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Results 34051-34100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society In your Letter of the 20th. of April last you sent me enclosed your London Account against the Estate of Mr. Parker, and requested me to assist in securing the Debt. I gave the Account soon after it came to hand to Miss Parker, who promised to deliver it to her Mother, and to let me have a Copy of her Father’s Account against you as it stood in his Books,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am convinced thou thinks it a Duty to pay those Debts, Custom as well as friendship has introduced, in answering Epistle from thy numerous set of Acquaintance; and tho’ thou art bless’d with a large stock, yet the great demands on thee, must engage a considerable part of that Time, which thou art endeavouring to employ in promoting a general Benefit....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez moi d’implorer Votre Protection pour sortir de la cruelle position ou le Sort, acharné a me poursuivre me reduit j’ai pour la reclamer Monseigneur les titre que je vais avoir l’honneur de vous detailler le plus Brievement possible dans la crainte d’abuser de Votre complaisance je Suis ce jeune Danois qui En 1777. eut l’honneur de vous etre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notre Gamba eut L’honneur d’écrire a votre excellence le 4e de ce mois et prit la liberté de luy offrir ses services pour occuper icy la place de consul ou agent pour le commerce de vos colonies et seroit bien flatté ainsi que nous d’avoir à ce point l’honneur de votre confiance. Les officiers de notre douanne ayant refusé l’expédition de votre Rum même a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd. your kind reply to the requests of the Company by mine to forward the things which were thought to be sufficient for our passage, are very sorry to hear that your Authority for granting such things is recalled, for the reasons assigned in my last, we having wholly fixed, and given up our imployments in pursuance of such things. To impose upon your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As the recent Events that have arisen from the operation of the two fleets & Armies in these Seas, are of the most interesting & important Nature, I shall enter into a regular Detail of those that have taken place Since the Date of my last Letter. The French Forces that sailed in the Expedition to Grenada arrived there the 2d Inst, when 1300 Troops were...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I have not heard from you this long while, I wish to know whether you have recieved my letters, one accompanying a new cast of my profil framed, an other by which I begg leave to dedicate to you my book, now under the press, at Paris, as I hope. I have not yet recieved the least intelligence from mr Wharton, nor any from mr. Coffyn; so that I remain in...
ALS : Library of Congress I beg leave to lay before you an affair very interesting to all in our Communion and to some thousands of other religious denominations in this extensive province. Ten petitions from sundry parts of the province were laid before our Legislative body last winter Setting forth the complication of grievances we labour under arising from our Conscientious Scruples about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. De Chaumont a eu la Bonté de me faire parvenire hier la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 15. de ce mois. Je n’en desirois pas davantage pour etre authorisé a secourir tous les sujets des Etats unis de l’amerique qui pouroient en avoir besoin dans ce Canton. Le zele avec lequel je m’y employerai vous prouvera par la suite que vous ne...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you on the 12th Ulto, to own the receipt of the Papers you sent to my care for the use of the Company of adventurers, from the Neighbourhood of Manchester. I have been down to see them—and find they are gone too far in the affair to Stop— One of the Company is now in Ireland to provide a Vessel to carry them over: But they have disposed of the Goods...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being at Derby on a Visit I recieve here your kind Lr. of Aug. 18 which your Grandson Left at my House, Pimlico, & my Servant sent after me. I should be glad to see him & shew him that Respect every one related to you has a right to claim from me. The best News, in your Letter, for me is that your malady is tolerable and I wish it may never be long...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu lhonneur de remettre hier à Monsr. J. Williams la Notte des payemens qui me paroissoient regarder vôtre dépense particuliere depuis l’Epoque du 11 fevrier 1779. Les comptes que jai eu(?) Celui de vous remettre depuis des Etats Unis vous mettront à même de collationer cette Notte. Vous trouverez ci joint, Monsieur, le mandat que vous tirates Sur moi,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lors de mon départ de Bruxelles, monsieur Bournons, de l’académie roÿale des Sciences de cette ville, m’a prié de vous faire parvenir la prèmiére partie de ses élémens de mathématiques, que voici; il m’a chargé en même-tems, de vous faire Connoître de Sa part, qu’il aura l’honneur de vous prèsenter les deux volumes Suivans, du même ouvrage, à mesure qu’ils...
