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Results 341-370 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
This is one of my fortunate days. The Post brought me, a Letter from you and another from my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The time Draws near for my Leaveing this place I Expect whe...
[ Paris, 11 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “N. Lewis. Country along Seine—abjection of...
A long absence from this place, occasion’d by my attendance on the Court of Chancery in W ms burg...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The want of Subject say no intelligence from the American...
You enquire, in your kind Letter of the 19th. Whether, “every Member of Congress did, on the 4th...
Two of your Letters, viz No 24. Dup: & 25. Origl came to hand on the 16th: inst: These are the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr M c Coy & his thanks for the poem he was so kind as...
Removed to the humble Vale of rural Life, it was but recently that the “Memoirs of the Life of...
Having established myself at this Port; and finding that Mr. Peter Dobell who was some time since...
AD , DLC:GW . For background to this document, see Farm Reports, 6–12 Dec. 1789, source note . A...
Your favor of the 13th Current did not come to hand till the day before Yesterday, I fear I shall...
On the 20th instant a bill passed the House of Representatives appropriating 200,000 dols. for...
Knowing, that the President intended to answer your letter , relative to the shares in the two...
I wrote you yesterday & finding a safe opportunity of a gentleman going this morning to Corunna...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few days past, by a french Gentleman, but now my...
A Table. Containing the Altitudes of Mountains calculated from Barometrical Observation, by A...
You will be so good, as to let it be understood between us, that the mention, which some time ago...
3591772. Novr. 21. (Adams Papers)
Next Tuesday I shall remove my Family to Boston, after residing in Braintree about 19 Months. I...
I send you a letter of Short’s for perusal, & one of Edgar Patterson asking what is already I...
361[Diary entry: 25 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
25. Dined at the Palace & attended a Committee of the Association at Hayes. Spent the Eveng....
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de...
AD : Columbia University Library Dr. Franklin lived at Pha. in the Neighbourhood of Mr Boudinot...
14 February 1803, Washington. Describes the land in the Mississippi Territory disputed by South...
¶ From Thomas Jefferson. Letter not found. 2 June 1820 . Enclosed in Dolley Madison to Lewis J....
This will accompany a joint letter inclosing the draught of a treaty, and my private letter of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Mes dernieres sont du 25,...
368General Orders, 21 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Lieutenant Colonels...
In my answer to Sergt. Dunbau I observd that there would be an impropriety in giving him a...
370[Diary entry: 4 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
4. High Westerly Wind—clear & cool.