Thomas Jefferson Papers

Mr. Couscher to Thomas Jefferson, [received 18 July 1818]

From Mr. Couscher

[received 18 July 1818]

En Cas que mr Jeferson veuille profiter du Retour en france du voyageur qui lui a apporté des lettres; pour faire reponse ou le charger de quelques Comissions

mr Jeferson pourra lui faire parvenir à New york où ce voyageur doit S’embarquer;

Son adresse est, à Mr Couscher, chez mr Regniard Marchand, William Street No 32—

Editors’ Translation

[received 18 July 1818]

Should Mr. Jefferson wish to benefit from the return to France of the traveler who brought him some letters, by sending replies or entrusting him with any commissions

Mr. Jefferson can reach him in New York, where this traveler is to embark;

His address is, to Mr. Couscher, chez Mr. Regnard, merchant, William Street No 32—

RC (MHi); written on an undated scrap; endorsed by TJ as a “note left at Monto July. — 1818,” received 18 July. Recorded in SJL as an undated “note of address left at Monto” received 18 July 1818. Translation by Dr. Genevieve Moene.

Index Entries

  • Couscher, Mr.; letter from search
  • Couscher, Mr.; offers to fulfill commissions for TJ search
  • French language; letters in, from; Mr. Couscher search
  • Regnard, Mr.; as merchant search