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Results 3401-3450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recd. yesterday evening yours of the 24th. inst: inclosing a paper drawn up with a view to the...
I rec d yesterday evening yours of the 24 th inst: inclosing a paper drawn up with a view to the...
In mine of the 1 st I mentioned that I would send my other Polygraph by mr Millar of Germantown a...
Your unexpected favour of Nov. 30 was highly gratifying—I am too much acquainted with the...
It is with an inexpressible delight, that I received and perused your affectionate Letter of the...
Your favor of Mar. 13. came duly to hand, with a copy of the executed part of your penal Code for...
If our last advertisement was printed in hand bills or on letter sheets, I shall be glad of a...
I find by the naval chronicle vol. 1 st page 389—under the head of “ list of Officers retained in...
Your letter of Nov. 14. & 26. my dearest Grandpapa, gave me a degree of pleasure only to be...
My daughter who had the honor of spending few days at your house the last winter in company with...
I wrote you a letter yesterday of which you will be free to make what use you please. this will...
On this day, one which in this part of the country is considered much as Thanksgiving day is in...
Immediately upon my arrival, I enquired for the Dictionary of modern greek & french, and found...
Your favor of the 15 th was recieved 4. days ago. it found me engaged in what I could not lay...
According to my letter of the 20 th Ultimo, I have now the honor to send you enclosed the...
Gentlemen embarked in the noble cause of benefiting our Posterity, need not the formality of...
I have recd your letter of to day covering the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the...
I have for some time considered the question of Internal improvemt as desparate. The torrent of...
I have for some time considered the question of Internal improvemt as desparate. the torrent of...
We the General assembly of Virginia, on behalf, and in the name, of the people thereof do declare...
I am so much concerned my Dear George to learn from your last letter what a state of suffering...
I enclose herewith the Policy of Insurance upon the house in Court Street and also that upon the...
I am honor’d with your Letter of 8th of Novr with the devise & explanation, when which is truely...
Although I have not the pleasure of your acquaintance, I have in compliance with the wishes of a...
office. Dec r 22. 1825 Arrival. Departure. Fredericksburg Monday } 7½ A.M. Tuesday } 2. P.M....
The President requests that all resolutions from either House of Congress, as soon as acted upon...
On the rect. of your letter on the subject of yr. Ward Lewis I made known to the Govt. at...
Mr Jefferson will be pleased to take six grains of Rhubarb with fifteen of Magnesia , every other...
I have rec d your favor of the 17 th with respect to the Post Office if established here, it will...
Knowing as I do the whirlwind of business, ceremony, Levee’s Drawing rooms Dinners, Parties, with...
Will you be so good as to set down a Dormitory engagement for the next season for Paul Clay son...
Your letters are always welcome, the last more than all others, it’s subject being one of the...
As you are determined not to write to your Mother or in any way to continue an intercourse always...
Yours of the 10th. inst: was recd. a few days ago & I give it the earliest answer which...
Your letters are always welcome, the last more than all others, it’s subject being one of the...
You have truly judged that your letter of the 12 th was not correctly understood, as you intended...
I thank you, Sir, for the pamphlet you have been so kind as to send me with your favor of the 5...
I am very thankful to you for your letter of the 7 th for the candid account you are so kind as...
Mr. Clay has the honor to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams to dinner on Tuesday next....
The inclosed speaks for itself. Should there be an opening at West Point, the pretensions of...
Your favor of the 13 th was rec d last night, from the contents of it I presume my letter of the...
I have had the honour of receiving—a letter from you under date 12 th September 25’ which has...
Without hearing directly from you, in relation to the present crisis in our political affairs, I...
I have taken the liberty of addressing you a note accompanying this letter, upon a subject, which...
accompanying this note is a Discourse I lately delivered at the opening of the last session of...
Your letter of the 2 d was reserved to be laid before the Visitors at the meeting expected on the...
I have addressed you letters respecting of going electioneering for you in the year 1800. having...
The Visitors did not form a board yesterday, three members only attending, I communicated to them...
I had this pleasure on the 2 d ul to & trust that letter got safe to hand. I inclosed in it a...
Aware of the trouble frequently imposed on you in receiving and attending to communications, I...