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Results 35051-35100 of 184,431 sorted by author
Inclosed you have the Drafts of the round bottom and your Shertees Land don Agreeable to Mr Lewis...
Agreeable to your Desire I have Bought the Great Medows from Mr Harreson for thirty Pistols to be...
Yours by Dotr Connalys man dated Feby 24th I am sory for your in Convenency in regard to your...
Agreeable to your Request I went to vew Colo. Crohans Land but before it cold be done the Line...
I hope you enjoy mens sana in Corpore Sano: My Body for more than six months past has been in...
Capt. Payne informed me some Time last spring that you would be so good as to let me have a Ram...
Your Letter by Mr Cleveland was safe Delivered to me but I did not get the Letter, you mentiond...
Inclosed is a recommendation in favor of Obadiah Jones Esquire of the State of Georgia. He is the...
The preceding address is now transmitted thro’ you to the president of the United States in...
I hope you will pardon this intrusion in the midst of those momentuous affairs which must now...
The preceding address is now transmitted thro’ you to the president of the United States in...
Your customary card has renewed an embarrassment under which I have labored since the first &...
Disapproving of the selection for appointment to office from the members of the house of...
If the liberty so frequently taken in addressing you privately, on subjects of national concern,...
I should be Glad to know Maters was Setled at Fredriksburgh at the Last Meeting of the Officers...
Inclosed is the Expences of Last sumers Trip a survaying the soldiers Land, and two Small things...
I am sory to brek in uppon your Hours that Aught to reast you from the many feteagues you have to...
Such frequent obtrusion, on your notice, may be deemed equally presuming & impertinent. Rectitude...
I wrote you by V. Crawford I was indebted to Mess. Jacob Hitte & Son a Sum of mony whch I have...
I receivd yours Letters by Mr Cristy dated 27th of May and I am Sory to you Seem to be in...
Inclosed is a Rough Draft of your Land and Calculated with the alowence of teen percent in the...
I have Still Keept your Land but With much dificulty I turnd six men of in the first of March ho...
By V. Crawford Receved your Letter dated Novr 13th and inclosed twenty pounds Pensilvania mony. I...
Where integrity of motive is apparent it merits indulgence; & will plead for any impropriety...
Agreable to my promise the Last time I had the Pleashure of Seeing you I advertised your Lands on...
Permit me to apologize for the liberty thus taken in addressing you on a subject of considerable...
Som People about 10 or 12 in number has gon on your Cherter Land within this few days and there...
A project of finance, addressed to you in this days Intr. induces me to offer a few observations...
I Received yours of July 27th Septemr 25th and 26th one of which you blame me somthing in Regard...
I Receved yours of March the 11th and I am much sirprised at Mr Brooks beheaviour in Regard to...
I was favioured, with two Letters from you, one dated the 13th, and the other the 17th instant. I...
Sence I wrote you Docter Connally calld on me on his way from Williamsburgh and tells me that it...
I yesterday returd from our Late Expedition against the Shawnees, and I think we may with...
The aim of the present address, will, I trust, be a sufficient apology for the intrusion. If the...
8 March 1810, Senate Chamber. Sends Obadiah Jones’s resignation as judge of the Illinois...
3 March 1809, Senate Chamber. Withdraws his earlier support for Obadiah Jones, who had sought a...
1 March 1810, Senate Chamber. Obadiah Jones has authorized Crawford “to accept of the appointment...
I have the honor of transmitting to you a very voluminous letter from your friend Mr. Dupont de...
I have the honor to submit for your consideration, a draft of the instructions prepared to be...
The very Kind and flattering manner in which you offered me a seat in the Cabinet, yesterday, has...
In adopting regulations to prevent the abuses which have been practised in issuing provisions to...
It has become important to settle with the least possible delay, the effects of brevet...
30 June 1812, Senate Chamber. Recommends “Mr Charles Sterrett Ridgely of Maryland for an...
On my arrival in this city, on Tuesday last, I found all my children except the eldest,...
Your letter recommending M r Armistead for an appointment in the war department has been duly Rec...
Mr Bagot called upon me to day, & Stated that two Soldiers in the American service had waited on...
In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 5th: Instant, I have the honor to lay before...
The former decision on this case is enclosed. The practice of the department forbids the idea of...
Recollecting the conversation I had with you in Sept. last, relative to the part which Mr....
Your letter of the 9 th of Oct. reached me on the 5 th inst. From the letters & News Papers which...