ALS : American Philosophical Society ✝ vive jesus Permette moi monsieur d’avoir l’honneur de madresser directement a vous pour s’avoir s’il est possible des nouvelles de Mr le chevalier Delaluzerne mon neveu a qui je suis tendrement attachée je pense que son arrivée chez vous peut estre süe a present dans ce paiis cy et vous avez surement les nouvelles les plus sures. Je desire encore lui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having had occasion to mention the Abbé Reynal’s account of the European colonies, and to quote a passage from it in my French memoire written in defence of my draught of an Act of parliament for settling the laws of the province of Quebec, I thought it a proper compliment to him to send him a copy of that Memoire. In return for this civility he has sent me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon my Arrival here I had the pleasure of finding Mastr. Bache in good Health as is Mastr. Jonnot, & Monsieur Marignac, who my son goes too to morrow. I have had the pleasure of seeing Madame Cramer, a very Lovely woman who has paid every attention to the Letter you was so Kind to give me for Her. She has procured a pension for me which I purpose going to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Potts and party present their Compls. to Dr. and Mr. Franklyn, request the favour of their company at dinner next Friday at ½ Past Two, oClock. Addressed: Benj. Franklyn Esqr / at / Passy Notation: M. Potts. Sept. 13. 1780. Comptroller general of the Inland Office of the British post office. BF had known him in England, and Potts had supplied WF and the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Finding that Mr. Jay, who is appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Madrid, goes with Mr. Gerard by way of France, and probably will stop at Paris a short time, I commit this, with the inclosed, and a packet of Magazines to his care; He carries his Lady with him, the Daughter of Governor Livingston, she is a fine sensible Woman, and will do...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send under Cover the News Paper, and learn by several Letters, which I received yesterday from London, That the Ministry and People were under very great Apprehensions of an Invasion, and the Destruction of their Commerce. One of our Friends writes me, That Orders were dispatched to Sir Charles Hardy to return immediately with the Fleet under his Command;...
LS : American Philosophical Society We were honor’d with your ever esteem’d favor’s of 31st. Ulto. and 4th. instt., the first with one inclosed for his Excellency Mr. Adams to whom we deliver’d it of Course and the latter in reply to that with Which we troubled you in date of the 30th of last month. We are extremely Sorry that we Cannot yet acquaint you with the perfect re’establishment of the...
Press copy of ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay Lhonneur de Vous retourner la lettre de monsieur De Vergennes & de repondre a Celle dont vous m’avés honoré, que 500 / m l.t. peuvent vous Suffire pour le present, mais non pas pour vous Eviter le desagrement de renouveller des demandes pour le mois de fevrier pour lequel je vois quil ne vous restera absolument rien. Cest ce que jaurois...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope e’er this that the picture of your valuable friend, has reachd you. I have been very uneasy abot. it & wrote to Mr Bowens (who long ago acknowlegd the Rect of it in safety & that it shoud be forwarded) to clear up to you where the stoppage was occasiond. I am almost afraid to pay your valuable frd. a visit till I hear it is in safety for the...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <St. Mary Hill, March 11, 1772, a note in the third person. Hopes Franklin will accept a dozen “New Town Pippins.” > An old merchant friend of BF , with connections in Philadelphia; see above, IV , 115 n. St. Mary-at-Hill is a street in the Billingsgate Ward of London. In a letter to Mrs. Stevenson in the Hist. Soc. of Pa., Feb. 23, [1772?], Neate had...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr De Sarsfield Envoye Savoir des nouvelles de Monsieur franklin. Il est tres faché de ne pouvoir pas aller s’en informer lui meme mais cela lui est impossible. Il a Lhr De l’assurer de Son Sincere Attachement. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin Ministre / plenipotentiaire des Etats reunis / d’Amerique / A Passy The year that Feb. 25 fell on a Thursday.
