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Results 3421-3430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I shoud come short of the duty I owe you, if I omitted to cultivate your correspondence by an opportunity now offering from Whitehaven—by wc. I make free to convey my warmest and kindest wishes for Your health and happiness. Since my return I have been pretty much confind thro’ the tenderness of my constitution and the inclement season of the year, which prevented me hitherto from enjoying...
Invoice of Sundrys Shipd by Richd Washington on board the Desire, Captn Saunders, bound to Virginia on Account & Risque of George Washington Esqr. A Case . 2. 6 3 pr Mens prickseam Gloves . 4.   3 pr Satten tand Ditto . 3. 6 2 pair dble Channel Pumps bo[un]d &ca 1. 1.   4 pair Shoes and Pumps 1.12.   14 yds Super Manchester Velvet @ 12/ 8. 8.   6 yds fine Shalloon @ 2/ .12.   A Neat Hogskin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been Confin’d since Saturday last with a fever, altho now abated I am advised by Doctor Redman not to go abroad, Which is the Occasion I now write my Business. I have sold my House to Mr. Waiscott, and he has just been here and tells me the deeds are finish’d, and that he is to undertake a Journey on Saturday morning from Which he Shall not return...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have the second Copy of a Bill of Exchange for One hundred Pounds Sterling No. 945 Likewise the first Copy of another Bill for the same Sum; which makes in all remitted you by me, since you left Philadelphia Thirteen Hundred Forty Nine pounds twelve Shillings and five pence Sterling, which as usual, you will give me Credit for, and...
Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 26 Mar. 1759. On 20 Sept. 1759 GW wrote to Richard Washington : “Since mine of the above date your agreable favour of the 26th March . . . is come to hand.”
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your Favour of the 17th. Instant, with the Accounts, which are clear and satisfactory. And as you are so kind as to offer any farther Service in this Affair, may I take the Freedom to request you would make and send me a Draft of such a Discharge for me to sign, as will be proper and satisfactory to Mr. Fisher? If the Money could be paid by...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania This serves to cover Bills of Exchange as per List hereunder and to inform you that our Supply Bill lyes with the Governor now the 24 Inst including the Proprietary Estates and granting £100,000 for the Raising &c. of 2,700 Men but I shall refer to another Letter for further Particulars on that Head and propose this as a seperate Cover to the...
3428[Spring 1759.] (Adams Papers)
The Road is walled on each side with a Grove of Trees. The stillness, silence, and the uniformity of the Prospect puts the Mind into a stirring, thoughtful Mood. But the Reflections that are made in a Grove, are forgotten in the Town, and the Man who resembles a saint in his Thoughts in the first, shall resemble a Devil in his Actions in the last. In such silent scenes, as riding or walking...
ADS : Public Record Office, London Pursuant to William Pitt’s promises, conveyed to the colonial governors in letters of Dec. 30, 1757, and Dec. 9, 1758, that Parliament would be urged “to grant a proper Consideration” to those colonies which had vigorously supported the war effort against France (above, p. 291 n), the chancellor of the Exchequer laid before the House of Commons, April 26,...
3430Cash Accounts, April 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl 9— To Ditto [cash] of Charles Craik —Rent £ 6. 5. 0 15— To Ditto of my Brother Jno. Washington 0. 9. 6 20— To Ditto of Colo. Custis’s Estate 96. 0. 0 24— To Ditto of Ditto 7. 3. 0 To Ditto of Ditto 78.17. 6 25— To Ditto of Ditto 50. 0. 0 To Ditto for a Horse sold Mr P: Claiborne