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Results 3401-3450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
1 May 1805, Washington, Kentucky . “Relying on the intimacy which I have understood, subsisted...
The Cession of the Island of New Orleans, and of Louisiana to the United States, is the most...
I rec d last night your Letter of the 11 th. Your Girls and M r shipley arrived in good health...
I have recovered my health in a good Degree. Necessity tryigers me to return to the old way of...
Through the protecting hand of a gracious Providence, I am rising from a bed of Sickness, where I...
This will be handed you by a member of Congress from the State of Massachusets. Mr. Bidwile’s...
I am duly favor’d with yours of the 15th. with the nine manifests therein mentioned; I am sorry...
I have deferred writing since my arrival here in the hourly hope of being enabled to communicate...
Inclosed is a sketch of the unfortunate enterprize against Penobscot in 1779. drawn by an eye...
It was not untill yesterday that I had the pleasure to recieve your favor of the ninth ulto....
Will Genl. Dearborne be pleased to examine the inclosed with rigour & suggest any alterations he...
I sincerely join in the general joy on the passage of the University bill , and by such...
341324th. (Adams Papers)
Went over, with my Cousin and brother Charles, to dine with Mr. Allen at Bradford. A lame foot...
Your letter of June 30 was duly recd. and the death of Mr. Monroe which it anticipated, became, I...
Treasury Department, November 7, 1789. “I am favord with your Letter of the 24th. Ultimo...
I am honored with your favor of the 28th ultimo and am thankfull for the Contents. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of the 19th Inst. which went per Budden, our...
Enclosed are I have the honor to transmit the proceedings of the Court Martial in the case of Lt....
After making such preparations as our Circumstances would admit off—I marched about eight o Clock...
As my mission abroad had no other connexion with the money department of our Govt. than wht....
Your letter of the 3d. inst: having come to hand whilst I was at our University, whence I have...
16 April 1812, Capitol. Recommends Richard B. Jones, an attorney in Philadelphia, for the vacant...
Inclosed you will find a resolution of Congress for laying an embargo on all vessels in the ports...
This packet will be delivered you by Mr Lindsay manager of the Baltimore Theatre, who waits upon...
Hurry of business has prevented my answering till now your favours of the 21st of December and...
I cannot forbear informing Your Excellency, by the return of Major Humphrys to Camp, of the state...
Your favor of the 13th came seasonably to my hand. Your approbation of my communications to the...
The act of May 1779. under which Mr. Blunt has been last Drafted refers to one of October 1778 as...
I this moment received the Letter which you did me the honor of writing by Lt Colo. Hamilton. I...
West Point, October 4, 1779. Asks Livingston to instruct William Van Drill, a pilot, to join...
Yesterday I purchased for you a Black Guelding Eight Years old fifteen hands high a good pacer...
Your favor of the 18th. of March was recieved here yesterday. it covered mr Wilson’s , with his...
We have fish’d none since last Wednesday it is thought Mr Adam has upwards of Eight Hundred...
I have the honour to inform your excellency That there is at this place about 1800 prisoners of...
I have the pleasure to advise the arrival at this Port a Prize Ship named the Nelly Frigate,...
To you it officially belongs to “take care that the Laws” of the United States “be faithfully...
Your frindly letter of the 29 th of June —I should not have suffered to remain so long...
The inclosed letter with a pamphlet under the same cover came to me a few days ago from the post...
I have received, my dear Sir, your invaluable communication of the 3d. instant. It is not in my...
Honoured with your Excellency’s Confidence, we think it our duty to inform you in our privy, that...
I acknolidge the Favour of yours of this date concerning the Ship Concords Cargo and Shall...
3442[Diary entry: 17 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Mar. 17th. The Snow this Morng. was much drifted, & many places of considerable depth. It...
16 September 1802, Cadiz. Transmits copies of his letters to JM of 10 and 13 Sept. “The purport...
Having written to you very lately, I only avail myself of the present opportunity furnished by...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
War Department, August 29, 1799. Writes in reply to Hamilton’s letter of August 25 and states:...
I should not so long have delayed answering your favor of the 6th. of Oct. but that I have been...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je recois, Messieurs, une Lettre de Messieurs...
In the present state of our disturbed Society, by late and uncommon Circumstances, it behoves me,...
[ Richmond, 11 Oct. 1780. Minute in the Journal of the Commissioner of the Navy (Vi), under this...