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Results 3441-3450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No circumstance is more shocking than that of being obliged to a stranger for relief; and however conscious I may be of my own innocence and well meaning, the presumption of addressing your Excellence in this manner may be a sufficient reason to prevent my receiving such a share of credit, as were I known to you, I might with justice pretend to. I have had the misfortune to receive an...
I had the honour to receive your dispatches of the 15, 20. 21 & 23d of Augt. ultimo, with their respective inclosures. The 28th of Augt. ulto. I transmitted by Mr. Hall, to Geo. Walton Esqr. & Lt. Col. Ths. Butler additional instructions, of which the inclosed is a copy, with a commission to the latter gentleman, and on the 30th a duplicate of the instructions by post. No. 1 is a letter from...
Mr. Grand has the honour of paying his respects to the Honorable Mr. Adams and begs leave to observe to him that the général Account he requires Since his arrival untill Mr. Franklin’s new Commission would not agree with all those he has furnishd in that Interval and which being a Series of Accounts united together would be in Contradiction with that required. It is not possible to dissect in...
I gratefully return to you the little pamphlet, & send with it a copy of the Register in which I have published it. I used the license you gave me, as to your letter in full, as well for an introduction to the sketch itself, as because I thought it might be of advantage to me. Many have been much gratified in reading that sketch—& I, indeed, rejoice at having had the pleasure to disseminate...
Les maux qu’ont éprouvés les habitants des Colonies françoises, les Ministres des Autels, les cy-devant Nobles & autres, ont été si grands quils pourroient se persuader que la Justice N’habite plus sur la terre, si Dieu lui même N’avoit dit Cherchez et vous trouverez. C’est dans le Cœur de Celui qui par le Choix d’une Nation entierre a été Jugé digne d’occuper la premiere place que je dois la...
Sir. I take the Liberty to enclose a line to you as we receivd one from you, by the hand of M r. Lambe which came here to make peace for America & to redeam the Americans in slavery But not power to do either as the price was so high as six thousand Dollars for a Master and four ditto for a mate and fifteen hundred for sailors the King will not bate one six pence and will not have any thing to...
I have been favored with your kind Letter of the 2d. March, which was sometime detained at Newyork, for want of a good Conveyance.—Your Time is too much engaged at present in public Business to admit of much private Correspondence: I will therefore write you more fully at some future day.—The Purport of this Letter is to mention to you my Friend William Savage Esqre., a Son of the late Samuel...
At a meeting of the citizens of Hudson and its vicinity in the County of Columbia in the State of New York pursuant to public notice assembled at the City Hall in the City of Hudson on the 26th of May 1798. Stephen Paddock Esquire Chairman William W. Van Ness Esqr. Secretary We the citizens aforesaid considering the present state and aspect of public affairs, and feeling in common with our...
I have this day opened an office in Hanover square. The situation is as eligible as any in the City. There is but one objection, which is the high rents which are demanded for rooms in so public a situation. I have however been advised to take it, rather than go into a more retired seat. I wrote a few days since to my Mama, I then mentioned that forty pounds was the rent required for a small...
I have been informed that You have conferred upon me the very unexpected, and unsolicited honour of nominating me as Secretary at war of the United States. I beg Your Excellency to be assured that I am deeply affected with this very flattering mark of confidence. The afflicting necessity by which I am obliged to pay the last sad offices of duty to an honoured and only Surviving parent...