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Archives I am very much obliged to you for your letter [of] Aug. the 15t. I was disappointed in one of the commissioners from Repres[entative]s of this Pro[vince]. Mr. R only having firmness enough [ shorthand or cipher ] all the rest of the commis[sioners] except Mr. Ogden of the Jersies [ shorthand or cipher. ] I have been in most parts of this Prov[ince], and...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D., F.R.S., &c … (2nd ed.; 2 vols., London, 1817), II , 461. I thought, until the receipt of your letter (of the 17th June) that Mr. Jay had sent you Sir John Dalrymple’s Memorial, and other papers while I was at Aranjuez. He sends them, however, by this courier, and I think you will be amused in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous confirmer les trois lettres que j’ay eû celui de vous ecrire depuis votre depart de cette ville. Je me flatois d’avoir aujourd’huy la satisfaction d’apprendre votre heureuse arrivée en la capitalle, mais j’ay eté frustré dans mon attente. Je souhaite que votre santé ne soit pour rien dans ce retardement, et desire apprendre par le...
MS not found; reprinted from The American Medical and Philosophical Register; or Annals of Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts , IV (1814), 383–7. In the short account of the yellow fever, which I left with you at Philadelphia, I have not endeavoured to establish any theory, or even to make any deductions from any established theory of that, or like diseases; but have only...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Mr Grand Cannon is a youn Gentleman from Connecticut who passes through paris in his Way to London. He will have the Honour to pay his Respects to you, and I beg leave to introduce him to your kind Notice as a discreet, intelligent worthy young man, and deserving the Esteem of all his Friend; I have this knowledge of him from his...
ALS : Library of Congress Inclos’d are the Votes of the present Assembly. What happen’d last year I doubt not the Speaker has Communicated; this year they sat but a short time, chose their Officers and adjourn’d. Some Domestick Affairs of the Speakers call’d him out of Town Imiediately after he left the Chair; the Committee of Correspondance I presume will not meet till he returns. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think there is no person, to whom I might apply to for Redress, Like as a person that is not acting not only for the Good of the publick, but also for the Good of the Common welth. I am Sorrow to trouble you nor neither Should I, had not my present Situation Required it. I am Sorrow to have occation of writing to you, in Respect to the marchant, with whom...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I understand that the Saltpetre man is much indispos’d, and that is probably the Reason why both he and his friend did not keep an Engagement they have so very assiduously sought. The last time I had the honour to see you Sir, Mr. Dean was so good as to appoint me the next Morning at his Lodgings in Paris for an opportunity of conversing on my offer of...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; two drafts: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I shou’d have acknowledged the Rect. of your favour of the 28th of Augt. sooner but for want of time; I am glad to find that unanimity prevails in Congress. Whilst that Continues I am under no Apprehension but that we shall rise Superior to every Dificulty. The Settling the boundaries of the Respective...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’Assemblée d’Hollande se Sépare aujourd’hui, & comme j’ai déjà eu l’honneur de vous en prévenir, Sans avoir rien fait. Ce qui est plus intéressant, c’est que je m’apperçois que plusieurs de nos grands, fort Anglomanes, & fort intéresses dans les fonds Anglois, commencent enfin à prendre l’allarme sur ces fonds, & à témoigner même leurs craintes à cet...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to be troublesome in laying my case before & hope you will See me redressed. I am a native of Philladelphia & was taken prisoner by the English & was in prison there for two years & at the end of which I Contrived to Escape out of prison, & then entered in the french service on Board a privateer. I took the liberty of getting into a Boat at St....
L : American Philosophical Society Votre reponse du douze aoust 1781 dont vous avez honoré M Epidorge faisoit beaucoup ésperer aux pauvres infortunés du corsaire La revange commandé par le capitaine coningham d’une prompte recette de leurs dû, mais dépuis n’en ayant recu aucune nouvelle cela leur fait perdre toute esperance. Il est bien douloureux pour des pauvres gens qui ne possedent au...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty of enclosing some bills of exchange of small Value amounting to two Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and beg the favor of you to lay them out for me as I have no other Friend in Paris, you will Pardon me I hope for giving you this trouble—my Son in Law Majr. Samuel Ward owns a part—tho he has never had the Honour of your acquaintance he...
