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Results 351-400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letterbook abstract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania My Friend B.F. I wrote to him about the...
MS Minutes of the Common Council: Free Library of Philadelphia By 1740 the banks of Dock Creek...
MS not found; abstracted in Worthington C. Ford, comp., List of the Benjamin Franklin Papers in...
Fryday March 11th. 1747/8. Began my Journey in Company with George Fairfax Esqr.; we travell’d...
355[Diary entry: 11 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday March 11th. 1747/8. Began my Journey in Company with George Fairfax Esqr.; we travell’d...
356[Diary entry: 12 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saturday March 12th. This Morning Mr. James Genn the surveyor came to us. We travel’d over the...
357[Diary entry: 13 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday March 13. Rode to his Lordships Quarter about 4 Miles higher up the River we went through...
358[Diary entry: 14 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 14th. We sent our Baggage to Capt. Hites (near Frederick Town) went ourselves down the...
359[Diary entry: 15 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 15th. We set out early with Intent to Run round the sd. Land but being taken in a Rain &...
360[Diary entry: 16 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 16th. We set out early & finish’d about one oClock & then Travell’d up to Frederick...
361[Diary entry: 17 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 17th. Rain’d till Ten oClock & then clearing we reached as far as Major Campbells one of...
362[Diary entry: 18 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday 18th. We Travell’d up about 35 Miles to Thomas Barwicks on Potomack where we found the...
363[Diary entry: 20 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 20th. Finding the River not much abated we in the Evening Swam our horses over & carried...
MS : American Philosophical Society By March 1 fifty-three companies of Associators had been...
365[Diary entry: 21 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 21st. We went over in a Canoe & Travell’d up Maryland side all the Day in a Continued Rain...
366[Diary entry: 22 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 22d. Continued Rain and the Freshes kept us at Cresaps.
367[Diary entry: 23 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 23d. Rain’d till about two oClock & Clear’d when we were agreeably surpris’d at the...
368[Diary entry: 25 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday 25th. 1748. Nothing Remarkable on thursday but only being with the Indians all day so...
369[Diary entry: 26 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday 26. Travelld up the Creek to Solomon Hedges Esqr. one of his Majestys Justices of the...
370[Diary entry: 27 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 27th. Travell’d over to the South Branch (attended with the Esqr.) to Henry Vanmetriss in...
371[Diary entry: 28 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 28th. Travell’d up the Branch about 30 Miles to Mr. James Rutlidge’s Horse Jockey & about...
372[Diary entry: 29 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 29th. This Morning went out & Survey’d five Hundred Acres of Land & went down to one...
373[Diary entry: 30 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. This Morning began our Intended Business of Laying of Lots. We began at the...
374[Diary entry: 31 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 31st. Early this Morning one of our Men went out with the Gun & soon Returnd with two...
375[April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday April the 1st. 1748. This Morning Shot twice at Wild Turkies but killd none. Run of three...
376[Diary entry: 1 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday April the 1st. 1748. This Morning Shot twice at Wild Turkies but killd none. Run of three...
377[Diary entry: 2 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday April 2d. Last Night was a blowing & Rainy night. Our Straw catch’d a Fire that we were...
ALS : Riverdale Country School, New York City I have a Letter from Mr. Samuel Lawrence of New...
379[Diary entry: 3 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 3d. Last Night was a much more blostering night than the former. We had our Tent Carried...
380[Diary entry: 4 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 4th. This morning Mr. Fairfax left us with Intent to go down to the Mouth of the Branch....
381[Diary entry: 5 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 5th. We went out & did 4 Lots. We were attended by the same Company of People that we had...
382[Diary entry: 6 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 6th. Last Night was so Intolerably smoaky that we were obliged all hands to leave the...
383[Diary entry: 7 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 7th. Rain’d Successively all Last Night. This Morning one of our men Killed a Wild Turky...
384[Diary entry: 8 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday 8th. We breakfasted at Casseys & Rode down to Vanmetris’s to get all our Company together...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I received yours of 2d Instant last night and...
386[Diary entry: 9 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday 9th. Set the Surveyors to work whilst Mr. Fairfax & myself stayed at the Tent our...
387[Diary entry: 10 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. We took our farewell of the Branch & travelld over Hills and Mountains to 1 Coddys...
388[Diary entry: 11 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 11th. We Travell’d from Coddys down to Frederick Town where we Reached about 12 oClock. We...
ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia I was very fortunate to receive both thy Curious...
390[Diary entry: 12 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 12th. We set of from Capt. Hites in order to go over Wms. Gap about 20 Miles and after...
391[Diary entry: 13 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday the 13th. of April 1748. Mr. Fairfax got safe home and I myself safe to my Brothers...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was well pleased with thine of the 13th...
MS not found; reprinted from Anderson Galleries, Sales Catalogue No. 800 (January 18, 1910), item...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I intirely condemn your Publication in...
Letterbook copy (incomplete): Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have wrote a few lines to thee...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Stan V. Henkels, Catalogue No. 1082 (April 11–12, 1913),...
MS not found; reprinted from A Select Collection of Letters of the Late Reverend George...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , June 2, 1748. The drawing of the First Philadelphia Lottery...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Bearer Mr. Kalm Is an Ingenious Man and comes over...