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Results 34351-34400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
34351 Hamilton, Alexander The War in Europe, [September–December 1796] 1796-09-01 Every step of the progress of the present war in Europe has been marked with horrors. If the...
34352 Drummond, Archibald Account with Archibald Drummond, 4 October 1796 1796-10-04 Col: Hamilton To Archibd Drummond, Dr. 1795 Decr. 22d. 1 large slate 4/6 £     “ 2 Pencils 2/6...
34353 Goelet, Peter Hamilton, Alexander Receipt from Peter Goelet, [4 October 1796] 1796-10-04 Received New York Octo 4 1796 of Alexander Hambleton Esqr. Six Hundered and fourty One pounds...
34354 Walker, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Walker, 4 October … 1796-10-04 New York, October 4, 1796. “It is six months since I furnished Col Smith with a Copy of the...
34355 Walker, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Walker, 4 October … 1796-10-04 New York, October 4, 1796. “I wrote you this morning directing you to proceed against Col...
34356 Wilson, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Wilson, 6 October 1796 1796-10-06 [ Philadelphia, October 6, 1796. On October 12, 1796, Hamilton wrote to Théophile Cazenove : “I...
34357 Wilson, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Wilson, 10 October … 1796-10-10 [ Philadelphia, October 10, 1796. On October 12, 1796, Hamilton wrote to Théophile Cazenove : “I...
34358 Hamilton, Alexander Cazenove, Théophile From Alexander Hamilton to Théophile Cazenove, [12 … 1796-10-12 [ New York, October 12, 1796. ] “I have received two letters of the 6th & 10th of October from...
34359 Hamilton, Alexander Low, Nicholas From Alexander Hamilton to Nicholas Low, [12 October … 1796-10-12 Mr. Hamilton will thank Mr. Low if not inconvenient for the loan of 100 Dollars for a few days....
34360 Heth, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Heth, 14 October … 1796-10-14 I have only three minutes allowd to ask whether you received a private letter with part of a news...
34361 Hamilton, Alexander Walker, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Walker, 15 October … 1796-10-15 [ New York ] October 15 [ 1796 ]. “Troupe & I have conferred. We think, considering the magnitude...
34362 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 17 … 1796-10-17 Permit me to ask your opinion on the following points. 1. Ought we or ought we not to permit...
34363 Hamilton, Elizabeth Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Elizabeth Hamilton, 21 … 1796-10-21 [ New York, October 21, 1796. On October 26, 1796, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I...
34364 Hall and Stimpson Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Hall and Stimpson, 24 … 1796-10-24 Boston, October 24, 1796. “We wrote you the 20th. Septr. respecting the cause that was left in...
34365 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, 25 … 1796-10-25 The extreme hurry in which I have been My Dear Eliza since my arrival here has prevented my...
34366 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [26 … 1796-10-26 I wrote you yesterday by Mr. Rensselaer. Since that I received yours of Friday last which gave me...
34367 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 27 … 1796-10-27 Your letter of the 17th instant found me at Albany attending the Supreme Court. I have no copy of...
34368 Beaumarchais, Pierre August Caron de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Pierre August Caron de … 1796-10-01 Triplicata. Un des hommes de mon pays que jai le plus honorés, estimés et chéris, L’ancien évèque...
34369 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [1 … 1796-11-01 I wrote you a line from Albany expressing an opinion from Memory , that our Treaty with G B...
34370 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 2 … 1796-11-02 On Monday Afternoon I arrived in this City, and among the first things which presented themselves...
34371 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 3 … 1796-11-03 After my letter of yesterday was despatched to you, the draught of the answer to Mr. Adet was...
34372 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [3 … 1796-11-03 I have more carefully examined our Treaty with G Britain & I return to the opinion given you from...
34373 Harper, Robert G. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert G. Harper, 4 November … 1796-11-04 In passing thro’ this state, My dear sir, and South Carolina, I have taken some pains to...
34374 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [4 … 1796-11-04 I have lately been honored with two letters from you, one from Mount Vernon the other from...
