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Results 35051-35100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society You may remember that when I waited on you last...
ALS : American Philosophical Society John Huske, an American-born merchant and M.P. for Maldon,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Receiv’d 10 Rm. of Paper for which I am Greatly Oblig’d to...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Being just going to set off on a Journey to the...
AL : Library of Congress Mr. Pownall presents his compliments to Dr. Franklin, and begs to be...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Your last favor informed me that you had sent...
It seems as if my chief Business here was to fatigue you and our good Allies with incessant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Venice, October 3, 1778, in French: I wish to apply for the...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Inclosed are three...
AL : American Philosophical Society La comtesse de seguins soeur de Mr. le comte Deslsnard...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania D: Barclay Jun. presents his Respects to Dr. Franklin,...
LS : American Philosophical Society The Gentleman who will have the Honor to deliver this Letter...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Pouves vous me dire ou Est un mr d’orbrais qui, allant...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’Accademie des Sciences et arts de Padoüe D’esiroit ajouter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I inclose thee printed Copies of the Acts pass’d last...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; LS : University of Pennsylvania Library, Historical Society...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Ma Lettre d’hier vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We rejoice in these frequent opportunities of hearing from...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Let me beg of you to endeavor at sending the enclosed Letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You was so kind as to grant to my request your letters of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As this will be delivered into your own hands by the bearer...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I take the Liberty of recommending to your notice the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By you kind favours with which you honourd me the 23d March...
L : American Philosophical Society M. Le C. de Vergennes a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur...
AL (fragment): Library Company of Philadelphia [ First part missing ] Pray give my respects to...
The Inclosed Letter is the one I ask’d you in Philadelphia if you had received. It has undergone...
AL (draft): National Archives I am this day honored with your Dispatches of the 4. of which I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received thy favour of Decr. 13th. which Inclosed a Copy...
Copy: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem To wait on you at Bethlehem, on your Return from...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be handed you by Mr. William McCreery of this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress Yours of March 21st...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I find my Last of the 30th of September mist...
Two ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I am now to Acknowledge the receipt of your agreable...
Desirous of doing all in my Power, to Save Mr Morriss Bills, I determined to go to Amsterdam, and...
Copy: Library of Congress Votre recommandation, Monsieur, en faveur du S. Foligny ci devant...
AL : American Philosophical Society M Boers a l’honneur de presenter ses respects a M le Ministre...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have been informed that the destination of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society I received your much esteemed favour of November 1st 1773,...
The inclosed paper has been read and with some small alterations approved of by the committee....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis on ne peut pas plus fâché mon Illustre Docteur...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was well pleased with thine of the 13th...
Two LS : American Philosophical Society, Harvard University Library Whatever might have been my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The happy intelligence which you had the kindness of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Have taken the liberty to inform Your Excellency that I...
Copy: William L. Clements Library Before you receive this you will have heard of a total change...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the honor to address Your Excellencey about two...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho I flatter my self it will not be disagreable to you to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Libty. I take in writing is, to solicit your Friendship;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrot you about a month past but haveing an opertunity by a...