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Results 34621-34650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
34621 Harris, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Harris, 18 March 1808 1808-03-18 Plese be so Kind as to use your Exertions and Authorety to Have the Within Message printed in the...
34622 Leigh, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Leigh, 18 March 1808 1808-03-18 as the President of the United States there was early transmitted you the Illustrations of the...
34623 Nicholas, Wilson Cary Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wilson Cary Nicholas, 18 March … 1808-03-18 I enclose you Mr. Quincy’s Speech. In the anxiety that I feel upon the subject I mentioned to you...
34624 Randolph, Anne Cary Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Anne Cary Randolph, 18 March … 1808-03-18 Ellen & myself have agreed that we will write to you every post that Mama & Papa do not so that...
34625 Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ellen Wayles Randolph … 1808-03-18 I am glad my Dear Grand papa expresses approbation at my writing about little things as I always...
34626 Jefferson, Thomas Rodney, Caesar Augustus From Thomas Jefferson to Caesar Augustus Rodney, 18 … 1808-03-18 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the heads of departments and Atty. Genl. to meet to-day at 12....
34627 Jefferson, Thomas United States Senate From Thomas Jefferson to United States Senate, 18 March … 1808-03-18 I nominate George Hodges of Massachusets to be Surveyor for the port of Salem. Robert Wickliff of...
34628 Jefferson, Thomas United States Congress From Thomas Jefferson to United States Congress, 18 … 1808-03-18 The scale on which the military academy at West point was originally established is become too...
34629 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 17 … 1808-03-17 I flatter me Self with the fond hope, that mÿ old and high-revered friend Shall not, after Such a...
34630 Cushing, Hannah Phillips Adams, Abigail Smith From Hannah Phillips Cushing to Abigail Smith Adams, 17 … 1808-03-17 We were blessed with fine weather & roads from Providence to Phila., where we staid a fortnight;...
34631 Rose, George Henry Madison, James To James Madison from George Henry Rose, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 Being deeply impressed with the Sense of His Majesty’s anxiety, that full effect should be given...
34632 Truxtun, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Truxtun, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 The enclosed written in honesty & truth, I forward open under this cover for my friend Captain...
34633 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 17 March … 1808-03-17 I have heard nothing further from Nachitoches; the Report of the advance of Spanish Troops...
34634 Pinkney, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pinkney, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 I enclose a Copy of the Bill, as it has passed the Commons, for carrying into Execution the...
34635 Foronda, Valentin de Madison, James To James Madison from Valentin de Foronda, 17 March … 1808-03-17 Espero que tendrá V. S. la bondad de pedir á su Excella. el Seňor Presidente, se conceda el...
34636 Woodward, Augustus Madison, James To James Madison from Augustus Woodward, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 I have doubted whether I ought, or ought not, to transmit the enclosed Bill to the Secretary of...
34637 Cabell, William H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William H. Cabell, 17 March … 1808-03-17 I received by the last nights mail your favor of the 13th. and shall forward the letters alluded...
34638 Jefferson, Thomas Duane, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 The inclosed case of Thos. Norris I first observed in the Aurora, and consider it a duty to have...
34639 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 I think it will be impossible to form general rules for carrying into execution the 7th. section...
34640 Henderson, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Henderson, 17 March … 1808-03-17 From information which has come to my Knowledge, within a very short time past, I am induced at...
34641 Humphreys, Reuben Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Reuben Humphreys, 17 March … 1808-03-17 you will recolect that not far from the 1st. of February last; I handed some communications,...
34642 Jefferson, Thomas United States Congress From Thomas Jefferson to United States Congress, 17 … 1808-03-17 I have heretofore communicated to Congress the decrees of the government of France of November...
34643 Shee, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Shee, 17 March 1808 1808-03-17 I am this moment honored with your letter of the 15th. inst. Captain Hand having departed hence,...
34644 Madison, James Griswold, Stanley From James Madison to Stanley Griswold, 16 March 1808 1808-03-16 The President having thought proper to revoke your Commission as Secretary of the Michigan...
34645 Yznardy, Josef Madison, James To James Madison from Josef Yznardy, 16 March 1808 1808-03-16 I make bold to take up your time, requesting your Kind atten tion to what follows....
34646 Madison, James Hull, William From James Madison to William Hull, 16 March 1808 1808-03-16 The President having thought proper to revoke the Commission of Stanley Griswold Esqr. as...
34647 Belding, Joshua Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joshua Belding, 16 March 1808 1808-03-16 Wisdom and Justice requres Mercy and Forgiveness and may these Lines reach Congress with truth...
34648 Bradley, Stephen Row Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Stephen Row Bradley, 16 March … 1808-03-16 Immediately upon being acquainted That Mr Atwater would be nominated Secretary of the Territory...
34649 Pseudonym: “A Citizen Among Ten Thousand” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pseudonym: "A Citizen Among … 1808-03-16 Read the within. Who are the enemies of this Country? It’s Rulers. What do they deserve? Hell....
34650 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 16 March 1808 1808-03-16 I will write to Genl. Macon for a return of the Militia of the District, and request him to...