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AD , DLC:GW . For background to this document, see Farm Reports, 6–12 Dec. 1789, source note . A balk is a ridge or strip of ground left unplowed as a boundary between two furrows. Root of scarcity ( Beta vulgaris or mangel-wurzel) is a coarse beet grown primarily as cattle fodder. For additional information on GW’s cultivation of this plant, see Diaries Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds....
Your favor of the 13th Current did not come to hand till the day before Yesterday, I fear I shall fail in geting you the Poland Oat —some have been Offered, but they were so much degenerated that they Appeared no better than the Common Oat, & the price 25 ⅌ Ct higher I have procured 200 Bushels of the Common Oat of the best Quality & well Cleaned & You may send for them or any part you Want,...
On the 20th instant a bill passed the House of Representatives appropriating 200,000 dols. for compleating the Public Buildings in the City of Washington, and on the 21st having been twice read in the Senate was committed to Lloyd[,] Tazewell, Stockton, Sedgwick and Goodhue —I attended them on Friday Morning—no resolution was agreed to or proposed, but appearances were less favourable than I...
Knowing, that the President intended to answer your letter , relative to the shares in the two rivers, I did [not] think it necessary to trouble you with an assurance, that I would remind him of it. He tells me, that he has stated to you fully the arrangements, which he meditates. Mr. Short mentioned to me in his last dispatches, that he had proposed to you some time before your resignation a...
I wrote you yesterday & finding a safe opportunity of a gentleman going this morning to Corunna or to Ferrol I avail myself of it to repeat to you the intelligence I sent yesterday which is that they are fitting out for sea immediately there three sail of the Line two frigates & some transports to join others at Cadiz as it is said to go to strengthen their forces in Cuba & Florida. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few days past, by a french Gentleman, but now my dear friend thy daughter having procured me an oppertunity, which appears more sure, I make use of it to inform, that in my last was inclosed an earnest petition to thee from Francis Geay de la Gaconniere, the person to whom an Estate is fallen at Fontenay le Vicomte in Poitou, which I think thou...
A Table. Containing the Altitudes of Mountains calculated from Barometrical Observation, by A Partridge Captain in the US. Corps of Engineers. Names of the Ranges Names of the different Peaks Altitudes in feet. Remarks. above their Bases above the Sea. White Mountains Mount Washington . 4885.— 6634— The White Mountains are situated in the northeast part of the State of New Hampshire
You will be so good, as to let it be understood between us, that the mention, which some time ago was made to you by me, of the nomination of your son, was purely confidential between us ; and that on any occasion, which you may have to speak of the time, when it was first known to you, you will refer to the communication of this day only . I am dear sir / with great truth / yr. mo. ob. serv...
3591772. Novr. 21. (Adams Papers)
Next Tuesday I shall remove my Family to Boston, after residing in Braintree about 19 Months. I have recovered a Degree of Health by this Excursion into the Country, tho I am an infirm Man yet. I hope I have profited by Retirement and Reflection!—and learned in what manner to live in Boston! How long I shall be able to stay in the City, I know not; if my Health should again decline, I must...
I send you a letter of Short’s for perusal, & one of Edgar Patterson asking what is already I presume provided for. One of General Armstrong which I do not well understand because I do not recollect the particular letter which came by Haley. I presume the counsel he refers to is to take possession of the Floridas. This letter of June 15. is written after the cession by Carlos to Bonaparte of...
361[Diary entry: 25 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
25. Dined at the Palace & attended a Committee of the Association at Hayes. Spent the Eveng. there. A general meeting of the Virginia nonimportation association had been held in Williamsburg 22 May, and a committee of 20 gentlemen, including GW, had been appointed to revise the agreement that the associators had signed the previous year ( Va. Gaz. , R, 3 May 1770; carter [3] Jack P. Greene,...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 19 du mois dernier par la quelle vous me marquez que plusieurs Americains qui, après avoir été pressés en Angleterre, ont été pris sur des Vaisseaux de cette nation et conduits dans les Prisons de France desireroient entrer au Service des Etats unis. J’ai deja accordé au Capitaine John la...
