Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Holme, 12 April 1759

From Thomas Holme

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Wellingborough April 12th. 1759.


I communicated your Last and Mrs. Morris’s Letter2 to Mr. Fisher at my Return from a Journey last Saturday, else you would have heard from me Sooner, however I now send you such a Discharge as will satisfie Mr. Fisher, which when you have executed please to return either to him or me by the Post, and he will directly remitt you the Money.3 I am Sir Your very humble Servant

Tho: Holme.

Addressed: To / Mr. Benjamin Franklin / at Mrs. Stephensons in Craven Street / Strand / London

Endorsed: Revd Mr Holme April 12 59

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2For BF’s letter of March 27, see above, p. 302. Eleanor Morris’ letter has not been found; it probably concerned her request that her share of Mary Fisher’s estate be paid to BF.

3An undated entry (not later than May 30, 1759) in BF’s “Account of Expences,” p. 29 (summarized in PMHB, LV, 119–20), records in detail the distribution of Mrs. Fisher’s estate. It begins by repeating verbatim the administratrix’ account as transmitted by Holme to BF, March 17, 1759 (above, pp. 288–9), and then continues:

“Note, Mrs. Fisher’s Effects were to be distributed among her Relations of equal Degree, which were as follows,

Mrs. Ann Farrow Daughter of John Franklin } all Children of Thomas Franklin whose Grandaughter Mrs. Fisher was
Mrs. Eleanor Morris Daughter of Hannah Franklin
Mr. Samuel Franklin of Boston Son of Benja Franklin
Mrs. Elizabeth Dowse Daughter of } Josiah Franklin
Mr. Peter Franklin Son of
Mrs. Jane Mecom Daughter of and myself Son of

“I gave my Share to be divided between Mrs. Farrow and Mrs. Morris two poor ancient Women; the other Shares belonging to Relations in America are in my hands, viz.

Samuel Franklin’s Share 11. 8. 4
Eliz Dowse’s Share 11. 8. 4
Peter Franklin’s Share 11. 8. 4
Jane Mecom’s Share 11. 8. 4
in all £45 13 4”

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