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Results 35051-35060 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society You may remember that when I waited on you last at your Lodgings you were kind enough to make Offers of your Service, otherwise I can not presume on any Merits of my own with you to sollicit your kind Offices in Case an Oppertunity should offer. From your and Mr. Jackson’s Letters I have no Doubt that you will be able to bring about a Change of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society John Huske, an American-born merchant and M.P. for Maldon, Essex, was a strong partisan of the colonial cause. In 1767 he had used his long connection with Charles Townshend to try to secure modification of the Townshend Acts; in December, 1768, he introduced the Pennsylvania petition to the House of Commons. Three undated letters from him are among...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Receiv’d 10 Rm. of Paper for which I am Greatly Oblig’d to you for as it Came very Opportunitely. I Beg you will be Kind Enough to Send per first Oppertunity 50 Rm. More of the Like kind as Also (in persuance to my former Letters) a Sheet of Each Sort You Make, I beg Leave to Remind You once More of Sending Me the Rest of my Order as I am Realy much in...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Being just going to set off on a Journey to the Sea Side with my Wife, for the Benefit of her Health, have only Time now to enclose you the first Copy of a Bill of Exchange for Two Hundred Pounds Sterling; for which you will give me Credit, as usual, and Advise, when paid. This Letter I directed to the Care of Mr. Strahan, in case of your being...
AL : Library of Congress Mr. Pownall presents his compliments to Dr. Franklin, and begs to be informed, whether he has any authority, and what to act as Agent for the province of Pennsylvania. Addressed: To Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Secretary of the Board of Trade, which on that day was considering the Pennsylvania laws passed in February, 1773 (above, XX , 340 n), and Richard Jackson’s report on...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Your last favor informed me that you had sent my Letter to Mr. Canton inclosed in one of your own per the Packet: for which I am much obliged. When I last saw Mr. Winthrop, I inquired of him after Æpinus: he told me he sent it to Mr. Stiles of Newport, who would convey it to you. I thank you for your Pamphlet relative to the Massacre of the...
It seems as if my chief Business here was to fatigue you and our good Allies with incessant Sollicitations on the Subject of the eir ^ ill- ^ timed, & I had almost said cursed Bills drawn upon me by Congress— It is happy for yo me that you are are a Philosopher, and for our Country that our allies are indeed our Friends— Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur— This Court continues to observe the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Venice, October 3, 1778, in French: I wish to apply for the post of American consul in Venice. My knowledge of this Republic’s laws and customs, as well as the many personal connections I have formed over my fifteen years’ residence here, will enable me to defend American interests efficiently. I shall, if needed, provide you with references.> He signs...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Inclosed are three Bills of Exchange for the Use of S. C. Johonnot, One for twelve Dollars, another for sixty Dollars, and another for one hundred and twenty Dollars, which I must ask the Favour of your Excellency to take the Charge of for the Use of the young Gentleman, and to pay his Expences. I have the Honour to be...
AL : American Philosophical Society La comtesse de seguins soeur de Mr. le comte Deslsnard desireroit avoir l’honneur de voir Monsieur franklin pour conferer avec lui sur le projet d’aller en amerique dont son frere lui a parlé. Elle prie Monsieur franklin, de vouloir bien lui faire dire si elle le trouvera ches lui jeudi matin, ou l’apres diner. Elle le prie d’adresser la reponce ches Mr....