Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from John Hawkesworth, [15 May? 1772]

From John Hawkesworth

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Bromley Kent Fryday night [May 15?3, 1772]

Many, many Thanks, my dear Friend, for your obliging favour of the 8th. My Enquiry was on the behalf of a Friend who is very near and dear to me, to whom I have transcribed your Letter, and if she should be inclined to make the Experiment I will claim the kind offer which your humanity has made me. It will not bring you to Bromley, but I hope you will contrive to give me a day now the Days are long and the weather is fine. I have some Expectation of Seeing Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander here with Mr. Fitzmaurice,4 perhaps you may be of the Party. I will let you know when they come if their warning is sufficient. Perhaps you may hear of it in Town. Adieu I am ever and most affectionately Yours

Jno Hawkesworth

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Hawkesworth, to judge by BF’s letter above of Friday, May 8, was urgent in his request for help; and we presume that he sent this answer on the following Friday. The MS has the notation, as others have in these volumes, that it was given to some one (illegible) by Mr. Sparks.

4For Banks and Solander see above, XVIII, 209 n, and for Fitzmaurice, Shelburne’s brother, X, 348 n and subsequent volumes.

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