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Results 351-380 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
351 Adams, John June 20th. 1761. 1761-06-20 I have latterly arose much earlyer than Usual. Arose at five and at 6 O’clock, instead of 8 and...
352 Adams, John Saturday June 20th. 1761. 1761-06-20 I have been interrupted from Reading this Institute ever since Feby. Amidst the Dissipations of...
353 Adams, John [July 1761] 1761-07-07 Dined at Deacon Hills, with Sam Quincy and his Bride, and with Mr. Cushing a Representative of...
354 Adams, John July 7th. 1761. 1761-07-07 Dined at Deacon Hills, with Sam Quincy and his Bride, and with Mr. Cushing a Representative of...
355 Adams, John [August 1761] 1761-08-01 I am creating Enemies in every Quarter of the Town. The Clarks hate. Mother Hubbard, Thayer,...
356 Adams, John Augt. 1st. 1761-08-01 I am creating Enemies in every Quarter of the Town. The Clarks hate. Mother Hubbard, Thayer,...
357 Adams, John [September 1761] 1761-09-10 Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with...
358 Adams, John Septr. 10th. 1761. 1761-09-10 Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with...
359 Adams, John [October 1761] 1761-10-17 Read in Just inian and Lancelot. I began Lancelotts Institute last Jany., and have read no...
360 Adams, John Octr. 17th. 1761. 1761-10-17 Read in Just inian and Lancelot.
361 Adams, John Octr. 17th. 1761. 1761-10-17 I began Lancelotts Institute last Jany., and have read no farther than Lib er 3. Ti tulus 8. De...
362 Adams, John Octr. 18th. 1761. Sunday. 1761-10-18 Arose at 6. Read in Popes Satyrs. Nil Admirari &c. I last night read thro, both of Dr. Donnes...
363 Adams, John [November 1761] 1761-11-10 Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The...
364 Adams, John Novr. 10th. 1761. 1761-11-10 Another Year is come round, and I can recollect still less Reading, than I could last Novr. The...
365 Adams, John Novr. 14th. 1761. 1761-11-14 Brother Quincy and I were Sworn, before the Superiour Court. It is now more than five Years since...
366 Adams, John Novr. 20th. 1761. Monday. 1761-11-20 This day removed to my Chamber, and made a Fire. The Forenoon was Spent in Conversation with Zab,...
367 Adams, John [June 1762] 1762-06-05 Rode from Bass’s to Secretary Olivers, in Company with Judge Oliver. The Judge soon opened upon...
368 Adams, John June 5th. 1762. 1762-06-05 Rode from Bass’s to Secretary Olivers, in Company with Judge Oliver. The Judge soon opened upon...
369 Adams, John June 8th. 1762. 1762-06-08 Went to Taunton Court. To the Land of Leonards. Three Judges of the Common Pleas of that Name,...
370 Adams, John [August 1762] 1762-08-15 Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur...
371 Adams, John Aug. 15th. 1762. 1762-08-15 Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur...
372 Adams, John [October 1762] 1762-10-22 Spent last Monday in taking Pleasure, with Mr. Wibird. Met him in the Morning at Mr. Borlands,...
373 Adams, John October 22nd. 1762. 1762-10-22 Spent last Monday in taking Pleasure, with Mr. Wibird. Met him in the Morning at Mr. Borlands,...
374 Adams, John Octr. 23rd. 1762. 1762-10-23 At my Swamp. Saw several Ginger Bushes. They Grow in Bunches like Willows and Alders, in low...
375 Adams, John Octr. 24th. 1762. 1762-10-24 Before sun rise. My Thoughts have taken a sudden Turn to Husbandry. Have contracted with Jo. T...
376 Adams, John [May 1762] 1762-11-05 The Cause of Jeffries Town Treasurer of Boston and Sewal and Edwards and several others being...
377 Adams, John November 5th. 1762. 1762-11-05 The Cause of Jeffries Town Treasurer of Boston and Sewal and Edwards and several others being...
378 Adams, John Novr. 30th. 1762. 1762-11-30 Last Thurdsday Night, at Cranch’s Wedding, Dr. Tufts, in the Room where the Gentlemen were, said...
379 Adams, John [December 1762] 1762-12-28 Mr. Cranch last fryday night discovered some Instances of his skill at a Bargain. He agreed to...
380 Adams, John Decr. 28th. 1762. 1762-12-28 Mr. Cranch last fryday night discovered some Instances of his skill at a Bargain. He agreed to...