34375 Hamilton, Alexander Hall and Stimpson From Alexander Hamilton to Hall and Stimpson, 5 … 1796-11-05 [ New York, November 5, 1796. On the back of a letter from Hall and Stimpson, dated October 24,...
34376 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [5 … 1796-11-05 Yesterday after the departure of the Post I received your letter of the 3d. I have since seen the...
34377 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 6 … 1796-11-06 I fear that your opinion of Nov. 3d has been founded on a partial view of the case. You will...
34378 Hamilton, Alexander From Alexander Hamilton to ———, [8 November 1796] 1796-11-08 Our excellent President, as you have seen, has declined a reelection. ‘T is all-important to our...
34379 Hamilton, Alexander Wadsworth, Jeremiah From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 8 … 1796-11-08 A few days since I wrote you my opinion concerning the good policy of supporting faithfully...
34380 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, [9 … 1796-11-09 I received yesterday your letter of the 6th & immediately wrote some additional letters to the...
34381 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Robert From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, [10 November … 1796-11-10 [ New York, November 10, 1796. On November 19, 1796, Morris wrote to Hamilton : “I … find your...
34382 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [10 … 1796-11-10 I have been employed in making and have actually completed a rough draft on the following heads “...
34383 Hamilton, Alexander Draft of George Washington’s Eighth Annual Address to … 1796-11-10 That among the objects of labour and industry, Agriculture considered with reference either to...
34384 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, [11 … 1796-11-11 [ Philadelphia, November 11, 1796. On November 21, 1796, Washington wrote to Hamilton : “Having...
34385 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [11 … 1796-11-11 My anxiety for such a course of things as will most promise a continuance of peace to the...
34386 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, [12 November … 1796-11-12 Owing to the absence of Mr Whelen the matter with his concern was not settled till just before my...
34387 Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Charles Maurice de … 1796-11-12 Vous recevres en même tems que cette letter une réclamation de M. de beaumarchais qui se confie...
34388 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 12 … 1796-11-12 In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th 5th & 10th. instt: and...
34389 Glover, John C. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John C. Glover, 16 November … 1796-11-16 New York, November 16, 1796. Asks what action should be taken in regard to damages “sustained” by...
34390 Ross, David Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from David Ross, 16 November 1796 1796-11-16 Being engaged in electioneering prevented my writing as soon as I intended that a Mr. Reese...
34391 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 17 … 1796-11-17 You must feel interested in knowing how our affairs stand with France, I give you a summary of...
34392 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 17 … 1796-11-17 [ Philadelphia, November 17, 1796. On December 21 1796, Hamilton wrote to Wolcott : “I did not...
34393 Morris, Robert Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 19 November … 1796-11-19 I am but just returned from the City of Washington after a long absence, and find your letter of...
34394 Putnam, Rufus Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Rufus Putnam, 19 November … 1796-11-19 The eight acre Lot No. 305 belong to one of the rights Drawn in your Name in the Ohio Companys...
34395 Sedgwick, Theodore Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Theodore Sedgwick, 19 … 1796-11-19 The letters inclosed will explain themselves. I will only add one fact—the young man “who was...
34396 Dayton, Jonathan Sedgwick, Theodore Enclosure: Jonathan Dayton to Theodore Sedgwick, [12 … 1796-11-12 I cannot forbear my dear friend to congratulate you on your appointment to a seat in the Senate,...
34397 Dayton, Jonathan Sedgwick, Theodore Enclosure: Jonathan Dayton to Theodore Sedgwick, [13 … 1796-11-13 This will be delivered to you by a young man who was going to transact some business up the North...
34398 Sedgwick, Theodore Dayton, Jonathan Enclosure: Theodore Sedgwick to Jonathan Dayton, [19 … 1796-11-19 Last evening, my dear sir, I had the pleasure to receive your favours of the 12th. & 13th. insts....
34399 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [19 … 1796-11-19 I duly received your letter of the 12th. instant. My avocations have not permitted me sooner to...
34400 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 21 … 1796-11-21 Having written to you on Saturday the 11th. instant (accompanying it with enclosures) without...