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Results 3451-3500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3451 Franklin, Deborah Drury, Sarah Deborah Franklin: Receipt to Sarah Drury, 10 December … 1768-12-10 Copy: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these presents that I Deborah Franklin...
3452 Hamilton, Alexander Constitution of the Bank of New York, [23 February–15 … 1784-02-23 Constitution Article 1st. That the Bank shall be called by the Name and Title of the Bank of New...
3453 Mercer, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Mercer, 20 February … 1792-02-20 The Necessity of the Case will I hope be a sufficient appollogy for my addressing your Excellency...
3454 Deakins, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Deakins, 12 October … 1796-10-12 I am Sorry I was from home when you called to See your Land —Since my return I have wrote twice...
3455 Franklin, Benjamin Scheme of the Second Academy Lottery, 11 March 1755 1755-03-11 Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , March 11, 1755. Before their lottery for 3000 pieces of...
3456 Adams, John United States Senate From John Adams to United States Senate, 22 December … 1800-12-22 I nominate the following List of Gentlemen for Promotions and Appointments in the Army of the...
3457 Washington, George Nourse, James From George Washington to James Nourse and Alexander … 1778-01-30 By a Letter from Genl Lee of the 30th Ulto, which came to hand the 26th Instant, he seems to be...
3458 Citizens of Marseilles Washington, George To George Washington from the Citizens of Marseilles … 1792-08-24 Free Nations are always in alliance, and are alike interested in affording mutual aid and...
3459 Neilson, John Enclosure: Floor Plan of Poplar Forest by John Neilson … 1819-11-02 MS ( ViU: TJP ; Nichols, Architectural Drawings Frederick Doveton Nichols, Thomas Jefferson’s...
3460 Fleming, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Fleming, 24 May 1804 1804-05-24 For some time I have had a wish to bee on board of one the United States Frigets and now take...
3461 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 12 May 1815 1815-05-12 I attended yesterday at the Court of Admiralty rather to hear what could be said than from any...
3462 Livingston, Robert R. Adams, John To John Adams from Robert R. Livingston, 6 November … 1782-11-06 The scene of Action is so entirely transfered to your side of the Atlantick that scarce any...
3463 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 9 … 1776-03-09 The important Post at Dorchester Hill which has long been the object of our particular attention,...
3464 Adams, John Quincy 14th. 1787-03-14 Was employ’d almost all day, in thinking upon the subject of my conference; wrote a few Lines,...
3465 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 May 1798] 1798-05-10 10. Morning—clear & calm—Mer. at 52. Lowering all the afternoon with the Wind Southerly, but no...
3466 American Commissioners Thulemeier, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von VII. To the Baron von Thulemeier, 13 February 1785 1785-02-13 Your Favour of the 24 th: of Jan y. did not reach me, untill two Days ago. I communicated the...
3467 Anterroches, Joseph Louis, Chevalier d’ Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Louis d’Anterroches, 23 … 1801-03-23 Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 23 Mch. 1801. His recollection of the kindness shown by TJ as minister...
3468 Yancey, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Yancey, 27 January 1791 1791-01-27 You will please to excuse me for Troubling of you on a private Matter—the case is this. I am...
3469 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis, 17 January 1806 … 1806-01-17 § From William Jarvis. 17 January 1806, Lisbon. “Not a Vessel having sailed for the United States...
3470 Washington, George Arbuthnot, Marriot From George Washington to Marriot Arbuthnot, 21 August … 1781-08-21 The almost daily complaints of the severities exercised towards the American Marine prisoners in...
3471 Jefferson, Thomas Milledge, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Milledge, 6 February 1809 1809-02-06 Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Govr. Milledge and at the request of the...
3472 Bertier, Joseph-Etienne Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph-Etienne Bertier, 3 … 1778-03-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society The first letter about a candidate for American service in...
3473 Livingston, Edward Madison, James To James Madison from Edward Livingston, 25 March 1801 … 1801-03-25 25 March 1801, New York. Introduces and commends to JM’s attention his friend Josef Yznardy, who...
3474 Jay, John Pickering, Timothy From John Jay to Timothy Pickering, 27 November 1798 1798-11-27 I take the Liberty of requesting the favor of you to give the enclosed Letter to M r . King, a...
3475 Franklin, Benjamin Kames, Henry Home, Lord From Benjamin Franklin to Lord Kames, 1–16 January 1769 1769-01-01 ALS : Scottish Record Office It is always a great Pleasure to me to hear from you, and would be a...