AD : Columbia University Library Dr. Franklin lived at Pha. in the Neighbourhood of Mr Boudinot the Father of Elias Boudinot the present Presidt. of Congress—the Father was a Silver Smith who had come from NYork to settle at Pha., a man much devoted to Whitfield, by whom his Son was baptized Elias after the Prophet of that Name— Dr. Franklin remembers Elias coming to his Father’s Door with...
14 February 1803, Washington. Describes the land in the Mississippi Territory disputed by South Carolina and Georgia and the land grant practices of Spain and Great Britain in the region. Defines the criteria for confirming grants as given in the articles of agreement and cession between the U.S. and Georgia. Lists the classes of claims derived from Spanish or British land grants, or from...
¶ From Thomas Jefferson. Letter not found. 2 June 1820 . Enclosed in Dolley Madison to Lewis J. Cist, 4 July 1842 ( DLC : Dolley Madison Papers).
This will accompany a joint letter inclosing the draught of a treaty, and my private letter of June 22, which has waited so long for a private conveiance. We daily expect from the Baron Thulemeyer the French column for our treaty with his sovereign. In the mean while two copies are preparing with the English column which Doctr. Franklin wishes to sign before his departure, which will be within...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Mes dernieres sont du 25, 28, 29, & 31 Oct. & 2 Nov. Celleci ira demain par voie de Rotterdam. Voici copie de la permission de mettre à terre les blessés prisonniers de la commission expediée par le Commodore en conséquence au L. Col. Wuibert; & de la convention entre les Commodores, Américain & Anglois. Notre Ami m’a...
368General Orders, 21 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Lieutenant Colonels Littlefield[,] Olney[,] Brigade Major Oliver. For Guard[:] Major Leavensworth The regimental Paymasters will bring their Payrolls and Abstracts made up to the 1st Instant to the Deputy Paymaster General for Examination They will also call on him for the amount of the Pay and subsistence for the respective...
In my answer to Sergt. Dunbau I observd that there would be an impropriety in giving him a discharge at present, but that if his fears were such as to render it painfull to to join his Company he might be transfered to an other Company, and that he might remain with the guard in this City the ensuing winter.—I think Capt. McComb would be a suitable charactor to attend any experiments that Mr...
370[Diary entry: 4 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
4. High Westerly Wind—clear & cool.
I have the pleasure of sending you through mr Sheldon, three great volumes and two letter s. The greeks have lately gained some advantages, and anticipating freedom are now preposing a constitution, or form of government adapted to their situation. The more enlightened Spaniards, motivated by the same feelings, still manifest a vigorous resistance: but the lower class, it is said, generally...
Having Several Matters to lay before your Excellency, I fully intended to Have Waited on You Yesterday; My indisposition prevents me, and I Know not Certainly when I can go Out. Reflecting on the Business of Moving the Stores and from a thorough Conviction of being Right, as to Not Water bearing them, I wrote the Inclos’d Letter to Mr. Claiborne; He being on a Jorney, I immediatly Communicated...
I have duly received your favor of the 7 th inclosing Mess rs Shoemaker & Son’s conditional dft on G. & J. for 200$.— As we have heard nothing of their flour, have never transacted business for them at all, and know nothing of them, except of their bad manageme n t at your mill, we of course cannot become responsible even for this small amount, until we have something actually in hand.— As...
The Inclosed came to my hands by the last Post. The Enemy have been very busy since their return from the Jerseys in Imbarking Troops—Nine Regiments are compleated to their full establishment by drafts from some others which are reduced, & these I am perswaded are destined for the West Indies—Whether the rest of the Troops will remain in New York—return to England—or go to Hallifax is yet...
A reply is due to some points in your letters of the 25 & 30 of June. It was foreseen that the narrowing of the description of characters who might be enlisted might would impede the progress of the recruiting service; but it is deemed better to submit to this inconvenience than to mingle in the mass of our force elements of disaffection & disorder. The plan is therefore to be sincerely &...
I had not the pleasure to receive Your favor of the 8 th ult: until last night, pray accept my best thanks for your Congratulations on my Acquital. I did myself the pleasure to write you some time ago from this place and Since that from Albany were I passed the holidays. In the first of these letters I advised you of my Intention to resign. In the last that I had, and In both gave the reasons...
