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Results 3541-3570 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3541 King, Rufus Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Rufus King, 20 November 1825 1825-11-20 After a good deal of Correspondence with the office for foreign affairs on the subject of M r...
3542 Lee, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Lee, 19 November 1825 1825-11-19 The inclination which I expressed to you several years ago, in 1823 I believe, to devote myself...
3543 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 19 November … 1825-11-19 The books from Liverpool after which your letter of the 16 th enquiries, on behalf of the...
3544 Jefferson, Thomas Coolidge, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Coolidge, 18 November … 1825-11-18 Th: Jefferson gives this Writing desk to Joseph Coolidge jun r as a Memorial of affection. it was...
3545 Dunglison, Robley Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robley Dunglison, 18 November … 1825-11-18 I do not recollect the compromise to which you allude in your letter of yesterday—I well...
3546 Jefferson, Thomas Baker, Ambrose From Thomas Jefferson to Ambrose Baker, 17 November … 1825-11-17 The inclosed printed notice from the Proctor of our university will answer most of the enquiries...
3547 Jefferson, Thomas Dunglison, Robley From Thomas Jefferson to Robley Dunglison, 17 November … 1825-11-17 I certainly cannot say that I am well, but as much so probably as I ever shall be. I expect to be...
3548 Sales, F. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from F. Sales, 17 November 1825 1825-11-17 Ever since the publication of the first Edition of Tosse’ Spanish Grammar I have had a wish to...
3549 Jefferson, Thomas Thompson, Jonathan From Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Thompson, 17 November … 1825-11-17 From your letter of the 9 th I learnt with much regret that our proctor had not made you the...
3550 Thompson, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Thompson, 17 November … 1825-11-17 By the mail of this day I rec d a check from the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia for six hundred...
3551 Wiss, Lewis M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lewis M. Wiss, 17 November … 1825-11-17 Excuse the liberty which I now take, of addressing you, at this advanced stage of your life; on a...
3552 Jefferson, Thomas Duponceau, Peter Stephen From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Stephen Duponceau, 16 … 1825-11-16 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to the Board of Directors of the society for the Commemoration...
3553 Jefferson, Thomas Moorman, John J. From Thomas Jefferson to John J. Moorman, 16 November … 1825-11-16 In answer to your letter of Oct. 29. I have only to say that I have no thought of parting with my...
3554 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 16 November … 1825-11-16 The dft: you speak of intending to draw on me, favor J. & Raphael, for $350 Dolls:, shall be duly...
3555 Jefferson, Thomas Sewall, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Sewall, 16 November … 1825-11-16 Th Jefferson returns his thanks to D r Sewall for the information he has been so kind as to...
3556 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from François Adriaan Van der Kemp … 1825-11-16 I trust, that you will not deem it amiss, if, after such a long silence, I take once more the...
3557 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 15 … 1825-11-15 I inclose you some papers from mr Dawson which ought, I presume, to be deposited in your office....
3558 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from … 1825-11-15 M r Connel who is Returning to the United States is pleased to take Charge of some Books which...
3559 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 15 November … 1825-11-15 In my letter of Oct. 14. I gave you an account of the riot we had had at the University, and of...
3560 Madison, James Sewall, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Sewall, 14 November 1825 1825-11-14 I have recd. your favor of the 7th. with a copy of your Lecture at the opening of the Medical...
3561 Jefferson, Thomas Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph From Thomas Jefferson to Ellen Wayles Randolph … 1825-11-14 In my letter of Oct. 13. to mr Coolidge, I gave an account of the riot we had had at the...
3562 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 13 … 1825-11-13 You will not be displeased, I am confident, if I address you again a few lines—perhaps—one or...
3563 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 13 November … 1825-11-13 Time has slipped by most unaccountably during my resolutions constantly expressed of writing to...
3564 Madison, James Todd, John Payne From James Madison to John Payne Todd, 13 November 1825 1825-11-13 What shall I say to you? It is painful to utter reproaches; yet how can they be avoided? Yo⟨u⟩r...
3565 Madison, James Du Ponceau, Peter S. From James Madison to Peter S. Du Ponceau, 12 November … 1825-11-12 I have duly recd. your letter of the 5th. instant: informing me that I have been elected an...
3566 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles J. From James Madison to Charles J. Ingersoll, 12 November … 1825-11-12 I have received the copy kindly sent me, of your “Discourse[”] before the Penn Society. It is to...
3567 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 12 … 1825-11-12 Answers to the enquiries of mr Brockenbrough’s letter of Nov. 11. 25. 1. a smoke house is...
3568 Dandridge, W. Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From W. Dandridge to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 12 … 1825-11-12 I have received your’s of the 10 h enclosing two checks on the Farmers Bk, and in compliance with...
3569 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 12 November … 1825-11-12 My quarterly bill with Raphael has got monstrously up this last quarter. this proceeds from some...
3570 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James To James Madison from Robley Dunglison, 11 November … 1825-11-11 Mr. St. Aubyn —the son of an English Baronet, and Mr. Hallam, both from Cambridge England, being...