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Results 341-370 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have duly recd. the copy of your speech on the "Virginia Resolutions". Tho’ not permitting...
I inclose $25. It will discharge the acct you inclosed to me; and leave a small surplus, which...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Converse, and thanks him for the Copy, in a bound form,...
The inclosed has just been recd. from your brother. It leaves me nothing to add but a hope that...
private Your letter of the 18th. Ult: was duly received. You give me a credit to which I have no...
private   I have recd. your two letters; the last dated the 25th. Ult: The Topics they embrace...
Your very kind Letter to the "Naval Lyceum" will appear tomorrow in the Eveg. Post. Your old...
private   Your letter of Novr. 14. came safely tho’ tardily to hand. I must confess that I...
An Atlas belonging to the Books in the Box lately consigned to your care, I find was omitted. I...
I have duly recd. your favor enclosing a Copy of your plan for a "National Bank." Having outlived...
I had the honor several years since to address you enclosing a letter to John Adams, on the...
In my Letter addressed to you, the early part of this month, I attempted to Class the State &...
I have received, young gentlemen, your letter of the 16th. inst: informing me that I have been...
I have duly received your letter; with its poetic accompaniment; in which I must be permitted to...
When the box of books refered to in my last was sent off I find that the Atlas making a material...
I have duly received your letter notifying the honorary membership conferred on me by the "U. S....
I noticed not long since in the Newspapers, that the venerable Mr Madison was elected President...
I have recd. your favor of the 14. Feby. inst 1834 and congratulate you very sincerely on the...
I trust you will pardon the freedom I take in addressing you in this manner. The kind reception I...
As a body united in the name of the Franklin Literary Society of Randolph Macon College for our...
I have recd. the Copy of your Speech on "the removal of the Deposits," kindly forwarded in...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. with a Copy of the "System of Education, proposed for the...
Col Wm. F Gray having been unfortunate in his business has been compelled to make an assignment...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 6th. instant, enclosing a letter...
I take the liberty of handing to you a plan for adjusting the "vexed question" which is now...
Your letter to Major Lee was immediately sent to him. The few lines which accompanied it gave me...
At a special meeting of the members of the US. Naval Lyceum holden at this place, you were...
J. Madison, with his respects & regards to Mr. Southard, thanks him for the copy of his speech...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. McLane, and asks the favor of him to let the inclosed...
The interest you have always manifested in the interesting Subject of education induces me to...