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Results 341-350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
DS : nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Yale University Library; no. 5, Edgar Fahs Smith Library, University of Pennsylvania The Philadelphia Lottery Papers in the Yale University Library contain many orders by the Managers to their treasurer William Allen to pay for gun carriages and repairs or for personal services and expenses. Franklin was not one of the managers of either lottery; he was, however, a...
342Notes on the Association, 1748 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 5 to September 1, 1748. Between November 1747 and September 1748 the Pennsylvania Gazette printed many items about enemy privateering in the Delaware Bay and River, about defense, and about the Association. These notes are helpful in understanding many of the documents printed above. Because of their importance, not only as reference materials but...
DS : Haverford College Library; also copy: Department of Records, Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia Strahan sent David Hall to Franklin in 1744, where, as journeyman, he proved to be so skillful, so industrious, discreet, and honest, that Franklin arranged to set him up in the West Indies. This project was abandoned, however, and Hall became Franklin’s foreman instead. By the summer of 1747...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 12 and April 16, 1748. The companies of Associators, numbering about 800 men, with “Drums beating and Colours flying,” appeared under arms at the State House on January 1 to elect company officers, according to the terms of the Association. After the election they presented their choices to the President and Council, who, having ordered commissions...
MS Account Book: American Philosophical Society This ledger, labeled “Franklin & Hall No. 1,” contains four separate lists and accounts relating to David Hall’s operation of the partnership of Franklin and Hall from 1748 to 1766. Three are lists of cash payments for printing work; the fourth is an invoice of books and stationery in Franklin’s shop when the partnership began. The amounts...
AL : New-York Historical Society I received your Favour relating to the Cannon. We have petitioned our Proprietors for some, and have besides wrote absolutely to London for a Quantity, in case the Application to the Proprietors should not succeed; so that, Accidents excepted, we are sure of being supply’d some time next Summer. But as we are extreamly desirous of having some mounted early in...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 31–3. I have not yet found the book, but suppose I shall to-morrow. The post goes out to-day, which allows me no time to look for it. We have a particular account from Boston of the guns there. They are in all thirty-nine, Spanish make and new; fifteen of them are twenty-eight pounders, and twenty-four are fourteen pounders. We offer by this...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 33. I send you herewith the book, and enclosed is the policy. Here is no news but what is bad, namely, the taking of Mesnard, an account of which we have by way of Lisbon. He was carried into St. Malo. And just now we have advice from New York, that an express was arrived there from New England to inform the government that two prisoners, who...
ALS : Huntington Library Enclos’d is a second Bill for £19 7 s. 1½ d. Sterling. The first I sent you some time since. Mr. Hall will write, tho’ neither of us have much Time, the Vessel hurrying away for fear of the Ice. I shall soon send you more Bills. With my best Respects to Mrs. Strahan, in which my Dame joins, and hearty Wishes for the Welfare of you and yours, I am, Dear Sir, Your...
MS Account Book: American Philosophical Society This little book contains in eight pages headed “Acct. of Money receiv’d at different Times from Mr. David Hall” Franklin’s record of his income from the partnership with Hall from Feb. 7, 1748, to March 28, 1757. It shows that Hall paid Franklin £45 a year in semi-annual installments as his share of the £55 rent due from Franklin to Robert Grace...