James Madison Papers

William H. Sumner to James Madison, 27 February 1834

Adjutant General’s Office Boston February 27. 1834:


I had the honor several years since to address you enclosing a letter to John Adams, on the importance of the militia to the promotion of our civil institutions; to which you favored me with an answer, which has served as a text ever since.

I beg leave, now, to request your acceptance of a Report, upon the Militia to the Governor of this Commonwealth, published by order of this Commonwealth, published by order of the Legislature, in which I have indulged myself in remarks upon its general condition, with a view to awaken attention, and, if possible, concentrate public opinion upon the Constitutional plan of Reform therein set forth. With the best wishes for your continued health, strength and usefulness, I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedt servant

Wm. H. Sumner


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