George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Hector St. John Crèvecoeur, 17 April 1788

From Hector St. John Crèvecoeur

New York 17 April 1788


I have this moment receiv’d a Letter by the French Packet just come into this Port—inclosed in one of our Ministers dispatches addressed to you, which he has most particularly requested I shou’d forward to you, not knowing when the Post sets out, I thought it most prudent to inclose it in this, & put the whole into the hands of the Presidt of Congress, I hope it will reach your Excellency’s hands speedily & safely.1

I embrace with great pleasure this opportunity of offering your Excellency the unfeign’d testimonies of the Veneration & Respect with which I have the Honor to be Your Excellency’s Most obedient & most humble Servant

St John


1Cyrus Griffin of Lancaster County in Virginia was president of Congress. The letter has not been identified.

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