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Results 34381-34410 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
[ New York, November 10, 1796. On November 19, 1796, Morris wrote to Hamilton : “I … find your...
I have been employed in making and have actually completed a rough draft on the following heads “...
That among the objects of labour and industry, Agriculture considered with reference either to...
[ Philadelphia, November 11, 1796. On November 21, 1796, Washington wrote to Hamilton : “Having...
My anxiety for such a course of things as will most promise a continuance of peace to the...
Owing to the absence of Mr Whelen the matter with his concern was not settled till just before my...
Vous recevres en même tems que cette letter une réclamation de M. de beaumarchais qui se confie...
In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th 5th & 10th. instt: and...
New York, November 16, 1796. Asks what action should be taken in regard to damages “sustained” by...
Being engaged in electioneering prevented my writing as soon as I intended that a Mr. Reese...
You must feel interested in knowing how our affairs stand with France, I give you a summary of...
[ Philadelphia, November 17, 1796. On December 21 1796, Hamilton wrote to Wolcott : “I did not...
I am but just returned from the City of Washington after a long absence, and find your letter of...
The eight acre Lot No. 305 belong to one of the rights Drawn in your Name in the Ohio Companys...
The letters inclosed will explain themselves. I will only add one fact—the young man “who was...
I cannot forbear my dear friend to congratulate you on your appointment to a seat in the Senate,...
This will be delivered to you by a young man who was going to transact some business up the North...
Last evening, my dear sir, I had the pleasure to receive your favours of the 12th. & 13th. insts....
I duly received your letter of the 12th. instant. My avocations have not permitted me sooner to...
Having written to you on Saturday the 11th. instant (accompanying it with enclosures) without...
I thank you for your Note sending me Adet’s letter. The present is in my opinion as critical a...
[ New York, November 28, 1796. On December 9, 1796, Higginson wrote to Hamilton : “Your Letter of...
The Arch Duke having expelled Jourdan & Moreau from Germany the Parties are in respect to...
New York, November, 1796. “We take the liberty of inclosing Copy of an obligation given for payt....
I have lately received a line from you. I had been apprised of the machination to cheat us into...
I regret that I have only time to tell my beloved friend Colo Hamilton what he already knows—that...
The President of the Bank of New York called upon me yesterday and manifested considerable...
34408The Answer, [8 December 1796] (Hamilton Papers)
For The Minerva. The French republic have, at various times, during the present war, complained...
I intended to have sent you Bank notes. Disappointments which are in this City day by day...
I have recd. your Letter of Decr. 6th. The Warrant for the sum due to the Bank of New York was...