Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 28 March 1759

From Isaac Norris

Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

March 28. 1759

My Friend B Franklin

This serves to cover Bills of Exchange as per List hereunder and to inform you that our Supply Bill lyes with the Governor now the 24 Inst including the Proprietary Estates9 and granting £100,000 for the Raising &c. of 2,700 Men but I shall refer to another Letter for further Particulars on that Head1 and propose this as a seperate Cover to the Bills of Exchange. I am &c.

Anthony Stoker on Geo Campbell 1st Bill £200.0.
Do Do  131.8
Do Do   30.17.2

By Captn Cuzzens

BF. recd this Letter ackd. June 9th. 17593

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9On March 24, the Pa. Assembly passed and sent to Governor Denny a supply bill containing the customary and controversial provision for the taxation of proprietary estates. Votes, 1758–59, p. 46.

1See below, pp. 304, 326–7.

2BF recorded the receipt of these bills on May 17, 1759. “Account of Expences,” p. 27; PMHB, LV (1931), 118.

3BF’s letter to Norris of June 9, 1759, contains no such acknowledgement; see below, pp. 396–404.

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