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Results 351-360 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
351June 20th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
I have latterly arose much earlyer than Usual. Arose at five and at 6 O’clock, instead of 8 and 9. The Mornings are very long, and fine opportunities for Study. They are cool and pleasant. But I have not improved my Time, properly. I have dozed and sauntered away much of my Time. This morning is very fine. The clear sky, the bright sun, the clean Groves and Grass, after so fine a Rain are very...
352Saturday June 20th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
I have been interrupted from Reading this Institute ever since Feby. Amidst the Dissipations of Business, Pleasure, Conversation, Intrigue, Party &c. what mortal can give Attention to an old latin Institute of the Cannon Law? But it is certainly worth while to proceed and finish it, as I have already been 2/3 thro it. This second entry so dated is from D/JA/4, JA ’s desultory record of...
353[July 1761] (Adams Papers)
Dined at Deacon Hills, with Sam Quincy and his Bride, and with Mr. Cushing a Representative of Salisbury. Cushing seems a fair minded Countryman. Some free and friendly Conversation passed between Henry Hill and his father, about Advancement, and stock and setting up, and giving £1000 a Year. Henry said You ought to give me £1000 a Year or 10,000 right out, and then I maintain myself. You must...
354July 7th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Deacon Hills, with Sam Quincy and his Bride, and with Mr. Cushing a Representative of Salisbury. Cushing seems a fair minded Countryman. Some free and friendly Conversation passed between Henry Hill and his father, about Advancement, and stock and setting up, and giving £1000 a Year. Henry said You ought to give me £1000 a Year or 10,000 right out, and then I maintain myself. You must...
355[August 1761] (Adams Papers)
I am creating Enemies in every Quarter of the Town. The Clarks hate. Mother Hubbard, Thayer, Lamb, Tirrell, J. Brackett. This is multiplying and propagating Enemies, too fast. I shall have the Ill-Will of the whole Town. Daniel White, Moses Adams.—This will not do. Daniel Prat vs. Thos. Colson.—This Action was brot by Plaintiff vs. Colson as Administrator, on the Estate of Mr. Bolter, for...
356Augt. 1st. (Adams Papers)
I am creating Enemies in every Quarter of the Town. The Clarks hate. Mother Hubbard, Thayer, Lamb, Tirrell, J. Brackett. This is multiplying and propagating Enemies, too fast. I shall have the Ill-Will of the whole Town. Daniel White, Moses Adams.—This will not do. Daniel Prat vs. Thos. Colson.—This Action was brot by Plaintiff vs. Colson as Administrator, on the Estate of Mr. Bolter, for...
357[September 1761] (Adams Papers)
Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with this Motto under it— Careat successibus opto Quisquis ab Eventu, facta notanda putat. I pray that he may want success, who thinks that Deeds are to be estimated from their Event, their success. Oliver was successful but not prudent nor honest, nor lawdable nor imitable. A certain Romish Priest had...
358Septr. 10th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with this Motto under it— Careat successibus opto Quisquis ab Eventu, facta notanda putat. I pray that he may want success, who thinks that Deeds are to be estimated from their Event, their success. Oliver was successful but not prudent nor honest, nor lawdable nor imitable. A certain Romish Priest had...
359[October 1761] (Adams Papers)
Read in Just inian and Lancelot. I began Lancelotts Institute last Jany., and have read no farther than Lib er 3. Ti tulus 8. De Exceptionibus et Replicationibus. This entry, the second so dated, is from D/JA/4, JA ’s journal of studies. Arose at 6. Read in Popes Satyrs. Nil Admirari &c. I last night read thro, both of Dr. Donnes Satyrs versifyed by Pope. Was most struck with these Lines Bear...
360Octr. 17th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Read in Just inian and Lancelot.