24 January 1776. Resolution approving appointment of a committee to call in misprinted bills of credit. M-Ar :207, p. 461. ( M-Ar :207, p. 461).
I received your Letter of the 7th yesterday Evening and was very happy to learn that you sustained the rigours of the Climate so well as I have involuntarily felt some apprehensions lest you should have suffered in consequence of your residence for so long a time in one so much warmer and milder—Poor Charles left us two days ago and I think with deeper regret even than usual—under an...
I received your favour of the 1st Instant, and am sorry to inform you that the report respecting James Hennings Having commited an act of Suicide is true. I made every enquiry at the time this melancholy circumstance took place, the result of which was, that he had been delirious for Some days previous to his having commited the act, and it was the General opinion that drinking too freely was...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of messrs. Gibson & Jefferson to send him by the first boat 1. doz. teacups & 1. doz. saucers of china of midling quality, also 1. doz half pint tumblers and 1. doz. of a still smaller size, say a jill. the barrel form is preferred if to be had. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
381Cash Accounts, August 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Augt 9— To Cash of Sampson Darrel for the Rent of Mrs Gists Pl[antatio]n £6. 1.8 10— To Ditto of Mr F. Lewis for 2 Hhds Tobo at Dixon’s WareHo. 38. 3.6 To ditto of Captn Posey Maryland Curry 1. 1.6 27— To ditto of Mrs Manley —Carpenter’s Work 8. 7.6 To ditto for Wool 0. 6.0 *To ditto of Colo. Carlyle for the use of my Horse 0.10.0 To ditto Smithwork of R. Scott pd by Mr Clifton 0. 2.6 To...
I have been driving on since I wrote to you last post haste in my old pursuit. I have almost finished Tracy Atkins in the first collumn , I have finished Smith’s wealth of nations in the second, and Burnet’s history in the third. I have besides these perused the grecian history and Ferguson’s philosophy. The roman history I have not yet been able to procure, but intend to read it as soon as...
18 July 1803, Bremen . Wrote last on 12 June of the occupation of Hanover by French troops. Feared that “on the shores of the Elbe, it might … come to bloody actions,” due to the Hanoverian troops’ having refused to “lay down their arms” when the king of England did not ratify the Convention of Suhlingen. “However upon repeated remonstrances made to them of their resistance being fruitless,...
Decr. 1st. Clear and pleasant, with but little Wind and that Southerly. 2. Cool & frosty in the Morning but very pleasant afterwards with but little Wind & that South. 3. Clear & calm in the forenoon but lowering afterwards. Wind blowing fresh from So. Wt. 4. Lowering Morning but Warm. Clear afterwards. Wind still Southerly. 5. Wind in the same place & Warm. Abt. Noon Cloudy with a few drops...
The American bills drawn on the American commissioners then at Paris, were paid as long as either of those commissioners remained here, and even a year or two longer by Mr. Barclay the American consul, till he also returned and the books were sent to New York to the board of Treasury. It is there alone they can now be examined or paid. I beleive the whole of those now floating out are...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two), University of Virginia Library, Yale University Library <Passy, June 13, 1778: Mr. Hezekiah Ford, chaplain to North Carolina troops in the continental service, was captured and sent to Europe, and has now found his way to us in Paris. We recommend him to be chaplain on your frigate until he returns home.> Published...
On the 9th. Inst. arrived at algiers The us. Ship President and Schooner Enterprize. I have recd. your letter of the 21st. of may and the Cloth and Linnen. The money the Commodore did not land as I had Considerd. nothing Could be done in makeing a Cash payment, untill the arrival of the washington with Stores, when the regency —in Eating of the Sheep might be induced to Eat allso some of the...
38831st. (Adams Papers)
A cold north-east storm. Reading and writing all day. Wrote a letter to my mother, and one to my Sister. Read some pages in Bolingbroke’s philosophical works: the stile and matter both inferior to his political writings. JQA to AA , 1 Aug. ( Adams Papers ); his letter to AA2 has not been found.
