James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Jacob Ridgway (Abstract), 8 February 1805

§ From Jacob Ridgway

8 February 1805, Antwerp. “I have the honor to give you the information I have just received through an indirect channel of two Prussian Vessels—Viz

the Navigation, Captain J Vandernvort

& the Speculation, Captain Dederick

bound from Amsterdam to Baltimore with Passengers Said to be mostly composed of all the Vagabonds, Convicts and the Outcast of that City for a premium of fifty Guilders ahead.

“Conceiving it my duty to acquaint Government with any occurrence, within my Knowledge, which might affect either the Safety or morals of my Countrymen I hasten to give you the present information that you may Cause to <be> taken such measures as you shall think proper.”

RC (DNA: RG 59, CD, Antwerp, vol. 1). 2 pp.; docketed by Wagner.

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