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Results 351-400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have been so overwhelmed with Business at the Close of the session of Congress and Since, that...
There is a french Ship Arrived last fryday from France itt is said came Out about the same time...
The arrival of the french Army in this Country, as the friends and allies of the Batavian People,...
On Wednesday, the 9th. of this Month, We all arrived in tolerable Health at the Hotel De Valois,...
It was this Day determined, to adjourn, tomorrow Week to Philadelphia. How, as you know my...
I do myself the Honour, at the Request of the Honble. James Lovel Esq; Member of Congress, to...
I this Day Received your kind Letter and we are all Happy to hear of your Safe arivall at Quincy...
For once I have followed the Example of my Friend, and have Long delayed a Reply to her Letter....
I have received & thank you for your favor of the 6 th: curr t: . This day, twelve months ago, I...
Great Advantages are often Attended with Great Inconveniencies, And Great Minds Called to severe...
I wrote you this morning inclosing a Post note for 600 and went to Senate with full Expectation...
I cannot exclude from my Mind your melancholly Situation. The Griefs of your Father and Sisters,...
I have just rec d from the P. Office your Letter of the 20 th. by Brisler who went to carry one...
Returned from a Ramble in Town which began at 10 in the Morning. Dined with my Friend S. Adams...
We got all on Board last night, and began to make our Arrangements. Mr. Thaxter and Johnny, slept...
Your favor of the 28 th inst I this morning had the pleasure to receive and for which my best...
The enclosed is from no new Admirer. But it will not be less wellcome on that Score to a Female...
I have this morning yours of the 9 th. Am glad you have mine from Stratford: you will receive...
The three Letters which Mrs. Adams honoured me with were received at Paris, and should have been...
I received last Evening your Letter of the 3 d inst— I began to think you had almost forgotten...
Yours of Septr. 9. I have received. Septr. 5. I sent you another Cannister by Mr. Hare. I have...
Howes Army, at least about 5000 of them besides his Light Horse, are landed, upon the Banks of...
This being the day on which, according to my calculation, my daughter would be crossing the...
It gives me great Pleasure to hear of your safe Arrivall in Europe, and that you are once more...
Your Favor of July 14 th: I duely received, and feel myself not a little flattered by your kind...
You will See by the Proclamation in the Public Papers that I have been obliged to convene...
My dear sister will I am sure excuse me if I send her now but a short Letter—when she is inform’d...
A serious truth this, which daily observation teaches, and experience convinces us of; for at the...
I have not yet seen the Work from whence the inclosed Extracts were made. A set is on the Road, a...
Mrs Washington, presents her compliments to M rs Adams,— if it is agreable to her, to Let miss...
M rs Otis arrived with her little Rosignal, in good health and Spirits the night before last, and...
on Wednesday I dined with M r Russell the Friend of D r Priestley and while We were at Table, in...
I acknowledge with Pleasure your Letter of the 7 th Ins t: thinking it uncertain whether you may...
The opportunities for writing occur so frequently at this time, and there is so little to say...
Your sisterly kindness to me my dear Madam induces me to believe that to hear of our welfare will...
It Can be of little Consequence to you my dear Madam wither Your late adventure with me amounts...
The inclosed Papers will show you how the Business of Mr. A’s Accounts has been conducted—with...
I went on Fryday night with M r Storer to the Drawing Room, where the Warmth of the Weather...
O how happy should I be, were I to sit down to write you of my dear sisters better health, but...
M rs. Washington presents her compliments to M rs. Adams— She wishes to know how the...
Vive la Baggatelle! Dulce est desipere. I have no other Resource in my solitude, amidst all my...
I received Your Favour of Octob r. 17. last, and have agreably to your Request consulted Deac n...
Enclosed with this you have a Correspondence, between the two Generals, concerning the Cartell...
Though the kind remembrance I have of my Sister is imprinted upon my heart, as with a point of a...
I have had another Fever, which brought me low, but as it has carried off certain Pains and...
I sincerely Congratulate my much Esteemed friend on the Restoration of the invaluable Blessing of...
I have not written to you, since receiving your very kind Letter of 3 d: March. though I received...
Your favor of the 19 th instant I have received I thank you for your congratulations upon an...
March 25 June 10 June 18 May 18 Octr. 10 21 25 Decr. 2 15. Jany. 2 1779 4. In the Margin are the...
Indeed my ever honoured Aunt I should have been much disapointed if my Cousin had not brought me...