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Results 3421-3430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 3d. inst: having come to hand whilst I was at our University, whence I have just returned, I had an opportunity of making its contents known at once to Mr. Long Professor of Ancient Languages. It appeared that he had thoughts of employing a Tutor, to assist him in his duty to a Class which had become so numerous as to make one useful; and that but for the youthfulness of...
16 April 1812, Capitol. Recommends Richard B. Jones, an attorney in Philadelphia, for the vacant consulate in Tripoli. Describes Jones as “liberally educated” at Princeton and mentions his service as a midshipman in the U.S. Navy, including his capture on the Philadelphia at Tripoli. After resigning from the navy, Jones studied law, got a license, commenced practice, married, and settled in...
Inclosed you will find a resolution of Congress for laying an embargo on all vessels in the ports of the United States bound to any foreign port or place, for the term of thirty days. It is understood that this is not to interfere with any of the usual proceedings in the cases of vessels employed in the coasting trade or Fisheries except that the surrender of a license in order to the...
This packet will be delivered you by Mr Lindsay manager of the Baltimore Theatre, who waits upon your Excellency to solicit a change in the parole of the band of musick at Frederick to this place. If this favor can be granted it will be adding essentially to the obligations which this Town is under to your Excellency, by increasing its pleasures. I would suppose the Band can have no objection...
Hurry of business has prevented my answering till now your favours of the 21st of December and 9th of January. I am of opinion that in strictness after the passing of the Registering Act, nothing but the Register or Enrollment could be evidence of an American bottom, or entitle a vessel to the privileges of one. Yet where from absence it was impossible for a vessel (“evidently and bona fide”...
I cannot forbear informing Your Excellency, by the return of Major Humphrys to Camp, of the state of my health, from the first of my illness to the present time. After I was prevented from coming on to the Army, by a stroke of the paralytic kind, which deprived me in a great measure, of the use of my right leg and arm; I retired to my Plantation, and have been gradually growing better ever...
Your favor of the 13th came seasonably to my hand. Your approbation of my communications to the public continues to give me great pleasure, and will continue to console me under all the abuse that has been or may be produced by them. To you, who have been an attentive observer of public affairs for half a century, there can by very little that is wholly new; but when I consider the errors that...
The act of May 1779. under which Mr. Blunt has been last Drafted refers to one of October 1778 as to the method of determining who were Subjects of that Draught. This act says the justices and the Field Officers shall lay Off the militia into Districts, each of which districts shall furnish a man. The justices and field Officers then are made Judges who shall be deemed to be of the Militia and...
I this moment received the Letter which you did me the honor of writing by Lt Colo. Hamilton. I cannot forbear regretting that the brilliant enterprize which you at first meditated, was frustrated by Physical imposibilities—but hope that something equally worthy of the greatness of your sentiments is still in reserve for you. Upon the report made me by Lt Colo. Laurens of the depth of Water at...
West Point, October 4, 1779. Asks Livingston to instruct William Van Drill, a pilot, to join Major Henry Lee at Monmouth to assist D’Estaing. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.