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Results 34991-35000 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Louis Le Grand, a principal Merchant of Havre de Grace and our very perticular friend, writes us, that he is very anxious to be of the number of those who have the honor of your personal acquaintance. This gentleman has invariably shewn a particular attachment to the cause of the United States of America, and has been of great utility to us, in...
Two AL : American Philosophical Society Chaumont a L’honneur de prevenir M. franklin que M. Villiam a tiré sur luy Chaumont pour 250 mils Livres de Lettres de Change a valoir sur L’habillement des troupes americains qu’ils font executer par œconomie pourquoy M. franklin doit se Munir d’un Bon de M. D’harvelay de 250/m l.t. qui Serviront a acquitter Les traites de M. William que M de Chaumont...
ALS : William L. Clements Library Since writing on the other Side, The apprehensions of Hostility’s shortly commencing, unless the Indians could be quieted by the Agents, Are too soon (And too fataly for my Partners and self) confirmed. An Express, yesterday brought us, the following alarming Advices. That Our Factor at Fort Pitt had sent from Thence, in July last, Two large Batteaus, With...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Few documents could be more exasperating to editors trying conscientiously to do their duty by future readers. Nothing has been found to identify the writer beyond what he himself says here or in the three other letters printed below, pp. 267–9. This letter gives a month and day of writing but no year and the other three bear no dates at all. The sheet on...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My two last to you by Capt. Budden to London, and Capt. Stewart to Liverpoole, contained the first and second Copies of a Bill of Exchange for £100. Sterling, which I hope are come to hand and paid. Inclosed you have now the first Copy of another Bill of Exchange for One Hundred Pounds more, of which with the others before sent, please to advise...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Opportunity by a private Hand to return you Capt Folgers Bond & Oath, in order to save the postage. I will write by the Post. I am in haste yours most dutifully and affectionately Notation: J. Williams 24. Fevr. 1782. See JW to BF , Nov. 10, and BF ’s reply of Nov. 19.
ALS : American Philosophical Society This being the last month in the Year, I have been ’till now busily employed in casting up and settling my affairs, and as I never form’d very great Expectations, I find myself very content with the result. It appears that I have good enough to pay all I owe, and £300 Sterling left being the clear profits of last years Business. In the last Account I gave...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Hennebon, near Lorient, January 10, 1777, in French: I have served the Compagnie des Indes since 1752, and was returning from China in 1776 when my ship put in at Ascension Island to revictual and take on turtles. There I encountered a Mr. Benjamin Salter, out of St. Eustatius from Bermuda, waiting to make purchases from passing vessels. I made friends...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have the Honour to inform your Excellency, that Congress, having judged it proper to appoint me to a new Mission in Europe I embarked on the thirteenth of November, at the Instance of The Chevalier de La Luzerne and Mr. Gerard, on Board the same Frigate that carried me to America. Soon after We got to Sea a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le moment ou le ciel comble le vœu le plus doux des francais est celui ou sous un autre hemisphere, L’homme a L’ombre des Lys vient de briser la chaine de la Tyrannie: vous jouissez de ce double Bonheur et Quand nous le Celebrons C’est vous procurer sans doute un plaisir bien pur que de vous faire partager notre joie. En Consequence La R. M. L. E. du...