To George Washington from Tench Coxe, 25 July 1794
From Tench Coxe
Treasury Department Revenue-office, July 25th 1794.
The Secretary of the Treasury being absent from the seat of Government, I do myself the honor, respectfully, to transmit to you the inclosed letter.1 I refrain from any remarks upon its contents except that I suppose the word in the third page, which is covered by the seal to be "Militia." With perfect respect, I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedt, & most humble Servant
(Signed) Tench Coxe
Commissr of the Revenue
LB, DNA: RG 58: Letters Sent by the Commissioner of the Revenue and the Revenue Office.
1. Coxe probably enclosed John Nevill’s letter to him of 18 July (see Henry Knox to GW, 4 Aug., n.3).