Capt: Nathl. Harvey of the Ship Eliza of Baltimore Joseph Street & others owners died here on the 7 Novr. last & not having prior to his decease appointed any one to take charge of his effects I esteemed it to be my duty to attend thereto agreeably to the Law of the UStates in such cases. I herewith transmit my accounts with said Estate that you may take Steps as the Law provides for...
I am honoured with your Favor of the 27th. by Mr. Daniel. I informed you by Colo. Morris of the reinforcement of Militia ordered to you, but they will not be in Time to supply the place of those now with you, if they leave you so early. Certainly the knowledge that a Relief is coming in will induce them not to leave you in a State which may soon give us all to do over again. A Part of these...
I hope you will believe me sincere when I assure you that it is with the greatest reluctance that I intrude on the quiet of your calm retreat, at an age when exertion must be irksome; yet when I reflect that there is a motive which has ever been more powerful with you than even the love of philosophie ease, the love of active kindness, I am emboldened to beg a few moments of your time. Having...
The petition of Jacob H. Geiger humbly represents that at a Circuit Court of the District of Columbia held for the County of Washington on the fourth monday of July 1805 the Grand Inquest of said County found a presentment against your petitioner on a charge of having assaulted a certain Robert Casey the Commission of which, he is entirely ignorant; That at a term of the same Court held on the...
In obedience to your order 30th. Ulto. enclosed are the Returns, of the Men, Clothing, Arms and Accoutrements, & Camp equipage. The articles in the Quarter Masters Store, with Inspection Returns of the four Companies of Artillerists and Engineers under my Command. With a Return of the Artillery for the use; and the practice of the troops. It being the Generals order, to give a full; and...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 19, 1777. Discusses advantages of an overt declaration of war by France. Corrects error in estimate of British losses at Danbury, Connecticut. Questions purpose of General William Howe’s recent moves. Df , in writings of Richard Kidder Meade and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Charles François Adrien le Paulnier, Chevalier d’Annemours, was...
Several of your favours now lye before me, but the last of Novr 9th I shall particularly take notice of —with astonishment then did I receive the Account of Sales of that Hhd Tobo pr the Everton where only £8.4.1¼ is renderd for it at the sametime that Mr Cary was selling the like Tobo at £17 & 18£ a Hhd. As to the exceptions which for two or three years past you have made to the quality of...
Quoyque je ne puisse scavoir par personne positivement si vous estes a paris de retour de vos voyages, l envie que jay de scavoir de vos cheres nouvelles, de celle de vos chers enfants et patriotes, mengage a avoir lhonneur de vous ecrire cette lettre, quand elle devroit voyager aprés vous. Je desire fort que votre santé nait point souffert des longues et dures courses que vous avez fait, et...
DS : Archives Nationales; DS , two copies, and transcript: National Archives Contrat entre le Roi et les Treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale, passé entre M. le Cte. de Vergennes et M. Franklin, le 16. Juillet 1782. À ce Contrat sont annexés les Pleines-Pouvoirs des Plénipotentiaires respectifs. Contrat entre le Roi et les Treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale. Le Roi ayant...
I have the pleasure to Send you a copy of my note to Mr. Fox and of his answer respecting the misconduct of Captain Whitby at the port of New York in April last. You will find by it that that officer was removed from the command of the Leander by an order from the Admiralty of the 22d. of June, and that he is to be brought home to be tried by a Court Martial on that charge. I have lately...
I recd Your Letter from Augusta & observe its Contents —the Behaviour of the Militia is very unaccountable, & am convinc’d they are under no Command; I order’d Part of the Militia to the Frontiers & there to remain till reliev’d by others, which I propos’d shou’d be done in a monthly manner, & so to be continued by a proper Rotation, instead thereof they go & come at their own Pleasure, & many...
As soon as I had the honor of receiving your Letter containing a proposal of the order of the Knights of Divine Providence; I referred the subject of it to the decision of Congress, in my letter to that august Body dated the 28th of August last, a copy of which is enclosed. Whereupon the United States in Congress assembled, were pleased to pass their Act of the 5th Inst: which is properly...