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Results 3421-3450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I shoud come short of the duty I owe you, if I omitted to cultivate your correspondence by an opportunity now offering from Whitehaven—by wc. I make free to convey my warmest and kindest wishes for Your health and happiness. Since my return I have been pretty much confind thro’ the tenderness of my constitution and the inclement season of the year, which prevented me hitherto from enjoying...
Invoice of Sundrys Shipd by Richd Washington on board the Desire, Captn Saunders, bound to Virginia on Account & Risque of George Washington Esqr. A Case . 2. 6 3 pr Mens prickseam Gloves . 4.   3 pr Satten tand Ditto . 3. 6 2 pair dble Channel Pumps bo[un]d &ca 1. 1.   4 pair Shoes and Pumps 1.12.   14 yds Super Manchester Velvet @ 12/ 8. 8.   6 yds fine Shalloon @ 2/ .12.   A Neat Hogskin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been Confin’d since Saturday last with a fever, altho now abated I am advised by Doctor Redman not to go abroad, Which is the Occasion I now write my Business. I have sold my House to Mr. Waiscott, and he has just been here and tells me the deeds are finish’d, and that he is to undertake a Journey on Saturday morning from Which he Shall not return...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the second Copy of a Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds Sterling No. 945 Likewise the first Copy of another Bill for the same Sum; which makes in all remitted you by me, since you left Philadelphia Thirteen Hundred Forty Nine pounds twelve Shillings and five pence Sterling, which as usual, you will give me Credit for, and...
Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 26 Mar. 1759. On 20 Sept. 1759 GW wrote to Richard Washington : “Since mine of the above date your agreable favour of the 26th March . . . is come to hand.”
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your Favour of the 17th. Instant, with the Accounts, which are clear and satisfactory. And as you are so kind as to offer any farther Service in this Affair, may I take the Freedom to request you would make and send me a Draft of such a Discharge for me to sign, as will be proper and satisfactory to Mr. Fisher? If the Money could be paid by...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania This serves to cover Bills of Exchange as per List hereunder and to inform you that our Supply Bill lyes with the Governor now the 24 Inst including the Proprietary Estates and granting £100,000 for the Raising &c. of 2,700 Men but I shall refer to another Letter for further Particulars on that Head and propose this as a seperate Cover to the...
3428[Spring 1759.] (Adams Papers)
The Road is walled on each side with a Grove of Trees. The stillness, silence, and the uniformity of the Prospect puts the Mind into a stirring, thoughtful Mood. But the Reflections that are made in a Grove, are forgotten in the Town, and the Man who resembles a saint in his Thoughts in the first, shall resemble a Devil in his Actions in the last. In such silent scenes, as riding or walking...
ADS : Public Record Office, London Pursuant to William Pitt’s promises, conveyed to the colonial governors in letters of Dec. 30, 1757, and Dec. 9, 1758, that Parliament would be urged “to grant a proper Consideration” to those colonies which had vigorously supported the war effort against France (above, p. 291 n), the chancellor of the Exchequer laid before the House of Commons, April 26,...
3430Cash Accounts, April 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl 9— To Ditto [cash] of Charles Craik —Rent £ 6. 5. 0 15— To Ditto of my Brother Jno. Washington 0. 9. 6 20— To Ditto of Colo. Custis’s Estate 96. 0. 0 24— To Ditto of Ditto 7. 3. 0 To Ditto of Ditto 78.17. 6 25— To Ditto of Ditto 50. 0. 0 To Ditto for a Horse sold Mr P: Claiborne
Two Letterbook copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have already wrote by Captain Cuzzins inclosing Bills of Exchange. So that I now only inclose a First Bill which I have since purchased drawn by John Hunter on Messrs. Thomlinson Hanbury Colebrooke and Nesbit Merchants in London No. 1049 for £200. Sterling which I have ordered payable to your Self or Order which please to reserve for...
I have sent Miles on to day, to let you know that I expect to be up to Morrow, & to get the key from Colo. Fairfax’s which I desire you will take care of—You must have the House very well cleand, & were you to make Fires in the Rooms below it, wd Air them—You must get two of the best Bedsteads put up—one in the Hall Room, and the other in the little dining Room that use to be, & have Beds made...
LS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society [ First part missing ] By the same I shall write to dear Precious, Cousin Debby, and some other Friends. I have now only to let you know what I have sent in these Ships. There are two or 3 Boxes; Mr. Neate shipt them, but I know not on board which Ship, as he has not sent me the Bills of Lading. They were shipt on board [the] Cornelia Capt. Smith...
LS : Yale University Library Mr. Galloway I have your Favours of November 18 and February 9. Since my last our old Agent Mr. Patridge is deceas’d. You see something of my Friend Mr. Jackson in his Opinion and private Paper of Advice on our Affairs, which I last year transmitted to you. He is a Gentleman of considerable Fortune, and no Man in England has a greater Regard for the Colonies. He...
3435[April 1759] (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Captain Bracketts. A Case was proposed and my Opinion asked, which gave me Opportunity to display some Knowledge of Law but betrayed me into mistaken Dogmatism. I frequently expose my Ignorance of the Province Law, but things are started that put me upon Exn. Examination . Coll. Q. I value not the Governor’s favours, more than this Pinch of Snuff, in Comparison of my...