3476 Greene, Catharine Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Catharine Greene, 1 October … 1776-10-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society You will be Glad to hear of our geting home Safe which we...
3477 Harris, Levett Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Levett Harris to Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams … 1815-02-12 Mr Harris has the honor to hand herewith inclosed to Mrs Adams the several passports and Letters...
3478 Continental Congress Bill for Raising Six Additional Battalions of Infantry … 1776-10-28 Whereas it has been thought necessary by the American Congress that the armies of the United...
3479 West, Cato Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Cato West, 11 August 1804 1804-08-11 I had the Honor to receive your note of the 17th. ultimo, with the enclos’d letter to Mr. Dunbar,...
3480 Adams, John Taylor, John From John Adams to John Taylor, 12 March 1819 1819-03-12 The painful difficulty of holding a pen which has been—growing upon me for many years & now in...
3481 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 27 December 1799 1799-12-27 The Secretary of State has the honour to inform the President, that he received Mr. Pintard’s...
3482 Washington, George Washington, George Augustine From George Washington to George Augustine Washington … 1790-02-21 Letter not found: to George Augustine Washington, 21 Feb. 1790. On 5 Mar. George Augustine...
3483 Madison, James (Reverend) Madison, James To James Madison from the Right Reverend James Madison … 1791-11-25 Mr. Otway Bird wishes to obtain your assistance in some Business wh. he has with Congress, & has...
3484 Ellicott, Andrew Madison, James To James Madison from Andrew Ellicott, 10 August 1813 1813-08-10 A few days ago I received a note from Genl. Armstrong, requesting “to know if the appointment of...
3485 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 30 April 1781 1781-04-30 Arriving this moment, I received your Favour of 26; and am happy to find that you continue in the...
3486 Rodney, Caesar Augustus Jefferson, Thomas Caesar A. Rodney to Thomas Jefferson, 24 February 1821 1821-02-24 I have lately recovered from a severe attack of fever, which confined me to my bed for ten days;...
3487 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 14 July … 1795-07-14 I received your favor of yesterday, this moment, when I am on the eve of a journey to Virginia....
3488 Washington, George Rendón, Francisco From George Washington to Francisco Rendón, 21 June … 1781-06-21 I with the greatest pleasure congratulate you in the success of His Catholic Majesty’s Arms at...
3489 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 June 1787] 1787-06-17 Sunday. 17th. Went to Church. Heard Bishop White preach, and see him ordain two Gentlemen...
3490 Jefferson, Thomas Blake, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Blake, 18 November 1808 1808-11-18 I enclose you the petition of Paul H. Shippey in the state prison of Massachusets under sentence...
3491 Appleton, Nathaniel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Appleton, 3 May … 1791-05-03 Boston, May 3, 1791. “Your circular Letter 8th April is received. An Account agreably to the form...
3492 From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Galloway, 13 December … 1766-12-13 ALS : William L. Clements Library I congratulate you cordially on the News I see with much...
3493 Washington, George Reed, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Reed, 23 November 1778 1778-11-23 I have the honor of transmitting the Committee of arrangement the inclosed from Colonel...
3494 Adams, John Osborn, Selleck From John Adams to Selleck Osborn, 27 April 1823 1823-04-27 I have received your letter of the 24 April & have desired my friend Mr Shaw to subscribe my name...
3495 Washington, George General Orders, 5 February 1777 1777-02-05 The Fast day directed in Yesterday’s General Orders was a mistake, it being ordered by the...
3496 Madison, James Muhlenberg, Peter From James Madison to Peter Muhlenberg (Abstract), 12 … 1805-06-12 12 June 1805, Department of State . “The Philadelphia papers mention that Capt. Kennedy of the...
3497 Jackson, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Jackson, 17 October … 1803-10-17 Least misrepresentations and unfavourable reports should be made you, respecting Doctor Vandyke...
3498 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, [16 March 1814] 1814-03-16 In drafting the enclosed letter I have qualified Jackson’s proposals in a way which will spare an...
3499 Pseudonym: “A Friend” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pseudonym: "A Friend", 5 … 1805-12-05 I had forgot in my last to mention the arrival at n york of Gener al Miranda. This event forms a...
3500 Adams, John Calkoen, Hendrik 20. To Hendrik Calkoen, 26 October 1780 1780-10-26 Question 20. Has there not been different opinions in Congress, with Regard to this, (i.e. to...