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Results 33961-33990 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society The dispatches you intrusted me with some time past, I had the pleasure of duly delivering to Congress— altho your Joint letter with Messrs. Deane & Lee, for which am much Oblidged, must say met with but a Cool reception, scarsely gave me money sufficient to bear my travelling expences from the place they set to a sea port after waiting three weeks for...
having Served my Country three years I hope with your Exelenceys Approbation and my frends, not tired with Serving it Longer, but am Constrained through Nessesity to Ask a Dismission, not having a fortune Sufficent to Suppote me, I was at the begin[nin]g of this war in Tolurable good Curcumstanaces but my Pay being not Sufficent to Supporte me, my family Living on what Little I had when this...
Dec. 17, 1795 Sold to A Hamilton Cosby Manor for £2422.13.10 total rec’d £605.13.5 Apr 6, 1796 rec’d £605.13.5, int £14.2.4, total £619.15.9 Oct 7, 1796 rec’d £605.13.5, int. 35.6.7 total £641 Nov 2, 1799 rec’d £695.13.5, int £114.6.7, total £720. Note: Int from 11/2/1799—5/17/1800—total £52.14.6 (this acct delivered 5/18/1800) Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk...
3 March 1803, Richmond. “In the high Court of Chancery for the Richmond District Between James Madison Plaintiff and William Madison son and acting executor of James Madison deceased, Nelly Madison widow of the said James Madison, Isaac Hite and Nelly his wife, Thomas Macon and Sarah his wife, Robert H Rose and Frances Taylor his wife which said William, Nelly Hite, Sarah Macon and Frances...
Non vi è dubbio che il progetto di Mr. Jefferson sarebbe l’unico per mettere gli Algerini alla ragione, ma per eseguirlo vi si richiederebbe il concorso e il consenso di altre Potenze. Il Re Nostro Signore non sarebbe lontano dal far causa comune, quando vi fossero degli altri. Per ora però non può entrare in veruno impegno, giacchè trovasi di avere spedito un negoziatore per trattare la Pace...
15 June 1811. “The Grand Jury state to the Court that they have received representations on the oaths of credible persons that Nancy Gerry a free mulatto girl about Eight years old, was during the month of May last Sold as a slave by Samuel Askum, to Oliphant of Georgia, to which state she is presumed to have been carried, said Oliphant being an Inhabitant of Georgia. The Jury request the...
En Cas que mr Jeferson veuille profiter du Retour en france du voyageur qui lui a apporté des lettres; pour faire reponse ou le charger de quelques Comissions m r Jeferson pourra lui faire parvenir à New york où ce voyageur doit S’embarquer; Son adresse est, chez m r Reg à M
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, September 30, 1778, in French: An outfitter from St. Malo has asked me to offer you a vessel loaded with cordage. His charges for freighting and insurance are enclosed. Please grant me an appointment to discuss this matter.> He signs himself “officier d’Infanterie dans les troupes des Colonies.”
16 November 1801, New York. Departs soon for the Mediterranean and seeks consular appointment at Trieste. Is a native Venetian and naturalized U.S. citizen with broad language skills. Will encourage emigration of mechanics and tradesmen to U.S. Would accept appointment to Barcelona, Naples, or Venice. States that the vice president will deliver this letter as well as his own recommendation...
The inhabitants of the county of Monmouth being assembled on account of the horrid and almost unparalleled murder of Captain Joshua Huddy, by the Refugees from New York, and as we presume by the approbation, if not by the express command, of the British Commander in Chief, Sir Henry Clinton, hold it as our indispensable duty, as well to the United States in general, as ourselves in particular,...
By the various reports which have been lately circulated in the public prints concerning the yellow-fever having raged with such violence in America and the West-Indies —I take the liberty of addressing your excellency with a few ideas I have lately collected on the subject, relative to the asswaging of it’s further progress. When the contagion is first seen to break out in any town or village...
We were on the 14th Inst. favored with yours of the 10th. covering a remittance of two hundred & fifty Dollars in a post Note on the Branch Bank of this City—Agreablie to your wishes we have now the honor to enclose you our draft at 60 days sight on Mess du Pont de Nemours Pere fils & Co of Paris for Thirteen hundred & twelve 50/100 Francs, being the full amount of your remittance at the...
Mr Valentine Crawford got Credit for Some Goods from Capt. William McGachen Some time ago on your Accot and promised to pay for them in a Short time after he Recd them, but a twelvmonth has now allmost elaps’d and have never heard from him—at Capt. McGachens departure for England he left me his Attorney, and beg’d I would request the favour of you to endeavour to get the Money for him, as he...
Articles of Agreement made this Eleventh day of January one thousand Seven hundred & Seventy three, Between David Cowan late of Fredericksburg Gardener of the one part, and George Washington of Mount Vernon in Fairfax County Gentleman of the other part, Witnesseth; that the said David Cowan for the hire, and other consideration’s hereafter mentioned, doth Covenant & agree to serve the said...
