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Results 3451-3500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
according to your Command ⟨I have⟩ sent you as near as I am able ⟨ mutilated ⟩ accot of the...
Braintree, post 17 May 1759. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
DS : The Royal Society, London Franklin was elected a fellow of the Royal Society on April 29,...
Printed in [Richard Jackson], An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of...
3455Cash Accounts, June 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash June 13— To Ditto [cash] of Ditto [Col. Custis’s estate] £154. 0.0 19— To Ditto of Ditto...
Copies (two): Historical Society of Pennsylvania On Feb. 2, 1759, the Privy Council referred...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bills of Exchange I have remitted are as...
ALS : Harvard College Library Tourmaline crystals, brought to Europe from the East by the Dutch...
Duplicate: Yale University Library It gives me great Pleasure to learn by yours of the 12th. of...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Pay or Cause to be paid to Isaac Norris Esqr. the Sum of...
It will be needless I presume, unless it be for Formsake, to tell you so long after the thing has...
Doubtless before this you have heard of my Marriage with Mrs Martha Custis; but the Inclosd is...
In a Letter which I wrote you the first of last Month was Inclosd an Invoice of Sundries which I...
Invoice of Sundrie Goods to be Shipd by Robt Cary Esqr. and Company—for the use of George...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Being just going to set off on a Journey to the...
ALS : Morristown National Historical Park If I am found among the last in congratulating Col....
3467[June 1759] (Adams Papers)
Have this moment finished Woods new Institute of the Imperial or civil Law. It is a great Help in...
3468June 29. 1759. (Adams Papers)
Have this moment finished Woods new Institute of the Imperial or civil Law. It is a great Help in...
3469[Summer 1759.] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Wibirt . Ld. Chancellor Hardwick used at night to take off the Robes of his office and lay...
Braintree, July? 1759. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams...
3471Cash Accounts, July 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash July 5— To ditto [cash] of Ditto [Col. Custis’s estate] £  3. 7. 6 10— To ditto of Ditto...
By the Fair American William Thompson Master a ship belonging to— I send you fifteen Hhds Tobo...
LS : Yale University Library; transcript: John L. W. Mifflin, Middlebush, N.J. (1955) By the...
Copy: William L. Clements Library When Mr. Hunter came to Town, I conferr’d with him on the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind Letter of Jany. 31. You are very good...
MS not found; reprinted from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XIII (1889),...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 30 July 1759. On 28 Sept. Stewart wrote to GW : “I . . ....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy:...
Contra        Cr 1759   By Cash at Sundry times as pr acct £1397.14.10 Augt   By a Sett of Excha:...
3480Cash Accounts, August 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Augt 9— To Cash of Sampson Darrel for the Rent of Mrs Gists Pl[antatio]n £6. 1.8 10— To...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you already by this Ship, but have since receiv’d...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 6 Aug. 1759. On 30 Nov. GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. :...
Invoice of Sundry Goods Shipd by Robt Cary & Coma. on board the Lawrence and Jane, Richd Yates...
Extract: Associates of the Late Rev. Dr. Bray Extract of a Letter from Mrs Franklin in...
I am desird in a Letter which I have just received from Colo. Bassett, to send to you for a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy:...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I have only time now to own the receipt of Yours...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society In case of Miscarriages, I have sent You the...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy (first part only): American...
I shall draw upon you in a few days to the Amount of about £150 in two Setts of Exchange: the one...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter is the first document connected with the long...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania At the Court at Kensington the 29th: day of August...
3493Cash Accounts, September 1759 (Washington Papers)
Contra Septr— By Mr Mercer for Settling Adminn Accts Colo. Custiss Este £25. 0.0 By Brents...
Articles of Agreement made Indented the First day of September One Thousand Seven hundred and...
DS : American Philosophical Society; two copies: Yale University Library Edinburgh The Fifth day...
Letter not found: from Robert Stewart, 5 Sept. 1759. On 28 Sept. Stewart wrote to GW : “On the...
ALS : Yale University Library Your agreable Letter of the 4th August, is just come to hand, being...
Letter not found: to John Graham, 10 Sept. 1759. On 14 Sept. Graham wrote to GW : “I received...
I received your letter of the 10th Inst. and have Sent you a Copy of Spencers Deed to Osborn the...
I know you will excuse Me for addressing you on so coarse so common Paper, when I assure you tis...