your favor of July 30. was duly recieved, and we have now at hand the books you have been so kind...
I received your letter of the 12 th Ultimo, advising that instructions had been given to remit to...
I enclose herewith a Certificate of two Shares, N. 657. 658. in the Middlesex Canal, transferred...
I fulfil my promise to inform you of my safe arrival here, rather tardily, but it affords me the...
The Collector of Boston has forwarded to me the inclosed papers, which belonging to the account...
Agreably to your request I hand you, as above, statement of my acct. agt. you—bal. $13.29...
Though you are removed from the seat of the National Government believing that you still cherish...
Believing that you Still continue to cherish an interest in the literary & Scientific...
I have duly recieved the proposition of the Faculty on the removal of Maj r Spotswood’s family...
We have arrived safe after a very tedious and on the whole disagreeable journey as the state of...
Your servant left me the other day before I had an opportunity of sending you the more particular...
The attention of the Faculty having been called to the supposed unhealthiness of Major...
By order of the Board of Directors of the Society for the Commemoration of the landing of William...
By order of the Board of Directors of the Society for the Commemoration of the landing of William...
I have procured the white Lead and oil ordered in yours of the 30th: ulto, which shall go by...
The Report of the Rector and Visitors is always prepared and ready to be rendered the 2 d week in...
Mr. Browere, Hist. painter & Sculpter, when he lately left this did not carry with him 2 Busts...
Your letter of Oct 7. has been some time in hand, and the books are now recieved. ill health has...
The book ‘Hermes Scythicus’ is intended for Mr Jefferson. It was sent by a gentleman of N. York...
I duly received the three letters with which you favoured me, on the subject of the house in...
We received last night a large box of books from Mr Hilliards of which I suppose you have had...
A young gentleman of this village a graduate of Union College Newyork is desirous of completing...
I now return the deeds and plats of the University lands recieved from you at different times,...
I cannot too much thank you for your kind letter of the 14 th It gave me great relief from the...