ALS : Huntington Library By an Express from Philada. I hear that Sparks sails To Morrow, and being unwilling to let slip this Opportunity as I have done too many this Summer by being in the Country, I take up my Pen to inform you that I have your Certificate for £500 Sterling your Salary, and wo’d have remitted you the Money, had any Provision been made for the Payment of it. There being no...
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library The present Serves to hand you some Letters brought by my Father who is in my house in perfect Health. When I have arranged my Business so as to be able to leave it I shall wait on you with him & bring home Mrs W in return. I thank you for your Note to Lord Shelburne which I hope...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de Croÿ a fait resouvenir que dans la notte quil avoit donné Lannée passée pour que les vaisseaux du Roy menage et ayent tous les egards pour M Coock on navoit pas parlé des corsaires. Sur sa remarque M de Sartinne vient de faire ecrire la lettre la plus forte et circulaire pour que tous nos corsaires soient avertis davoir les plus grands egards pour...
AL : American Philosophical Society Adieu mon bon ami mon aimable papa, je pars je vous quitte pour bien longtems, mais je ne puis croire que mon áme entiére me suive, une portion voltigera sans césse autour de vous— adieu aimés moi, écrivés moi souvent que vous m’aimés, et croyés que rien n’égallera le regrét que j’ai de vous quittér, que le plaisir que j’aurai a vous revoir:/: Addressed: A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am not surprized, if my Letters, of Septr. 21t. and 26th. from my Seat at Roccall, near Bienne in Switzerland; of Novr. 9th. from Berne and Decr. 4th. from Mannheim have hitherto remained unanswered. I could not inform Your Excellency, how to direct to me; having been continually moving from Switzerland to Mannheim and from Mannheim to this City. From...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though we have nothing to add on the Business Which we are sorry has given your Excellency & ourselves so much trouble— yet it may be some Satisfaction to you we should Confirm what we said before of the Continental goods being now at the disposal of the Honble. Thos. Barclay Esqr. & His Excy. Mr. Adams who doubtless have apprized you thereof, & of the...
Copy: Library of Congress A Courier which the Ambassador of France dispatches from hence gives me an Opportunity of expressing the pleasure I received from your last to Mr. Jay, and at the same time of communicating the only interesting News from this Country, viz the departure of the Count D’estaing the 30th. ulto. with 38. sail of the Line & 70 Merchant men from Cadiz. The next day Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society La crainte de troubler vos grandes occupations m’a empêché jusqu’à ce jour de me présenter devant vous: mais pressé par ma famille, j’ose donc vous prier de me permettre d’avoir l’honneur de vous voir pour verifier si effectivement nous sommes descendus de la méme souche, comme plusieurs de mes parents me l’ont asseuré; peut-etre n’esce que le desir qu’ils...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Moseley and Mr. Suë Junr. present their most respectful Compliments to his Excellency Doctor Franklin, and they will do themselves the honour of dining with him on Sunday the 25 Inst.— Possibly the English surgeon Benjamin Moseley (1742–1819), who practiced for many years in Jamaica, was elected to the APS (1775), and returned to London in 1784 or 1785....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Dhorman of Lisbon whose distinguish’d conduct at that City in favor of America and americans from whom I have received many personal accounts by them who stand indebted to his services, having the honor of receiving his vissit in his road thro’ this City for Paris I take the liberty of giving him the present to serve him as an introduction to your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Brancourt, near St. Quentin, February 19, 1778, in French: An honest family begs your help in its shameful poverty. I must support my wife and five children on an income of 400 l.t. , and have only twelve sous a day for food; as for clothes, we are almost naked. My curé will confirm this. The farmers general helped me out six months ago, but I dare not ask...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Company are sensible of the Honour done them, by your Excellencies reception of me; and beg you to accept their thanks for the indulgent manner you received Me in, and the especial kindness done to them, by giving Credit to my draft on My Friend, which i’m informed has recd. due honour, as the Remittance was requested and made the 9th. of this Inst. And...
ALS : Library of Congress I received the Favour of your Letter of 22d. past last Saturday Afternoon only. By some Accident the superiour pleasure I had on Its arrival was defer’d so much longer than your Goodness intended It should. I am indeed more obliged to you than I can express. The material Services It renders Me are exceedingly enchanced by your ingenious & generous Condition. It suits...