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Results 3551-3600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Reprinted from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XXIV (1900), 389. [Before April 7. A notice of the meeting of the Associates at ten o’clock on that day, at their office at the Angel and Bible in Ave-Mary Lane.] For the Associates and BF ’s connection with them see above, VII , 100 n., 377–9; IX , 12.
A List of Working Dower Negroes, where settled, & under whose care, 1760 At Claibornes John Roan [overseer] George A Man 1 Share Stephen Ditto 1 Ditto Parros Ditto 1 ditto Argyle Ditto 1 ditto Solomon Ditto 1 ditto Marlbrough Ditto 1 ditto Sam
MS not found; reprinted from The General Evening Post . ( London ), Aug. 9–11, 1763; The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post , Aug. 11–13, 1763; The St. James’s Chronicle; or, The British Evening-Post , Aug. 13, 1763. In the spring of 1758 Franklin had subscribed through Dr. Fothergill for six copies of Baskerville’s new edition of Vergil and had ordered all six bound in vellum and...
ALS : University of Chicago Library If the proposed identification of the addressee is correct, this letter is the first of several among Franklin’s papers relating to a complicated situation in the Penn family. William Penn 3d (1703–1747) had become by 1731 the sole surviving grandson of the founder of Pennsylvania in the senior line, that is, through William Penn’s first marriage, to...
Draft (fragment): Library of Congress This fragment in Franklin’s hand is written on what appears to be the top segment of a page of letter paper; a caret in the margin of the first line seems to indicate that it was intended, according to his usual method, as an insertion in the body of what he had drafted on the opposite page. Neither the addressee nor the date is known. The wording suggests...
3556[January 1760] (Washington Papers)
January 1 Tuesday. Visited my Plantations and receivd an Instance of Mr. French’s great Love of Money in disappointing me of some Pork because the price had risen to 22/6 after he had engagd to let me have it at 20/. Calld at Mr. Possey’s in my way home and desird him to engage me 100 Barl. of Corn upon the best terms he coud in Maryland. And found Mrs. Washington upon my arrival broke out...
3557[The Weather] [January 1760] (Washington Papers)
1st. Fine warm Sun Shine—wind Southerly. 2. Warm, but Mist and Rain. 3. Just the same kind of Weather as Yestery. 4. Ditto. 5. Wind at No. West. Blew hard & grew very Cold. 6. Clear & tolerable warm. 7. Ditto. 8. The morng. fine, but Cloudy & cold afterwards. 9. High wind, but clear & tolerably warm. 10. Fine, clear & warm.
3558Cash Accounts, January 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash 1760  To Ben: Hubbard &ca Bond & Intt of the Estate £358.15. 0 Jany 7— To Cash of John Peake for Smiths Work 0.15. 7 1/2 9— Ditto of Samuel Johnston for Ditto 0.10. 4 Ditto of Gilbt Simpson by ditto & for Smiths Work 0. 7. 0 Ditto of Jno. Carney—for Ditto 0. 5. 0 Ditto of George Taylor—for Ditto 0. 3. 1 22— Ditto of Mr French—for Ditto 0. 4. 0 23—
3559[Diary entry: 1 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
January 1 Tuesday. Visited my Plantations and receivd an Instance of Mr. French’s great Love of Money in disappointing me of some Pork because the price had risen to 22/6 after he had engagd to let me have it at 20/. Calld at Mr. Possey’s in my way home and desird him to engage me 100 Barl. of Corn upon the best terms he coud in Maryland. And found Mrs. Washington upon my arrival broke out...
3560[Diary entry: 1 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
1st. Fine warm Sun Shine—wind Southerly.
3561[Diary entry: 2 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 2d. Wednesy. Mrs. Barnes who came to visit Mrs. Washington yesterday returnd home in my Chariot the Weather being too bad to Travel in an open Carriage—which together with Mrs. Washington’s Indisposition confind me to the House and gave me an oppertunity of Posting my Books and putting them in good Order. Fearing a disappointment elsewhere in Pork I was fein to take Mr. French upon his...
3562[Diary entry: 2 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
2. Warm, but Mist and Rain.
ALS : New York Public Library After we took leave of you, we spent some Weeks in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, and at length arriv’d at our House here in good Health, having made a Tour of near 1500 Miles, in which we had enjoy’d a great deal of Pleasure, and receiv’d a great deal of useful Information. But no part of our Journey affords us, on Recollection, a more pleasing Remembrance, than...
ALS : Scottish Record Office I ought long before this time to have acknowledg’d the Receipt of your Favour of Nov. 2. Your Lordship was pleas’d kindly to desire to have all my Publications. I had daily Expectations of procuring some of them from a Friend to whom I formerly sent them when I was in America, and postpon’d Writing till I should obtain them; but at length he tells me he cannot find...