3436Sunday. April 8th. 1759. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Captain Bracketts. A Case was proposed and my Opinion asked, which gave me Opportunity to display some Knowledge of Law but betrayed me into mistaken Dogmatism. I frequently expose my Ignorance of the Province Law, but things are started that put me upon Exn. Examination . Coll. Q. I value not the Governor’s favours, more than this Pinch of Snuff, in Comparison of my...
LS : Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia I have yours of Novr. 20. Decr. 5 and 8, and Jany. 18, with a Postscript of Feb. 5. Your prudent Conduct in my Absence, with regard to the Parties, as well as in every other respect, gives me great Satisfaction. If I do not correspond so fully and punctually with you as you expected, consider the Situation and Business I am in, the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been considering Mr. Coldens experiment which we tried on Saturday last, and the appearances it affords seem not now so surprising, or indeed, curious, as I at first imagined. For the excited tube, you know, when opposed properly to the cork balls, attracts them a little: it must therefore electrify the balls plus, instead of minus: and not only the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Calling here just now, I find a Bag not taken away, and as my Letters are gone or going, part by the Ships now at Portsmouth and part per Packet to be dispatch’d on Saturday, I write this Line to let you know we are well, and that you may not be uneasy at not having one Letter by this Ship. Now I think on’t; there was a Trunk sent last year by the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I communicated your Last and Mrs. Morris’s Letter to Mr. Fisher at my Return from a Journey last Saturday, else you would have heard from me Sooner, however I now send you such a Discharge as will satisfie Mr. Fisher, which when you have executed please to return either to him or me by the Post, and he will directly remitt you the Money. I am Sir Your...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The above is Copy of a Message sent down by the Governor a few hours ago to which the House returned a Verbal Message “that they unanimously adhered to their Bill and were of Opinion that if the Bill should not receive the Governors Assent the ill Consequences he had pointed out must lye upon him.” Soon after I came from the House I received...
ALS and AD : American Philosophical Society In response to a request transmitted through an unidentified clerical intermediary, Musschenbroek sent Franklin a list of European writers on electricity known to him. But in the covering letter he urged Franklin to continue his own electrical experiments. Since the air of Pennsylvania seemed to be very full of electricity ( electricitatis plenissimus...
Answers to the foregoing Queries To the first. All such Goods as may be liable to perish or be the worse for keeping are by Law directed to be sold by public Auction as soon as conveniently may be after the debts paid —Yet I am of Opinion a Division may be made of the personal as well as the real Estate by the method hereafter mentioned. Mrs Washington has a clear right to one third of the...
Be pleased on the other side to answer the following queries in a full and ample manner and oblige very much, Yr most Obedt Servt First—Does the Law require that all the Personal Estate (Negros only excepted) of the late Colo. Custis be sold, in order to lay of[f] his Widows dower and daughter’s part. or can it be done by the Inventory & appraisment—or lastly by dividing the Estate as it...
3445Cash Accounts, May 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash May 4   To Ditto [cash] of Ditto [Col. Custis’s Estate] £406. 0.0 To Ditto of Ditto 3.10.0 To Ditto of Ditto 60. 0.0 To a Bill of Excha[nge] of Do for £40–9s. Sterg 54.12.2 May 11th To Cash of Colo. Custis’s Estate 46. 7.6 Contra May 4   By Miles Richardson 5/.  By Racing £4 4. 5.0 By my Wife 3£.  A Negro of Docr Symmes £60 63. 0.0 By 9 Negro’s bot of Colo. [William] Churchill
The Inclosd is the Ministers Certificate of my Marriage with Mrs Martha Custis—properly as I am told—Authenticated, you will therefore for the future please to address all your Letters which relate to the Affairs of the late Danl Parke Custis Esqr. to me. as by Marriage I am entitled to a third part of that Estate, and Invested likewise with the care of the other two thirds by a Decree of our...
Invoice of Sundry Goods to be Shipd by Robt Cary Esq. and Company for the use of George Washington—viz. 1 Tester Bedstead 7½ feet pitch, with fashionable blew or blew and white Curtains to suit a Room lind wt. the Incld paper Window Curtains of the same for two Windows; with either Papier Maché Cornish to them, or Cornish coverd with the Cloth 1 fine Bed Coverlid to match the Curtains 4 Chair...
MS not found; reprinted from Smyth, Writings , III , 478–9. Hearing that you was in the Park last Sunday, I hop’d for the Pleasure of seeing you yesterday at the Oratorio in the Foundling Hospital; but, tho’ I look’d with all the Eyes I had, not excepting even those I carry in my Pocket I could not find you; and this Morning your good Mama, has receiv’d a Line from you, by which we learn that...
Your Letter of the 9th of Septr Inclosing a Copy of your former of the 5th July preceeding came to my hands about the first of March last: I am glad to find that the several Bills remitted you were accepted; I had no cause to doubt their goodness, but we notwithstanding are often deceivd —I now Inclose you one for £40.9s. —as I find Mr Knox has sold my Tobo for about one third part of its...
Printed in The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post , May 10–12, 1759. Paul Leicester Ford first identified Franklin as the author of this paper in 1889, and Verner W. Crane established the matter definitely in 1950 by pointing out the similarity of thought and treatment in certain passages with others of Franklin’s writings. Bigelow printed it in Works , IV , 244–58, but with the...