Some time ago my Friends recommended me to the Honl. James McHenry as a proper person for the Office of Surgeon or Physican in the Army of the United States I have since been informed that your Approbation is necessary—Sir plees to inform me concerning the subject & if You think it requisite I will endeavour to obtain a Recommendation to Yourself from Missrs John Livingston Hezekiah L Hosmore...
I am directed by the Wall-about Committee to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of the publication issued by them, on the Subject of their Appointment—This Duty I perform with high personal gratification— The Committee have directed me to say that it will oblige them, to learn, that your Excellency has received their Communication. I am with great Consideration Your Excellency’s Mo: obt....
FC (Colonial Williamsburg, Inc.). Not in Cowell’s hand nor in that of any of the Virginia delegates, but signed by all of them. Endorsed, “Articles Between the Delegates of Virginia & Ebenezer Cowell about 2000 Ramport Muskets.” A copy made for Governor Jefferson by Theodorick Bland is in the Executive Papers of the Virginia State Library. Memorandum of an Agreement entered into this 27th of...
This Indenture made this twelfth day of October in the year eighteen hundred and twenty five, between James Madison of the county of Orange of the one part and Charles Scott and Francis K. Cowherd of the sd. county of the other part, witnesseth that the said James Madison for and in consideration of one dollar to him in hand paid before the ensealing of these presents the receipt whereof is...
When I sent on my accounts for disbursements made about the expedition against Aaron Burr, I charged the department of War for the Horse which I purchased for the use of Mr Chew. It seems that I made a charge against an improper office. I was instructed by the accountant to exhibit the same against the department of which you have superintendence. Accordingly I enclose the same voucher, which...
I have the honour to inclose you a billet from Mrs. Cosway— that Mrs. Cosway whom you love, almost as much as I do. I ask’d for introductions to her friends, and she sends me letters to Princes, and Ambassadors. I am not used to such company, and I feel I have less courage than Semele had. I am prompted to make a request exactly opposite to that hardy young Lady’s; and to desire that if you...
I hope you will please to pardon my taking the Liberty of laying these few Lines before your Excellency, but if I had not I should have thought it would have been doing a great Injustice to my Conscience, & I think every well meaning Man who is a real Friend to Liberty would join in my Sentiments to stop such outragious Actions & Rebellious Works which are going to be put into Execution—please...
By direction of Mr John Cowper of Gates County No. Carolina, I beg leave to enclose you four hundred & fifty dollars in Bank Notes ⅌ List at foot, which be pleas’d to pass to the credit of his bond granted to Mr John Lewis of Fredericksburg and assignd you; the receipt thereof please to acknowledge —the balance to make one hundred & forty pounds Virginia Currency shall transmit you the first...
Letter not found : from Christopher Cowper, 18 July 1794. On 30 July, GW wrote John Cowper : "By saturday’s post I received a Letter from Mr Christopher Cowper, dated the 18 Instant."
12 August 1802, Norfolk. “I have taken the liberty to trouble you with the inclosed for Mr. Short—it is from a very particular friend of mine and upon an interresting subject to him and neither knew Mr. Short’s address. Knowing he will be at Washington, I was certain you would see him.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.
Letter not found : from John Cowper, 23 June 1794. On 30 July, GW wrote to Cowper : "By saturday’s post I received a Letter from Mr Christopher Cowper, dated the 18 Instant, enclosing one from you of the 23d of June."
Letter not found : from John Cowper, 20 Aug. 1794. GW wrote Cowper on 4 Sept. , "Your letter of the 20th Ulto . . . came to my hands by tuesdays post."
Letter not found: from John Cowper, 12 May 1788. On 25 May GW wrote Cowper : “I have been duly favored with your letter of the 12th Inst.”
28 September 1804, Norfolk. “By Capt. Omera I send you Nine Cases Wine & two of Cordials put in my charge by Mr. Wm. Lee of Bordeaux, which hope will get to hand in order. I paid to the Customs here 44. 77/100$. duties, which amot. will thank you to pay to the order of Capt. Omera.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. See William Lee to JM, 10 July 1804 , PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of...
About three weeks past I Recd two letters, one from the post Master of Philadelphia Coining one bearing the Signature of A. Hamilton True Copy of which I now Send you with the Deposistion of Caleb Haskins who Recd the letters at Suffolk and dld. them to Robert Patton post master Philadelphia. Also Send you Copys two others which Came at the Same time and was Conveyed to Philadelphia and back...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Cox presents his Compliments to Doctr. Franklin. Cannot do himself the Honor of dining with him on Thursday next, Mr. C. having determined to sett out, on Tuesday, for the South of France. Addressed: His Excellency / Benj. Franklin Esqr: / Passy. So dated because John G. Frazer, in his letter to Craddock Taylor of June 7, 1779 ( APS ), states that he and...