3565[Diary entry: 3 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 3d. The Weather continuing Bad & the same causes subsisting I confind myself to the House. Morris who went to work Yesterday caught cold, and was laid up bad again—and several of the Family were taken with the Measles, but no bad Symptoms seemd to attend any of them. Hauled the Sein and got some fish, but was near being disappointd of my Boat by means of an Oyste⟨r⟩ Man who had...
3566[Diary entry: 3 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
3. Just the same kind of Weather as Yestery.
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bearer Charles Monk calling here in his way to N York from whence he is going to England. I send by him this short Letter for which I detain him on his Journey to inform you we have nothing very new or important in America since the reduction of Quebeck. Our Forces are quiet and General Stanwix continues at Pitsburg (as I hear laid up...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to inform You that the associates of the Late Dr. Bray unanimously chose You a Member of their Society. The Prospect of Your kind Assistance induced them to accept of the proposal mentioned in their Advertisment, and to resolve upon opening three Schools for Negroes with all convenient Speed: They adjourned to Thursday 17th. Instant with a View to...
3569[Diary entry: 4 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Jany. 4th. The Weather continud Drisling and Warm, and I kept the House all day. Mrs. Washington seemg. to be very ill ⟨I⟩ wrote to Mr. Green this afternoon desiring his Company to visit her in the Morng. Rev. Charles Green (c.1710–1765) was the first permanent rector of Truro Parish, recommended to that post in 1736 by GW’s father. He also practiced medicine. “Ministers were frequently...
3570[Diary entry: 4 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
4. Ditto.
I arrived here yesterday & take the first opportunity of writing to thank you & Mrs Washington for the many civilities I received at Mt Vernon. It gives me some concern when I consider the obligations I lie under in Virginia to think how I shall be able to return them: indeed I am afraid it will only be in my power to retain a proper sense of them; which I always shall do. I have the pleasure...
3572[Diary entry: 5 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Saturday Jany. 5th. Mrs. Washington appeard to be something better. Mr. Green however came to see her abt. 11 Oclock and in an hour Mrs. Fairfax arrivd. Mr. Green prescribd the needful and just as we were going to Dinnr Captn. Walter Stuart appeard with Doctr. Laurie. The Evening being very cold, and the wind high Mrs. Fairfax went home in the Chariot & soon afterwards Mulatto Jack arrivd from...
3573[Diary entry: 5 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
5. Wind at No. West. Blew hard & grew very Cold.
3574[Diary entry: 6 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Jany. 6th. The Chariot not returng. time enought from Colo. Fairfax’s we were prevented from Church. Mrs. Washington was a good deal better today, but the Oyster Man still continuing his Disorderly behaviour at my Landing I was obligd in the most preemptory manner to order him and his Compy. away which he did not Incline to obey till next morning. In colonial Virginia the established...
3575[Diary entry: 6 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
6. Clear & tolerable warm.
Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society On my Return from our Northern Journey, I found several of your obliging Favours; and have now before me those of June 20. July 4. 25, Aug. 9. 22, 23, Sept. 25. and two of Oct. 3. for which please to accept my hearty Thanks. I congratulate you on the glorious Successes of the [year p]ast. There has been for some time a Talk of [Peace], and...
3577[Diary entry: 7 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 7th. Accompanied Mrs. Bassett to Alexandria and engagd a Keg of Butter of Mr. Kirkpatrick being quite out of that Article. Wrote from thence to Doctr. Craik to endeavour if possible to engage me a Gardener from the Regiment and returnd in the dusk of the Evening. Mrs. Bassett, the former Anna Maria Dandridge (1739–1777), younger sister of Mrs. Washington, in 1757 married Burwell...
3578[Diary entry: 7 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
7. Ditto.
In the Name of God Amen. The Eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty, and in the thirty third year of his Majestys Reign King George the Second &c. I John Adams of Braintree in the County of Suffolk in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Gentleman, being in Health of Body and of Perfect mind and Memory thanks be given to God therefor....
3580[Diary entry: 8 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Jany. 8. Directed an Indictment to be formd by Mr. Johnston against Jno. Ballendine for a fraud in some Iron he sold me. Got a little Butter from Mr. Dalton and wrote to Colo. West for Pork. In the Evening 8 of Mr. French’s Hogs from his Ravensworth Quarter came down one being lost on the way as the others might as well have been for their goodness. Nothing but the disappointments in...
3581[Diary entry: 8 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
8. The morng. fine, but Cloudy & cold afterwards.
We have Try’d your Stilliards at 56 112 & 168 & beleive them to be As True as Any Stilliards are, the fault Is not In the Stilliards Its where you Suspected it to be. Mr Dalton Spar’s you Sum butter; I Lett Coll Fairfax have half of mine Abt A Month Ago Mrs Carlyle Joyns In Compts to You the Ladys & family & am Yr Very Hble Sert P.S. Yr Man brings the Wmburg papers. ALS , DLC:GW . There is an...
