34211From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 26 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I took a note last night of the appropriations of the bill for the public buildings, they are as...
34212To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 26 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to request your signature to the blank Commissions herewith sent which are...
34213From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 25 April 1808 (Adams Papers)
You were a Letter in my debt, when you wrote yours of March 17th but you did not know it. I wrote...
34214To James Madison from Valentin de Foronda, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
En consequencia de la carta de V S del 22 que recibo en este mismo instante, tengo la...
34215To James Madison from Peter Kuhn, Jr., 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
In the winter of 1805-6 on my way to the North of Europe, I made a short visit to the French...
34216To James Madison from Louis-Marie Turreau de Garambouville, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser ci-joint les deux passeports que vous m’avez demandes par la...
34217To James Madison from John Armstrong, Jr., 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I have this moment heard, that "Mr. Santuianes, the secretary of the Embassy from Spain to this...
34218To James Madison from David Montague Erskine, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
In compliance with your Request contained in your Note of the 22d. Inst I have the Honor to...
34219To James Madison from Horton & Williams, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
We had the honor of receiving your letter of the 16 inst., acknowledging the receipt of our...
34220To James Madison from James Maury, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I had this Honor on the 20th. instant. The present is merely for the purpose of informing you of...
34221To James Madison from John Minor, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
The Mutual assurance Society agst fire in Buildings, have put into my hands, as their Counsel, a...
34222To James Madison from Turell Tufts, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I think it my duty to Communicate to you Some circumstances, that have relation to the Embargo....
34223To James Madison from John Steele, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I have been informed by Major Jesse A. Pearson, that he requested a friend at the Federal City...
34224To James Madison from William Pinkney, 25 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
Mr. Rose has sent me your private Letter of the 21. of March, for which I am greatly indebted to...
34225To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Macon, 25 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
The enclosed came to hand after the nomination of Mr. Daniel had been made, and are only now sent...
34226To Thomas Jefferson from Eliza W. Penny, 25 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
you will no Doupt think Me posest of a Deal of asureance for adressing you but Neadcesaty has no...
34227From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 25 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Davy arrived last night with your letter of the 23d. and as he will stay some days, & then return...
34228To Thomas Jefferson from John Rea, 25 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I have Sent this morning by the mail stage a trunk containing 4 window draperries that you sent...
34229To Thomas Jefferson from John Rea, 25 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr Thomas Jefferson To John Rea To 60 ½ yds Crimson Mantua @ 1 75/100 105 .87 ½ To 62 yds...
34230To James Madison from Levett Harris, 24 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I refer you to the inclosed Copies of my last. I have now the honor to transmit You the annexed...
34231To James Madison from William Pinkney, 24 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d. of March, and, the packets...
34232From Thomas Jefferson to Ryland Randolph, 24 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
The office of Surveyor & Collector for the port of Richmond having become vacant, it occurred...
34233From Thomas Jefferson to Caesar Augustus Rodney, 24 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson returns the inclosed to mr Rodney with thanks for the communication. it is very...
34234From Thomas Jefferson to Caspar Wistar, 24 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I sincerely regret the postponement of your departure till the 12th. of May. Congress will rise...
34235From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Worthington, 24 April 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
So uncertain has been the situation of our affairs with England, and yet so much bearing would...
34236From John Quincy Adams to William Smith Shaw, 23 April 1808 (Adams Papers)
I have received your two letters of last Week, with a dozen copies of my letter to Mr: Otis—And...
34237To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
Notes on the British claims in the Missipi. territory. 1803. Mar. 3. Act of Congress gave to Mar....
34238To James Madison from John Mitchell, 23 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
I have the Honor to forward You two packets (papers) & two Letters I received from our Minister...
34239To James Madison from Caesar Rodney, 23 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
Since my return, I have been principally occupied with the court at New-Castle which has been...
34240To James Madison from John Armstrong, Jr., 23 April 1808 (Madison Papers)
Orders were given on the 17th. instant, & received yesterday at the Imperial Custom house here...