It is said to be some Aleviation to a Man in Misfortune to have another under the same circu⟨m⟩stance with himself and this I believe is a Pleasure which some people feel though perhaps directly contrary to the Dictates of Sense, and I am sure extremely opposite to the Principals of Christianity, This Ballendine that you write about seems lately to have convinced you of his prodigeous...
Duplicate: Yale University Library The enclos’d are Copies of my last to you per the Pacquet: Capt. House, who talk’d of sailing two Months ago is still here, but probably will now go in a Day or two, and by him I purpose to send this Letter. Since Govr. Denny and the Assembly have at length come to so good an Agreement, I cannot but join with you in Wishes that he had been continued. But...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received a Letter or two from you, in which I perceive you have misunderstood and taken unkindly something I said to you in a former jocular one of mine concerning Charity . I forget what it was exactly, but I am sure I neither express nor meant any personal Censure on you or any body. If anything, it was a general Reflection on our Sect; we zealous...
3586[Diary entry: 9 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday. Jany. 9. Killd and dressd Mr. French’s Hogs which weighd 751 lbs. neat. Colo. West leaving me in doubt about his Pork yesterday obligd me to send to him again to day, and now no definitive answr was receivd—he purposing to send his Overseer down tomorrow to agree abt. it. Colo. Bassetts Abram arrivd with Letters from his Master appointing Port Royal, & Monday next as a time and...
3587[Diary entry: 9 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
9. High wind, but clear & tolerably warm.
3588[Diary entry: 10 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 10th. Accompanied Mrs. Bassett in a Visit to Belvoir. She this day determind on setting of for Port Royal on Saturday. Colo. West wrote me word that he had engag’d his Pork. Killd the Beeves that Jack brought down two of which were tolerable good. Belvoir, located on a bluff overlooking the Potomac on the next “neck” downriver from Mount Vernon, was the first seat of the Fairfax...
3589[Diary entry: 10 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
10. Fine, clear & warm.
3590[Diary entry: 11 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Jany. 11th. Deliverd Rd. Stephens two Hogs in part of his Years Provisions weight  69  90 159. He had one before of 100 lbs. weight. Two Hogs were also reservd for Foster of the following weights  90
3591[Diary entry: 11 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
11. Morng. Lowering, but fine & warm afterwards.
3592[Diary entry: 12 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Saturday Jany. 12th. Sett out with Mrs. Bassett on her journey to Port Royal. The morning was clear and fine but soon clouded and promisd much Rain or other falling weather wch. is generally the case after remarkable white Frosts—as it was to day. We past Occoquan witht. any great difficulty withstanding the Wind was something high and Lodgd at Mr. McCraes in Dumfries—sending the Horses to the...
3593[Diary entry: 12 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
12. White frost & clear in the Morng. but Cloudy afterwd.
I am lately come from divine Service, if I may be allowed the Expression, performd by the Revd. Mr. Cushing, whom you’re not unaquainted with. He has fill’d my head brimfull, of Portions of Sentences, concerning the spirituall and natural man. If what Mr. Locke says be true, that an intent fixedness on any particular object, will cause an alienation of the rational Faculties, I am under no...
3595[Diary entry: 13 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Jany. 13th. The Wind last Night Chopd about from Southerly to the No. West blew extreame hard and made it excessive cold. We reachd Mr. Seldons abt. 3 Oclock and met with a certain Captn. Dives there a Man who, as I have been informd is pretty well known for some of his Exploits and suspected to be an Instrument in carrying Dickenson whose Character and Memory are too well established...
3596[Diary entry: 13 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
13. Wind at N. Wt. very clear, & extrame cold.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me to address you with the Compliment of the Season; not merely as a Compliment, but with a fervent sincerity. May this Year give you a happy sight of your Native Country, and of those dear Relations you left in it; and if there is anything else wanting to compleat your Felicity, May that be added! May you enjoy a long succession of Years, fraught...
3598[Diary entry: 14 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 14th. The Wind at No. West, and the Morning being clear and cold but otherwise fine we set out—Mr. Seldon obligingly accompanying us a few Miles to prevent any misapprehensions of the Road. We arrivd about 2 Oclock to the Plantation late Colo. Turners but now Inhabited by an Overseer directly opposite to Port Royal (at this place also Mr. Giberne lodges) and here we were...
3599[Diary entry: 14 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
14. Wind Do. but not hard—yet very cold & frosty.
I was at Colo. Peter Randolph ’s about a Fortnight ago, and my Schooling falling into Discourse, he said he thought it would be to my Advantage to go to the College, and was desirous I should go, as indeed I am myself for several Reasons. In the first place as long as I stay at the Mountain the Loss of one fourth of my Time is inevitable, by Company’s coming here and detaining me from School....